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Posts posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. As a person who lives in Atlanta and watched the Falcons over the years. Especially when they would go on playoff runs, and the Bills would frustrate me so much, i would flip around on the T.V. Brooking has always been a solid player. Never thought he was a great player. Yes he made a lot of tackles, but where you make a tackle on the field to me is much more important. A linebacker making a tackle 4-6 yds down the field isn't that special. He was solid but not great. And he single handedly blew the biggest play of the year in the playoffs. It was 3-18 (i think) in the 4th with like 2:00 mins left. Brooking bites on the play action and lets the TE get free behind him. Cards pick up the first down game over. If you think for one second he is better talent wise then anything the Bills have you are wrong. Great guy, team leader type, but his skills are gone. He was going to make way to much money, and Dimitrof is not the kind of GM to keep a guy around because of what he did in the past. See Algie Crumpler and Warrick Dunn.

    Another case of 'i know that name lets sign him.'

  2. Going by those rankings and players available. It seems to me you could get a center and LB in free agency. And then get your D end and tight end in the draft. Boley has always played well for the Falcons. He had an offseason problem last year in the middle of contract negotiations and then the Falcons backed off. He would be a good addition, maybe for not crazy money.I like the center for the Ravens. FA is where they need to address the center position. It is very difficult for a college player to transition into the prog ame at that position quickly. This team needs to win sooner rather then later.

  3. Peters has two years left on his current deal. He is going to show up and play this year. The Bills dont do anything, but tell him to play this year and then they will rework his deal or trade him to a team that will. End of story, he aint going no where. His agent will tell him the same thing. You wanna make a lot of dough, go out there and play football and shut up. You dont wanna seem as a malcontent so much that it will cost you money on the market. He made his point last year.At the end of the year next year is when you have all these 'trade Peters posts'. Or 'sign the man he is one of the main reasons we are in the playoffs' posts. Hey one can hope.

  4. The Bills are the new 'lovable loosers'. They are not inept. Wilson has tried a lot of things in the last 8 years to change that. he has hired the 'Hot' young cords as head coaches. And neither one of them worked out. He has now turned to an older established (although mediocre) coach to lead his team. I dotn think you can say he hasn't tried. He has. Being crazy can be desrcibed as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Mr Wilson tries to learn from his mistakes. If he could get a good coach and good GM things would be different. But each year that goes by with out one i get a little more jaded about the Bills.

  5. 85 Bears were incredible. When you look at that team. I was at that game. I still cant believe Ditka did not get Payton the ball for a touchdown. And all the b.s about him saying he didn't realize it till after the game. Let me tell you over half the stadium was chanting Walter in the second half whenever the Bears would get close to the endzone. Dominant Team and great personality. They had an entire nation following them. Lots of drama but they backed it up on Sunday.

  6. Reves actually called a couple of Bills games last year for Westwood One. He does a guest spot on a local radio show here and i can remember him one time saying he liked Trent Edwards and the young team Buffalo has. Now mind you this comment came during the 5-1 start. For what its worth. I dont know if he would come to Buffalo, probably gonna be a Cowboys 'consultant'.

    But hey he is old and that seems to be who Mr Wilson trusts. And i do think he would be a heck of a lot better then Jauron.

  7. When Ralph decided to retain DJ most of us thought he was crazy. Some of us tried to go along with the spin of 'continuity'.

    Now after seeing how many good coaches will be available for next season it make me wonder. Did Ralph know this? Could he forsee that Shanahan, Holmgren, Gruden and so on would be sitting out there next season.

    Some of you will quickly say yeah but those guys will never come coach at Buffalo.

    But did you honestly think Holmgren would ever go to Seattle when he did?

    And from what i understand about player personel the Bills Head Coach has a lot of input on it. A guy like this might be able to be lured to Buffalo. We could use the fact that we are the only team w/o a GM to an advantage.

    Tell one of those guys 'You can be our head coach and have a majority say in player selection, heck you dont have to worry about fighting with a GM because we dont have one.'

    To me it might be a win win situation. If DJ some how becomes a person on the sideline and not a robot, and the talent developes one more year. We make the playoffs. If not you cut him loose and go after one of the coaches with a pedegree of being a proven Super Bowl winner.

    And for those guys who want to say he wont pay the money for one of those guys. Stop! He does spend money, just unlike some of his counterparts in the NFL he is a smart business man. He takes calculated risks on where he invests his money. Not blind faith like Snyder or Jones.

