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Everything posted by Buffalo_soul-dier

  1. I am going to celebrate us being 4-0, the coaches are pretty good at and are paid for their abilities to take care of the other stuff!!
  2. where they shall be for a long time to come!
  3. my alter ego is used to go by the name Kelso
  4. "If he did buy the Bills, it would be bittersweet. We would know that the team's future in Buffalo would be on solid ground, but we'd also know that we would never be active in free agency/retaining players ever again. But, IF he did buy the team, we have no idea that he'd be a cheapskate or not. Hey, you never know?" Im not sure what team you guys are a fan of...but the team i root fo has NEVER been able to keep players or be active in free agency...why would more of the same be earthshattering all of a sudden?!
  5. Well if thats the case it wont be much of a change from the ralph we have learned to *love*
  6. Hes a WNYer....im all for it!!
  7. you know those guys with the "i need tickets" signs are really selling tickets right?
  8. and the a*shole of the day award goes to....YOU!!
  9. Guys, the reason its being brought up about the bills moving to toronto is beause an owner could make so much more money there. BUT as long as we play well....keep winning...the money will come to to us. Companies and corporations will want to be a part of a winning franchise. There wasnt much talk about the bills leaving when we were going to the superbowl every year. Its up to our players to some extent. If we do well...we all know how the fans are going to be...and things can only look better for the BUFFALO bills
  10. or the rise of the bills and the crashing of the economy!!
  11. I was just going to say something along that line...BUFFALO...nobodys team but Buffalo's
  12. it was nuts there yesterday!! WOOOO GO BILLS!
  13. Hey guys, I know the place to go in NYC for bills games is mcfaddens. Just wondering from anybody whose ever been there if i need to get there really early. Ive heard you have to get there early but wasnt sure if thats to ensure you get a seat or not. I was gonna head there aroudn 1130-12 but wanted to know if id be ok. If anybody has been please give me a heads up. thanks! and more importantly...GO BILLS!!!!
  14. according to wgr550: Lynch Breaks Silence Bills running back Marshawn Lynch broke his media silence after Friday's practice in Orchard Park. Lynch answered questions about the upcoming Raiders game. Lynch walked away when a final question brought up the May traffic infraction. A reporter attempted to broach the subject but Lynch ended the interview, saying "You had to be the one to do it. You wanted to go there." what a dumbass..he'll never talk to them again
  15. thats the most uncomfortable interview ive ever seen him do...i wonder if his hard feelings for the buffalo media will ever pass or if he'll be angry at them for the rest of his time here. Hope that doenst play a role in his career decisions down the road.
  16. your bet is stupid...you will not come back here after we hand your ass to you on sunday. Even if you do itll be for a day. What good is the bet if you wont even be around on tuesday to be made fun of?....think of something more meaningful and im game
  17. can we pin this thread until monday? itll be classic on sunday night
  18. isnt he injured? i thought i heard he had a bad toe or something from the chiefs game
  19. Plus you have to factor in the UV index of 5....thats gonna be killer
  20. STOP WASTING YOUR MONEY THURMAN!!!...THE BILLS ARE GOING TO NEED IT!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  21. See then ralph does stuff like this and i forget anything negative about him...man of his word....thats respectable!
  22. ahhh i dont think id ever be able to leave the upper east coast...
  23. its erie county's stadium...werent they the ones who named it ralph wilson stadium?
  24. that is freakin awesome!...now all we need is wind, earth and fire!
  25. we cant even talk about their past!!...they dont have one...the only championship that city has ever seen was by a team that doenst even exist anymore
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