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Everything posted by BuffaL0L0k0

  1. Agree!! the mad scientist / fred flintstone was 3 yards a good tackle from scoring 2TDs in one game!
  2. Sorry oldman, more so than thanks...the upside-down smiley was in my sarcasm, since finally we got the defense to contain him to 2 / 19, in a zillion playoff games!!
  3. 2. Because in 1) there is no clu of how many and how deep are those "downs"and you might not even sniff playoffs, kinda the first 5 years after Jimbo, we made it twice if many, to the playoffs, then after 2000, nothing! You think you can keep Allen in that scenario? instead of reaching AFCChG twice, even if just to get ousted?
  4. Is that you Brandon? go get ér done!! Detriment? not in this game, up 21-20, they got the killer instincts in mid 4th Qtr and abandon the run, go inverse of that and we would be buyin' ticets to NewOrlin'
  5. Talking "JA gone down the road..." do you, or anyone reading this and who wants to chime, see him pulling a "Jumbotron" or Barry move and retiring on his (left) prime year...?
  6. Not a unique answer in my case, I'm just quoting the Bills Plus crew here: "Quietly Confident", on my case, is it Sunday yet? I think watching the game is the only way to find out, instead of the approaches many outlets and crowded bulletin boards around the net are taking: "which of the previous scenarios will be replicated?": the AFCChG, where JA17 with 3 years less of experience and only 12 of our current 53 men played? I dont think so, the 13 secs? no Tyrek this time, wide right by Bass? no way! it is a brave new world!!! Let's go Buffalo!
  7. You etched the Best line of the day/mo/yr!!! only third to our O-line and D-Line today!
  8. Just as a practical reference, I play pickém in PickWatch, and I am performing top 25 if I filter myself (195-83), compared to above barely 200, among hundreds of media guys and outlets, while if I filter by "fans only"I rank around 1,038 compared to up to 214-63 of the top dog in the site. Moral of the story? Media and talking heads know no better than us fans. Go Bills!!
  9. Keon >> Ladd in contested jump balls, even with cross linked arms with CBs, match point Keon!
  10. I guess you knew the response from the get go, and just wanted to gage the hard-die, gloom and doom contrarians of the board... right?
  11. Not only that! in my case it just grew to six and a half!! I just wathced the re-run @NFLN 😝 ...aaaand! T. Johnson!
  12. I guess you just can't question anyone, for having "questionable desire" to play with this version of DeShaun Watson... can you?
  13. beyond the earned emoji... Awesome take! thanks! and fuc4 the traditional minded media! IMHO, at least in JA17 we have some QB year to waste! 29 more teams (I dare to discount KCY with Patty Swift and HOU who seemed to have catched lighting in a bottle, with CJ07) are still looking for someone's year to waste...
  14. Andy Reid (the SB58 version Andy...) agrees with you!
  15. and his sister-in-law too...
  16. ..the ant.... hahahaha!
  17. Gimme the over! please...
  18. Hi Beane.
  19. Man is not going to get healthier every year tha goes by... as the past 3-4 seasons have shown, maybe with exception of late 2023, but again, father time will knock the door...
  20. Maybe is my not native English speaking / reading, but how can I read "have not even come close", when JH10 has only gone once (?) to playoffs in his young career, JB09 makes it only every other year, even understanding he made it to THE GAME, and so on...
  21. Maybe DQJ only needed a warm place in between winter ad training camp in 716 raea code...?
  22. YOU'RE Da Man! ...Virgil, 5 lines, boom! answer is in!
  23. ...I'd like to build on top of your post, if I may, and say that to add insult to injury, while doing so, we did miss the opportunity of taking advantage of a new OT rule (one possession to each team at least, even after TD), which, btw, was created by the League responding to our collective misery after ...again....13 secs...
  24. H2o, although I agree with the essence of your argument the way you outlined it, I found an inaccurate fact in your statement of "all three times...", given that after '13 seconds', KCY fell to CIN in the AFCChG... the other two (2020 ad 2023) they did avance to the SB, however, when they did in 2020, they LOST to TBY, and this comes to my mind because I had previously thought that, whenever they beat us, in playoffs before, they lost the "next game", and that would become a curse, for this SB58 only that this time...the spell was broken...and they won in a Hollywood-esque mode...
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