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Posts posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. While we are on the subject, why do they play in a dome? Seriously.

    Atlanta built a dome for a couple of reasons. To attract other big sporting events. Final fours have been played there. Championship games for College football. Also some of the Olympics. They also used it to get a SuperBowl. God that was a horrible day for me. Atlanta is a very big and easier area for confrences.

  2. Which is only about 4.5 seconds less than is needed.

    You are suppose to hold blcoks for 4 seconds. Especially in the west coast style offense Buffalo is suppose to be running. It is all predicated on quick release and timming routes. Show me one TE that could block a DE for 6.5 seconds, and i will show you Ryan Denney.

  3. Ok i live in ATL. And i love Buffalo. But one thing a guy from Buffalo can never say is he has better weather then Atlanta. Oh and it gets pretty humid in Buffalo too in the summer. Only thing is in Atlanta most if not all our building have central A/C. In Buffalo you got a window unit and a degree in aerodynamics, on how to set up your box fans.

  4. It seems like we have a very "warm" weather team. A substantial amount of our players are from warmer climates.


    I have lived in Buffalo for half my life, and in the South for half my life.

    I also have moved back and forth a few times, so I think I have a pretty good feel for what some people go through when they have fairly drasitic climate adjustments.


    My point is this:


    Other then gameday situations where I think we can all agree that we have not used our cold climate to our advantage,

    what does the role of crappy depressing weather play on our talent?


    Is there harder motivation to be great?

    Do players "love life" as much as they should(confidence levels, willingness to give everything they have)


    I remember that decent CB Kilwalkee(sp?) Thomas saying that he wanted to play for a southern team a few years ago, and I was surprized how little crap he got for that.


    Are players too pampered to play in this kind of situation now a days, and how much has that played a part in our futillity the last decade or so?


    btw I also realize that there have been some very successful cold-weather teams lately(Pitt, NE) so i'm not saying that this is a factor in everyone. (mabey just the pansies like Mike Williams) Mabey we have a lot of "pansies"

    Now i never played professionally, but work with a guy that did. And have asked him about this before. He told me that was a bunch of B.S. Remember O.J? He was from Southern Cal. Best player(talent wise) to ever suit up for Blo. Even now a days its not an issue. If a guy is whimp he is a whimp. If they weather affects him then he is also the same guy that lets the refs or crowd affect him.

  5. Koolaid, if it makes you feel any better, this year the Bills have a legit chance to draft very well. That's because of the return of Buddy Nix to the Bills' Scouting Department.




    He is one of the most respected college scouts around. With him to help Modrak, who by the way always had a reputation as a top talent evaluator, at least before his time in Bflo, I think the Bills chances of having a solid draft are greatly enhanced. His return is one of the great unheralded stories of the offseason and may end up being the most significant. Hang in there buddy.

    From how i understand it Nix is very good at college scouting. Albeit he has gotten older. And i believe he is focusing most of his efforts on the SE where he resides. Which would definetly not be bad. Since from Texas to Florida you could get arguablee the best talent in the country. Save maybe USC.

  6. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/draft09/news/story?id=4027503


    1. Miami Dolphins ------ 152-104 -.594

    2. Carolina Panthers --- 151-104 -.592

    3. New England Puts --- 151-105 -.590

    4. Atlanta Falcons ------ 150-105- .588

    5. Tampa Bay Bucs --- 148-107- .580

    6. Buffalo Bills --------- 146-110 -.570

    7. New York Jets ------ 145-110 - .568

    What this shows is the AFC east is a tough division. When all four teams from the division are in the top 7, that proves it. Not to mention the NFC south is going to be tough too.

    But till you play the games you have no idea. The NFL seems to consistently turn itself upside down every year. Phins are the prime example of that.

  7. He is James Hardy's agent.

    Then Parker being his agent will only be a problem if Hardy turns into a number one recieveing threat. Which i think with more seasoning he could be good. But it will take all of this year and next before we realize if he is a good Wr or a guy with freak talent who could never learn the pro game.

