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Everything posted by Buffalo_soul-dier

  1. ummm...whats the advantage to keeping it open? and please dont say that its because our california running back and quarterback are better in the snow
  2. Losman?.....Losman!?.....WHO THE F*CK IS LOSMAN!?!?!
  3. you are a pathetic excuse for a fan...so go f*ck yourself
  4. 50 bucks says you are glued to your seat next monday
  5. yet...3 weeks ago ralph was a hero because he paid stroud and mitchell and evans.....that being said YOU ARE RETARDED
  6. what? shut up.....who the F*ck$ is jp? give it a rest...we have bigger issues to deal with on this team
  7. dude...they are the network for the sabres. They pay to be able to cover the sabres and carry the games. Thats why they focus so much on them, the top of their page has a sabres symbol and there isnt even a bills category on their menus. Ideally, if we want to hear bills talk we would got 97 rock but they play music all the other times. They are the sabres network, they conver the bills because they are in buffalo too but their primary focus is always going to be the sabres so long as they are the radio network for them. Its not that big of a deal
  8. you might have the biggest mancrush on JP i have seen of anybody on this board....dating back to JP's "glory days" last season
  9. or as crazy as it may sound he just might of actually had a family reason to miss practice....i know i know...a tough concept to wrap your brain around
  10. where the hell is olean??!!
  11. Seriously, just b/c we are all used to cold weather that doenst mean our young team who is mostly from the south and california likes the cold...COLD WEATHER GAMES ARE NOT AN ADVANTAGE UNLESS EVERYBODY ON THE TEAM HAS BEEN PLAYING IN COLD WEATHER GAMES FOR YEARS!!
  12. considering most of our guys are pretty young and are from florida or california and dont have too much experience in the cold like we all do, im totally ok with this game being in a dome...itd just be better if there was a magical dome that showed up once a season in orchard park
  13. epic first post.... (that wasnt a compliment)
  14. wait...you eat crayonz of you eat "IT"??
  15. Dean...there were a couple websites you posted last week, one was justinTv and another one had options for both watchin the game and listening to the radio feed of it...do you have those links still!? thanks!!!
  16. its on the nfl.com website under videos for the bills
  17. that whole argument seems so retarded to me....what is there to do in any other city that there isnt in buffalo? other than watch a pro basketball game and.....well thats all i can think of right now
  18. when did fans and the media become mutually exclusive?
  19. what a freakin game!!!!!!!!!!
  20. the sabres arena holds more people than your pathetic excuse for a stadium
  21. one bills fan to brady.......... ... ..... .... sh*t i cant go there
  22. hahhaa i love that you referred to your friend only as "my fat friend"
  23. So getting drunk at a football is now immoral and classless?! well sh*t i guess half of america is the anti-christ now
  24. I was offered pretty good tix for the jets bills game in nj this year. I would have paid a little less than face but i turned them down. I turned them down because i dont know how not to be rowdy for the bills and from my experience that only leads to getting into fights and having stuff thrown at you at jets games. So dont be a dumba*s and think people get rowdy because tickets to games at the ralph are cheap. People are rowdy because they are passionate about their team. In dallas they show how passionate they are with checkbooks shelling out 10k to reserve a seat. In buffalo we do it by being as obnoxious and rowdy as we can be, even if visiting fans or others take it personally
  25. Ok if you honestly think you are going to take your son who is 10 to a football game and not have him see guys drunk off their ass and hear swearing you are living in a fantasy land. Its a part of the game, not the drinking, but the inherent rowdiness. If you want better behaved sports environments the sabres offer a great one. Im not saying that a lot of people that go to the game arent out of line, but holy crap you guys act like its the apocolypse every time you go to the ralph. VNobody wants to see violence but in terms of the other stuff I have never seen anything as rowdy as you guys claim, im not saying it doenst happen, but taking personal offense to an opposing team's fan gettin heckled is pretty weak. Throwing beer i can assure does not happen nearly as often as you might think it does or want to think it does. Why? because nobody is going to waste a $9 beer on somebody they dont care about. Why dont we try to enjoy watching the game and the company of the fans aroudn us instead of trying to play police officer and monitor the nearby trials and tribulations of opposing teams' fans.
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