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Everything posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. I was actually talking about this time. Trading for Cutler. And sorry, you could also argue that he had a great coach in Denver played behind a great line and had good wrs and a good TE to throw too. Factoring those variables in,then yeah i would say there are some questions about the guy. Also the way he has handled himself since Shannahan left is questionable at best to me. He has an uphill battle in Chicago too. Uhrlacher gave him a luke warm welcoming. In his statement about Cutler he mentions the fact that he thought Orton was a good qb. so roll your eyes all you want my friend. But Cutler hasn't proven squat yet to me. Except yes he has some talent but he also has a big ego and needs to learn when to shut up.
  2. With news comming out that Pace got a 3 year 15 million dollar deal in Chicago, how does that affect Peters contract negotiations? Obviously Pace is on the downside of his career. But will this help/hurt in talks with Peters? What you guys think?
  3. Isnt that a TE the Bills already have in Fine? The Bills shouldn't have two guys like that on the roster.
  4. Atl definetly has a need at linebacker. After loosing Brooking and Boley and haveing replaced them with Mike Peterson. And i guess Coy Wire. But i think you will see them go after a Dlineman in the first. Then maybe Lb in the second. I have heard they are seriously going D in the first three rounds. Where they also have to replace Malloy.
  5. Wouldn't Mathews also be perfect for OLB in the 4-3? Good in coverage, can rush the passer, and can play all three downs. This totally a question, not being a smart ass. But from the way you describe him, and what little i have seen, he would be a great WLB in our scheme.
  6. Bills were at his pro day last week. Might be on the same page as you. This is the kind of guy you draft in the fith round.
  7. Exactly. Even the guys who want him would be saying it was a high price to pay. Three potential starters for one guy is a lot. I will really laugh if Cassel goes to K.C and has a better year then Cutler does in Chicago. Stop and think about that. What K.C gave up for their starter and what the Bears gave up. A move like this can set a team back years if it doesn't work out. Hell we should know. Rob Johnson ring a bell. Not saying Cutler hasn't shown more then Johnson, but there are some big questions about the guy. He is not like getting Peyton Manning from three years ago.
  8. Cutler is good but there are still many unknowns about the guy. Look up his stats. They are not great. Then mix in the fact that he couldn't lead his team to win one game last year at the end of the season. I am not so sure Russ and the boys missed the boat on this one. Instead they waived Au Voir as it sailed away.
  9. You are probably right. I am a young whiper snapper. Only 33. The 85 Bears were the first team besides the Bills i ever remember following. I got to go to the Super Bowl that year. Was a great day. And i will forever remeber Bourbon Street the nights before the game. My dad had to put his hand over my eyes a lot. But darn it still was fun for a 10 y/o kid.
  10. I am with ya. Not so much the system as much as the coach. He had argueably the greatest offensive minded coach in the league last year. Now he goes to Chicago, who historically has been a play good D and run the ball. I want to see him and Lovie together. Lovie is a very defensive minded conservative coach. Cutler has shown he he very immature and impatient. Hows that going to mix well? How many times is it going to take for Cutler to get pissed at running the ball on 3rd and six from inside his own 35? Cutler is a 'gun slinger' type qb. Not sure if that is exactly going to fit well into the Bears very conseravtive approach to football the last 25 years. Just me playing devils advocate. Hopefully it works out good for them. But not so sold on it.
  11. Would you guys trade Peters for a high second and a high third? Just wondering because i think thats a more likely scenario. Or a late first and a third. Detroit is the wild card in this whole thing to me. If the traded the number one overall to Denver for Cutler. They would not have to sign a big contract with the first overall pick. Cutler is set to make less then 3 mil a year for the next three years. They could then trade their later first round or second round pick the 33 pick and the 66th pick for Peters. Leaving the Bills with 4 players in the top 66. Thats four guys that could start/ see a lot of playing time this year. Just a question. Your thoughts? Could be a win win for everyone. Bills sign best Lt at 11. Get another Olineman in the second or third. And get two defensive needs.
  12. Watched him play in several games, living in Atlanta and a huge college football fan. And SEC football is the best in the country bar none.Bamas entire Oline was dominating. Caldwell the center is going to be a steal in round three. The problem i have with Smith isn't his talent but his work ethic. The kid got suspended from the bowl game. This hurt his team a lot in that game. Utah looked like the steel curtain out there.Saban has admitted Smith needs a lot of motivation. Then he pulls the Houdini act at the combine. This hurt his stock a lot. Do you want another big name tackle with questionable thought process? Dont we already have one of those???