  8. You keep him for another year. Peters and his agent both know this is his year to make the dough. Dont think you will see a hold out this season. Bills will wait to see if the Bell kid they drafted last year is developing, and thus could make Peters expendable at the end of next year for a trade. Either way all parties are happy. Bills get another year out of him playing for a contract and Peters will get Paid!

  9. You keep him for one more year. He has two years left on his contract. After this year you decide if he is worth the big payday or Bell has developed. Now you just got to get his fat arse into camp on time. But that should not be a problem becuse he and his agent know that this next season is the year he gets paid either way.

  10. Give me one guy out there that has won a Super Bowl and would come caoch in Buffalo. There is none. I am not saying another year of Dick Ball has me excited, however i do believe we have the pieces in place to be succesful. We need a DE a LB and a TE. A center is also necessary. I will be judging the FO on what they do in regards to personel.

    As far as coaching goes there is no guy out there that excites once the newness wares off. Dont give me Schottenheimer. You seen what he is. I am hoping and yes it is a big hope, that the cords learn and grow another year. I really believe we should stay the course for one more year. You guys who dont want to be fans anymore, i will see you on here in september once the Bills start winning again.

    If you can quit your team, then to me you were not a real fan anyways. And dont give me the crap about Ralph and everything else. Your team that you root for is like your family. You have to pull for them. Sorry, thats the way it goes. A true fan has so many memories tied up in their team, it is more then the game itself. Its about fathers and sons haveing something in common. Its about bankers and autoworkers haveing something to talk about at the coffe shop. Its a unifying element. It brings us together. I am with you Bills forever, oh and by the way i am probably as smart or smarter then any you guys who say i got the wool pulled over my eyes. I just have more character then you.

  11. With the amount of coaching vacancies at the end of the year, do we really want to be looking for one too? The Bills FO as not shown what it takes to pick a good leader when they are only one of two or three teams looking. This year there could be maybe 7-8 teams. You think we can lure an awesome guy to Buffalo? Jauron stays for atleast one more year. Then Turner Gill comes over and coaches the team. Just joking.

  12. Whitner is good not great. He might look a helluva lot better with a pass rush, but hey so will the whole D. Get some D ends and then lets judge this team. Offense just needs a TE and some more continuity(time to play together for you knuckle heads). I know i sound crazy for that. But they are going to be very good.

    D needs atleast one fast aggresive pass rusher. An outside LB and maybe just maybe we will have something good. Whitner stays as does Jauron sorry.

  13. I am happy to see him go because it will stop all this stuff.

    I dont hate him, i dont know him. But i dont think he has ever been an NFL qb while in Buffalo.

    You can talk about coaching all you want (and trust me i would agree) but there are fundamental aspects of the game that every position demands. He never has displayed one ounce of pocket pressence. He wont throw the ball once he makes a mistake. Id rather have a qb that is willing to fire the gun again, after he has made a mistake, then one who eats it. Atleast give yourself a chance of something good happening.

    Glad he is a model citizen but so are probably 40 other guys on the team, with 5 being a little questionable. Let him either go somewhere else or be out of the league. I bet he is selling insurance out in California in 3 years. Any takers?

  14. The more i think about it the more i say you have to let Jauron stick around one more year. Also give the OC another year. I mean we all forget this is a business and these guys are trying to learn. Jauron should know what he is doing by now i will definetly grant you that. But if he leaves who do you bring in really? espacially since it seems there are gonna be a lot better jobs out there then Buffalo.

    Schonert needs another year to work with Trent. This was his first year as OC he has maid some mistakes, but i give him credit for trying to adjust. Like going up into the booth. Trent will not benefit from haveing a new regime in here, and a new scheme. I think he can be special. You see him make some really great throws and then some really bad ones. But thats what a young qb usually does. Farve was the best at that, hell he still is.

    Trent just needs to learn how to forget about an INT. They happen we all screw up at work. Its not about makeing mistakes but how you learn from them.

    Bizell you seem to like to make statements and then give others a load of crap when they do. Are you an NFL employee? None of us are. We are all like Jerry Jones or Arthur Blank, we feel cause we watch football we know everything. Fact is we don't if we did we would be cashing checks from Roger Goddell or Ralph Wilson.

    This team and Trent are making strides in the right direction. I am as frustrated as everyone else about the second half of our season. But Trent wasn't the problem. Young guys learning and a new OC was the problem, sometimes time and experience can solve problems.

