The Bills SHOULD be improved over last year. I mean they signed some key guys (Mitchell and Stroud). If those guys play up to what they have been and stay fairly healthy,plus guys like POZ comming back.Also with the talent from the draft,how can you not get excited about this team if you are a true fan.I am just like the rest of you and have been suckered back in too many times over the last 8 years. But i really do believe with all the young talent that got time last year plus some other signings ( believe Willie James in the secondary is a nice little pick up too), the Bills are an improving team.
As far as the record goes we all have no idea. Hell everyone thinks the Pats and Colts are already a forgone conclusion,but what happens if Brady or Manning were to get injured.Then those two teams just got very beatable. Tha NFL is all about which team makes it thru the year with the least amount of big injuries. Look at SD last could make a strong arguement that if LT, Rivers, and Gates are 100% maybe the outcome is different. I dont know about you guys but the Pats started looking really old near the end of the season last year. All good things must come to and end at some time....ask Rick Dutrow what he thinks today about an "unbeatable".
Lets just keep our fingers crossed that the injury plague knocks on someone elses door this year. I will line our Starting line up right now against anyone and feel as if we have a fighters chance. The OC has a lot to show us all,but if he comes thru then just maybe in January we are not talking about the Draft but how well we will match up against our Playoff opponent. Alot of maybes and what ifs right now but heck thats what everyone is doing at this point in the year...its all just speculation.