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Everything posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. Ok first of all if you think Vick got special treatment one way or the other you are just wrong. He got what he deserved. I live in Atlanta and have heard all the excuses for why he should not have been sent to prison...at the end of the day he broke the law. Sorry if you dont like the law but it is the law save all the other bs for someone buying it. he knew he was doing something wrong and still did it. As far as going after him. The other guys all got similar sentences and yes they do normally go after the ring leader in a case like this...thats the way it goes. As far as him as a player as one of you guys was saying...i watched him since he first came into the league. He had/has amazing talent...but he is a bubble head. He started getting a little older and taking a few more hits and suddenly he was a step slower. That step that use to help him get away from defenders. And in Atlanta here they have had the same problem Buffalo had (until last year) a terrible o line. He could no longer make those great runs and thus the offense went down hill quick. Marshawn does not deserve special treatment. And i do not think it is special treatment if he settles with the woman. Which i can almost gaurantee will happen. I can not see him doing any time for this. He will hire good lawyers ie expensive ones.Ones most of us can not afford. But thats not his fault that our legal system. And it is America people. We can all work hard make money and thus afford the privledges that go with it. The only person keeping you in your $40,000 a year job is you. Would you rathe rlive in a country where the goverment mandates everything? If so pack your bags and head to Cuba. I beleive it is one of the few remaining Communist countries left. These athletes have a special talent and i hate to see any of them waiste it. If they make a mistake...break the law then of course they are going to do anything they can to lessen the punishment. So would any of us.
  2. Thanks all you guys for the nice words. We are definetly working on The Royal. Its was my old mans favorite. We always would have to stop at John and Marys place before we went anywhere.Then it was onto Demitres for some "sliders" not my fav but my dad loved them. I still go to those places when i go back home and have a slider for dad. I personally like Teds and my wife loves hot dogs so i always take her there when we go back. Got to wash everything down with a logan berry and have an Andersons for desert. No wonder i am fat. Buffalo has the best food. I always tell people the city of Buffalo has the best food in the world and you can get it at anytime of day. Not like here where you got to go to Waffle House late. Oh and i like taking my whole family out to a nice Italian Meal in Buffalo complete with wine...everyone eats an awesome meal for like $200 try doing that anywhere else.I have always been a guy that thinks whats on the plate matters most. Could not care if i am eating it on a white table clothe or newspaper lined tables. Thats what the city is all about substance not so much style.
  3. BUffalo is a great city. It is where i am from. I moved away when i was kid to Atlanta but never lost my love for the Bills and the city. My grandfather worked for the Bills in the 70's and 80's. We have stayed friends with Hojo the head trainer even still today. 8 years ago my father and i opened a Pizzeria in Atlanta because we got so tired of not being ablo to get good Buffalo Pizza. Our menu is totally based on all Buffalo foods we even have beef on weck. So in a way you can say Buffalo is how i make a living. I lost my own father 4 years ago much the same way Luke lost Tim. My father suffered a massive heart attck while i was on vacation and died at the restuarant. Today is a hard day for all of us sons who have lost our fathers. My heart goes out to Luke who must be so scarred, hurting, and confused today. My life as gone on and late in 2007 i opened another restuarant and business has been great. There are so many people from Buffalo that live here and i get to talk about the Bills everyday. These southerners love good Buffalo food. I still go back every year for one home game and to see my family that live in Kenmore and Tonawande. Buffalo has probably the greatest people in the country that live there.But unfortunatly they also have some of the worse Politicians. if every one could ever get on the same page and develope the water front Buffalo could restore its national pressence once again. Till then we have the Bills,our great food, and our pride in our city.
  4. I never met Tim, but lost my own father to a heart attack 4 years ago. I was stunned that day and today when my uncle called me from buffalo to tell me Tim died,i have to say my eyes filled with water. I was stunned again. For some reason i sit here saddened for a man i never knew. I di dloose a friend today a man we all could respect wether from Buffalo or not. but i am so proud today maybe prouder then i have ever been to be a Bills fan. We were lucky to have him as an ambassador of Buffalo. He was as classy as the come. The good do die young. My prayers go out to his family and son during this time, i as many of you know how hard today is for them. I own a restuarants in Atlanta the is based all on foods from Buffalo. My father moved us from Buffalo when i was a kid, but Buffalo was never taken out of me like Tim. God Bless and rest in peace. Now you have the best seat in the house on sundays Tim.