    News flash most FO dont like agents. BUt they know they are a necessary evil. They good agents are usually despissed by teams. Drew Rosenhaus. Scott Boris. at some point those guys know what there clients can get and who from. You dont think the sit around studying teams with cap room and needs? Make phone calls to other teams to see levels of intrest? And i know there is an anti tampering rule. But you really think Washington and Haynesworth got their deal done in 15 mins? Come on when you sign up for a cell phone the legal mumbo jumbo is like 5 pages long of small font.

  8. I really like TSW. I can come on here for good stats and some information i did not realize. But then i also get this sources deep from with in crap. You really think any guy that works for the Bills FO and is in a position to know about this trade would tell any guy that comes here??? Seriously. I actually know some guys from the Falcon FO, but they would never tell me crap about what they are about to do. You just don't do that.

    Now haveing said all that, if the Bills could get a first and third for Peters, you do it in a heartbeat. If the Bills dont think they can match Peters request, then you got to move him to a team that wants too. Maybe he goes on to have a great career with his new team. I wish him nothing but luck. And maybe the trade allows the Bills to get two more players that could be starters next year. With the extra first, and then tradeing the extra third for a player like Scheffler or Waters.

    At some point you got to realize that if Peters wants out, which it seems like he does. Then get the most for him and make your team better. I am not sold on the fact that trading Peters is the worse thing. He does have a history of injuries the last two seasons. And He did give up a lot of sacks. But i will blame some of that on Dockery as well. And this is besides the fact he held out last year with three years on a contract. That was just crazy.

    Hopefully right now the Bills are excepting offers for Peters. A kind of bidding war. Then yes sometime in the next week make the trade, so they can prepair for the draft, and maybe sign Jackson to the extension.

    Whatever the Bills do i would like to see it done sooner rather then later. But then what would we all talk about on here???

    Oh yeah a source deep from within would leak who the Bills are going to take.

  9. No it's just me in San Jose. I'm trying to stem yet Peters' thread.


    In addition, I think it's important for us to conclude what is fair so we can follow the negotiations and judge the actions of both parties. This is a fairness issue and I want to see how Brandon and Company acquit themselves in this situation.

    I hear ya. Was just busting your oranges. And yeah i don't want another Peters thread either. I hope the Bills have the foresight to go ahead and lock him up now. If you go down the road of offering him minimums then when it comes time for him to hit FA he will cost you a lot more then now. He has shown he can play in this league. Give him the four year deal and move on.

    Either way i dont see him not being there come June.

  10. Here's something I wrote in early February:


    Pricing Fred Jackson is a bit tough. The USA Today Database, which is a great resource doesn't however list average compensation over the length of the contract. On top of that there are things like "likely to be reached" and "unlikely to be reached" bonuses and the fact that signing bonuses are generally guaranteed but salaries are not, etc.


    Keep in mind also that many of these highly drafted running backs on their rookie contracts (Peterson, Mendenhall) will make considerably more on their 2nd contracts. That's why guys like Edgerrin James and Deuce McAllister are among the most highly paid RBs and rookie stars like Matt Forte and Marshawn Lynch are not.


    Another factor is that Freddie, in my view, is not a chump number two running back but more of a 1B type, someone who can pinch hit (such as in week 17) and do it very well. Like someone mentioned earlier, he's very similar in value to Kenneth Davis was. I would say he deserves to be paid at least around the level of the 40th best running back in the NFL. Probably higher.


    That being said here's some relevant numbers:


    $460,000: The amount the Bills would have to pay him to retain his rights.


    $2 million: The total compensation for the 40th highest paid running back in the league (Michael Bennett, TB Bucs). Mewelde Moore and Lamont Jordan also make in this range.


    $2.1 million: Jonathan Stewart, rookie 1st round pick of the Carolina Panthers


    $2.35 million: Ladell Betts, considered one of the better backup running backs


    $2.65 million: Marshawn Lynch


    $3.0 million: Kevin Faulk, steady veteran who does everything well and nothing spectacular


    $3.1 million: Chester Taylor, considered one of the better backup running backs


    $6.6 million: 2009 NFL Franchise Tag amount

    I agree, somewhere around 2-2.5 a year for four years would get the deal done. He has shown to be a very reliable back up. And a very good player when on the field. He usually gets about 5-10 touches a game. The other thing you dont want to happen is what S.D went thru. They had Micheal Turner who played a very similar role to Jackson. The Bills would be wise locking him up to a four year deal around 8-10 total. Like many mentioned the Bills are probably working thru the 'he who must not be named' deal and the draft right now. Would be surprised if Jackson did not have a long term deal before June. Plus a four year deal worth 10 million would not be bad for a guy from the Arena League.