  15. You start in the middle and build out. You need a good center on the oline. For our oline it is the weakest link. He is responsible for making the line calls as well as being the shortest point between the qb and the opposing player. He helps open up the middle on dive plays. Oh yeah and he is respnsible for getting the ball into the qbs hands who then distributes it to the playmakers. I only mention this point because our center has a problem doing this.

    Then you go back to the qb position. He must be smart (football smart that is) confident and able to make decisions quickly. He must be tough and show his guys why they are protecting him. He must be a leader. a natural leader. Not someone trying to be one by being a loud rah rah guy.

    On D you need a good big guy that can eat up a center and another gaurd. Someone who commands an olines attention at all times. He will not have impressive stats but everyone around him should. He must be unselfish and willing to allow other to have success. MLB should posses all the qualities the qb does for the offense. He should be tough as nails and a tackling machine. Not five yard down field but in the whole next to that big lineman that just took on those two blockers, so you could make the takle. And finally the safety. Adjust on the fly. Direct traffic so to speak in the back field.

    When the Bills possesed these 6 players fitting this discription they were in the Super Bowl for 4 years. Since they all have retired or been allowed to leave, we have not a playoff to show. We have pieces of this. Especially on D. Stroud is very good, Poz and Whitner i am not so sure of. I like Poz but not sure if its because of his play or his personality. I will give him anothe ryear to prove what he has, this is really his rookie year. Whitner is looking more and more ordinary to me each week, but that might be a by product of our conservative coaches.

    On o we need a center big time. And who knows about the qb. I like Trents abilities, but is he another Joe Ferguson? Sorry i know he is ill, But does Trent not have the ability to forget his mistakes? Know one is perfect but he seems to let a bad series or half ruin his game. Atleast he has since the concusion. Maybe there is more to that then we know. He has never really looked the same since the arizona game to me. Even in the KC game he was not the reason the Bills blew out the CHEFS(great google moogle).

    Until the Bills get a good GM in place a real GM(we are the only team in the league w/o one btw) I fear we are in for much the same crapola.

  16. I want one just one of you JP guys to say something now. He is a Bill so i will not totally trash him, and by no means was he all that went wrong today. But come one. He is horrible. He had Evans open on the fourth down play, and he ate it. He could not lead a group of first graders to the lunch line. I am so sick of loveing the Bills. I will never stop Billieving but this is terrible. I feel like crap. I will get over it, because yes i do have a life, but for now Thanks Buffalo.

  17. VOR, No question a regime can turn bad quickly. The falcons know that all to well. They are, i think the only Franchise to never have two winning seasons in a row. But you get the sense here that these guys know what they are doing.

    It wasn't very long ago that Atl was owned by the Smiths who were about as inept owners as you could of had. Blank made some mistakes, a few big ones, but he is learning. And he has a Gm that knows talent. Thats what Buffalo needs, a GM and then a money guy. The money guy works with the GM to tell him how much money there is to spend and how deals can get done. The GM puts the personal in place. Pretty simple concept, Bills just make it difficult.

  18. First of all let me say i have not given up on the Bills season. If they can play with the sense of urgency they played with in the fourth quarter on Monday Night, they have a chance to win out. If they can do that or not is up to them(the players).

    Something hit me while i was driving around Atl listening to sports talk radio. And even though this team lost to Denver at home last week, they have a big game against Carolina this week and if they win they are right back in the drivers seat for a playoff berth. So how does a team go from a horrible team to a team that you can see great potential in?

    Hire a good young guy to run your franchise. Go to a team that has been consistently successful, and find a talent evaulator. The Falcons brought Dimitrof in and he went out and found a coach and staff that would work hard and get this team playing with a high sense of pride and determination. He then cleaned house of any overpaid vets that were diminishing in productivity. He brought in a couple of neccesary FAs. Then he turned his attention to the draft, and he hit on his first 4 picks. Ryan from what i understand from talking to some of the guys in the FO say they compared him to Manning comming out of college. The way he prepares and is a leader. They knew he was gonna be good at the next level. Then the went out and traded back up to take a left tackle to protect him.

    I could go on and on about how i am very impressed with what this team is doing. I have always and will always be a Bills fan first but the Falcons are putting a product on the field that is easy to be a fan of. Their owner learned from his mistakes and has turned over the reigns to a football man. He wants to win more then anything, but understands he doesn't have the knowledge to do that. His best attribute, the one that made him a succesful businessman, is learn and adapt. But the best people in place to succeed.

    We are the only franchise to not have a true GM. A guy who everyone knows the buck stops here. So is the Bills approach right and everyone else wrong?

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