  5. The Bills SHOULD be improved over last year. I mean they signed some key guys (Mitchell and Stroud). If those guys play up to what they have been and stay fairly healthy,plus guys like POZ comming back.Also with the talent from the draft,how can you not get excited about this team if you are a true fan.I am just like the rest of you and have been suckered back in too many times over the last 8 years. But i really do believe with all the young talent that got time last year plus some other signings ( believe Willie James in the secondary is a nice little pick up too), the Bills are an improving team. As far as the record goes we all have no idea. Hell everyone thinks the Pats and Colts are already a forgone conclusion,but what happens if Brady or Manning were to get injured.Then those two teams just got very beatable. Tha NFL is all about which team makes it thru the year with the least amount of big injuries. Look at SD last year...one could make a strong arguement that if LT, Rivers, and Gates are 100% maybe the outcome is different. I dont know about you guys but the Pats started looking really old near the end of the season last year. All good things must come to and end at some time....ask Rick Dutrow what he thinks today about an "unbeatable". Lets just keep our fingers crossed that the injury plague knocks on someone elses door this year. I will line our Starting line up right now against anyone and feel as if we have a fighters chance. The OC has a lot to show us all,but if he comes thru then just maybe in January we are not talking about the Draft but how well we will match up against our Playoff opponent. Alot of maybes and what ifs right now but heck thats what everyone is doing at this point in the year...its all just speculation.
  6. Wow he was a Vike and nothing happened to him. And the Pats thing is crazy.Next thing you know you will be blaming them for high gas prices.Get over it.Vick had some good lawyers too. He is going to spend half his time in a fed min security program for drug abusers. He smoked some pot and then went in and failed a drug test.I am sorry no one is that stupid not even Vick.
  7. Whats the number one thing you think of ,when you think of Scott Norwood?......Ok my point exactly. He is Buffalos' Bill Buckner. Buckner had a nice career, but will always be remembered for that one play. It sucks i know,but it is what it is. From what i understand he has a great life and sells realestate in the Virginia area i believe. Let him go on with his life.But there are a lot of other guys who are much more deserving of getting on that wall. I appreciate Talley,he is the ultimate class guy. And was probably the man that was able to keep that locker room together for all those years. I value his opinion but i do not agree with it in this case. Plus a kicker on the wall? Elam maybe in Denver. But not Norwood here.
  8. I like Evans.I really do. And i hope he has the kind of season that would allow him to make the big bucks. That would mean the Bills would have probably a pretty good year. The d will be much improved,unless 7 starters go down. Lynch and Jackson are a nice 1 2 punch running.The only thing missing is a passing game. If Evans goes for maybe 85 catches and 1000+ yds then i can not see why the bills would not be looking at a 10 win season.The only way he gets to those numbers is Hardy or Reed or even Roscoe step up and take some coverage off him. Evans IS a number one receiver but he needs a good number 2 to be great. The Bills find that second threat and all us FANS are happy come January. Then let the front office "find" the money to pay him. Honestly this regime has done a good job lately of knowing when a player is worth the investment or not. I finally trust the front office. And i do mean in the past three years.
  9. First time posting here.But i just could not sit here any longer. At the end of the day Trent is the quarter back.Support him. He is young and may be a good quarter back,only time will tell that.I too was/am a JP fan because he is a Bill. The coaches and front office know a lot more about this team then any of us guys,sorry but that is true. All i am saying is if the kid is going to be successful he will need all the support from not only his plays and coaches,but fans too.So all you guys sitting there in your seats waiting for him to make a bad play,so you can jump on him.Shame on you be a fan. Support your team and stop all the Losman/Trent crap. The best man will play and win.
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