  11. Ahem.

    1. Peppers doesn't want to play for Buffalo.

    2. Peppers doesn't want to play DE.

    3. Peppers doesn't want to play in a 4-3.

    4. The Bills have nothing that Carolina would be willing to trade for that would not make them a worse team for acquiring Peppers.

    5. Jason Taylor is a free agent, so he wouldn't cost draft picks.

    6. Bad idea.

    All that plus he is nowhere near a consistant force. Two years ago he had 3 sacks. I would not give up picks for him if i was anyone. Also Brenson Buckner , who played with him on Carolinas line, gave him a less the ringing endorsement. He said Peppers doesn't make anyone else around him better. And he is not a great football player but a great athlete. Also basically stated he was a whiner.

    Now Taylor for a one or two years deal getting 3 million a year i would not mind. Maybe with incentives it gets to 5. Like games played, sacks, defensive ranking, playoffs etc....

  12. The article mentioned the other players getting a 4 year 10 million deal. That does not sound crazy for a very solid number 2 back and a guy that can start when Lynch is out. Plus he has shown to be a great third down type of guy, good hands and very quick. This is a guy i would pay. But i hope he shows up to mandatory events.

  13. Has anyone seen him thus far? I have been reading on various sites he may be ready to play on the line. Could his progress be a determining factor in whether or not we keep Peters? It would be awesome to see someone push Peters and make him earn the raise and new contract he thinks he deserves. :thumbsup:

    I dont think any of us have seen anything from him since last preseason. But the word from some of the Bills is Bell is progressing nicely. Is he ready to be your starting LT, i have no idea. But wouldn't mind him playing RT if the Bills felt he was ready and Walker playing LT. Walker seemed to do well last year. But 16 games is different then 3 or 4.

    Lots of ifs and buts in there. It really depends on what the FO and coaches think about him.

  14. I will bet any amount of money you can think of that Trent Edwards desperately wants the Bills to sign Peters to a long term deal.

    I bet Trent does too. But i bet he understands that by signing Peters to the kind of money it appears he wants, would stop the Bills from being able to sign other guys on the team. Heck maybe even Trent. If you give Peters an 11-11.5 million dollar deal. Then you will be restricting yourself for years. What happens when Trent comes up for FA or Lynch or or even next year when Freddie wants a 3 year deal. If he plays well in the two back rotation like he did last year. He would be a prime example of a guy the Bills would like to keep but that extra 2.5 million a year for Peters stops them.

    Guys i think we all want Peters,if he could have been signed for the right price and had gone about his bussiness the right way. He hasn't so try to get the most for him and move on. And yes i understand the risk of rookies and all. But there are a lot of first day drafted LT in the league right now doing very good. Peters just might allow the Bills to build a better team, instead of being the reason they fall apart.

  15. I think that that the Bills are kind of flying under the radar in some areas. I really like the young depth at the WR and OL positions. Renting TO for a year and Josh Reed getting up there a bit in age I think that maybe that if Hardy can progress and Stevie Johnson takes the next step that they can be our future. I'm not counting Roscoe because I really don't think that he'll be with the team this year but come 2010 I'd be happy with Evans, Hardy and Johnson as our starting 3 WRs. On the OL the future is looking pretty good with Bell, Chambers, Butler and Hangartner. I think that it's important that we draft a couple of quality OL this year because of the unsettleness of the Peters situation and, like Roscoe, I don't think that Walker is long for this team either.

    Excelently said. Also Ellis as DE might have progressed some too. Not saying he is the answer. But most third rounders could take a year to develope and transition to the speed of the pros.

  16. Was that an analogy? I don't see the correlation. We are comparing NFL franchises to personal finance, and business decisions to luxury cars here. Good players = good team = marketing advantage = more revenue.

    The anology is if you spend to much money on anything today it will prohibit you from what you can buy tomorrow. If you dont understand that then you are probably one of the guys who has gotten our country in the mess it is in. In your equation you did there you forgot to mention salary cap. But nice try.