  13. I am relatively new here. I wont call Skooby any names, and i think this is just a rumor. But i will give you my two cents on Stafford. He looks to me like Brady Quinn. I watched the guy play for three years. When he first came in you saw flashes of greatness. That all UGA fans thought was going to turn into consistent excellence once he got some more experience. But it never happened. He never progressed to that next step. Can he in the NFL? Maybe. But i think there are still a lot of questions about him. He is a great athlete, big arm. But his head and knowledge of the game bother me. He did play behind i very banged up oline this year. But if he came to Buffalo that wont be any different.
  14. The you might as well get use to last years scenario replaying itself. Because no one is giving that much up for Peters. I wish, but no way. You could maybe get a late first/second for him and then a third.
  15. You have to trade him, if his deal doesn't get done before the draft. The Lions first second rounder, and there first third would be suitable. Like the article pointed out, he is going to be expensive. Lions could trade there first overall to Denver for Cutler. The Lions then do not have to spend big bucks on a first overall pick. Lions get a qb for very cheap. He still has (i believe)3 years left on his rookie contract and in none of those years does he make more then 3mil a season. Then the Lions can sign Peters to the big contract he wants. Bills get the 33 pick and the 66 pick. So you would have 5 picks in the first 66. Should be able to get a lot of need areas addressed. Get best tackle at 11 (not Andre Smith).
  16. Why replace one guy with a questionable attitude with another one. At 11 you could get one of the other elite tackles. Then with you other first rounder go defense. The combined signings of these two players would no where near equal what Peters wants. Smith seems to be another head case. If he doesn't understand how not showing up and doing the dog and pony dance at the combine, just cost him millions. Do you trust his judgement anywhere else. Trading Peters, although i dont want to do it, seems like the best option right now. Get more picks for less money. Whatever the Bills do they need to get it done before draft day. Otherwise that a big matzeh ball hanging out there.
  17. Correction, he HAD great talent. As a guy who loves football and lives in ATL, i watched him throughout his entire career. The first few years he started i do not think there was a person faster then him on the field. That run against Minnie in overtime was a classic. The one where he made two defenders run into each other as he slipped threw them. He lived on his talent. But like so many guys who just have talent but never learned how to play the game, he started to slip somewhat. Mostly because he was taking a beating running for his life behind an average at best Oline. He will get a league minimum contract. And he is telling creditors he will make 10mil a year in order to try and stay financially above water.
  18. The longer this goes on the more likely he will be traded. The Bills MUST resolve this issue either way before the draft. He has already made it clear he will sit out. Personally if you could get a 1st from Philly and their second you do the deal. They still have a first round pick and they get a LT out of the trade. So it works for them. For Buffalo, you get one of the best tackles at 11. Then turn to D with your next two and then could come back with a gaurd/center with your second 2nd round pick. Not too bad. I know they will have some growing pains on Oline, however they should be set for a longtime. And there are more and more examples of good offensive lineman rookies then not good ones over the last couple of years. But the Bills Must must get this done before the draft or else everyone is screwed. Including us.
  19. Bills medical staffed worked him out. And he passed the work out. Has any other team had him in for a work out? If not then you definitely bring him in after the draft for league min for his years. If he is up to his old form, you got your starter. If not you cut him or a back up. Sounds like he was brought for his work out as insurance for things not working out in the draft.
  20. I like it when he said 'Why Not' when asked about going to Buffalo. I like the attitude. In a way he is sticking up for us. The question hints at Buffalo not being relevant. And i know the team hasn't made the playoffs in years. And everything else. But this team does have a history. And i am not drinking the kool aid. But this could be the first small step towards something good. I will stay optimistic.
  21. different confrence all together. The Big East today is horrible. Sorry but each year they will get less and less relevant in the BCS, till they are dropped completely.
  22. Not chopped Liver at all and could most likely be had in later rounds. Like 6 or 7. Would be a good ST and short yardage blocker. Plus he caught the ball out of the backfield very good too. No knock on Tony but i would rather have a guy comming from the SEC, going against that level of competion, then a guy out of the Big Least
  23. Personally i like playing NE first. If you are ever gonna 'surprise' a team it would be in the first week or two. Now i know the Bills and Pats know each other well and whatever i say about Buffalo doing the Pats will be doing it too. Such as game planning all off season for this game etc... But the one thing that is a question mark is Brady. I know he is the Golden God. However i think the time off not to mention the fact of being totally healed by then could throw some doubts into this game. He hasn't thrown a pass in a long time. And you can be sure the Patsies wont be playiing him a lot in preseason. Maybe we can hope for one time Belicheats arrogance will help us. Maybe he believes Tom will just be able to go out there and pick right up where he left off. And maybe he can or maybe the Bills D steps up. Florence has two interceptions, since the Bills will probably be playing nickle coverage most of the night. And Bills 'steal' an early one 24-17. Hey why not go out and predict the score, before even a snap of practice has happened. Just cant wait till September baby.
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