    Also in regards to Philly. Yes they just might pay him the money. They realize the window is closing on their opportunity to win a SB. McNabb and Westbrook are not getting any younger. Neither is Jim Johnson. So if they feel like a 'proven' LT is the last piece they just might bite on the 1 and 3 rounders for him. They have two first rounders.

  17. Watched him play his whole career here in Atl. Was the fastest guy on the field his first three years in the league. But had absolutly zero ability to read defenses. The plays were Mike drops back looks around for 2 seconds then takes off if his first reciever isn't open. He started to slow down his last year in the league. Guy has a cannon for an arm and jets for feet and rocks for a brain. J.P Lossman the second.

  18. Where there is smoke, there is fire. Bills are still looking at Pettigrew.

    As expected, Oklahoma St. TE Brandon Pettigrew held an on campus private workout for NFL teams on Friday. Pettigrew, who is still recovering from a hamstring injury suffered last month, ran routes and caught passes during the workout and moved around well.


    Attending the workout were the Buffalo Bills, Cleveland Browns, Carolina Panthers, and New York Jets. Other teams interested in Pettigrew decided not to attend because they are satisfied with his game tape.




    And to the guy who said the Falcons are not interested in Pettigrew and will draft for defense:

    A team that is need of a major upgrade at tight end, the Atlanta Falcons, have scheduled Pettigrew for a pre-draft visit for early next week

    I think you are going to see the Falcon sgo heavy defense in the draft. They need a DT linebacker help and safety help. Yes they do need a TE but i just don't see Dimitrof taking a TE over those other very big areas of need. ATL lost Grady, Brooking, and Malloy. They dont have a good TE but do have a good rb and good wrs and a better then average Oline. They are struggling on defense. If it wasn't for Dcord, VanGorder, they would have been horrible.

  19. Thats fine i will except that but none of those players you listed held out, or recieved anywhere near the amount Peters is asking for. Evans got the most and that was for 9 a year. And those guys handled themselfs the right way. I said Peters could get fat and happy just like taking a tackle in the draft could turn out to be average. But Peters did show up last year out of shape and had the worse year sack wise over any other starting LT.

    But you are right. Agree to disagree. 'San Diego means whales vagina.'

  20. I don't want to beat a dead horse, I've made my case for keeping Peters more than a few times. I do understand everyone's anger and frustration towards Peters. But as far as a football standpoint is concerned, to sum it up, I'd rather role the dice with Peters than a rookie.

    Buts its not that simple. The money you have to pay Peters would stop you from being able to acquire and/or keep talent in the future. Do you understand that? The number 11 pick would be about 1/5 the cost of Peters. And sure there is some risk there. But there is also some risk that once Peters gets his paycheck, he will become fat and happy. And turn into an average at best LT, getting paid like the best. I'll personally take my chances with the rookie. And i base that solely on how Peters has conducted himself over the last year.

  21. If we trade Peters, I have a funny feeling that we will draft a tackle, he will average at best, and wherever Peters goes he will go on to continue to be an All Pro and probowl player, and we will be once again looking for that elusive LT.


    round and round :thumbsup:

    I will take an average tackle that is a good team guy. Over an overrated devisive LT any day. Sorry but Peters has turned into his own worst enemy. Do you think he is worth 11.5 million a year??? And are you ready for the day when his contract will proclude you from being able to sign another one of your players??? Maybe McKelvin or Lynch in a few years??? Sorry but the deal Peters wants the Bills can't give. If you think that is being cheap, just remember that the next time your kids come to you for money, and you dont have it. Or when you go out car shopping and really want the BMW but it would cause you to not be able to have other things in your life. Like maybe insurance or pay for your mortgage. Sorry but Ralph isn't being cheap here.

  22. Is any team really interested in Jason Peters and his contract demands?



    I doubt it.

    I think there will be atleast two teams. Detroit and Philly. Graham is reporting in the other thread that he thinks a first and a third could be traded for Peters. If this is the case then Bills have all the flexibilty to make the Scheffler trade a reality. But will take a 3rd and a 5th.Which would work out great.

    Get a starter ready TE with a third. Fith rounders are a crap shoot and usually take two years to develope into a true starter if ever. There are a few exceptions to that.

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