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Everything posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. Jauron is not a moron guys. I will agree he has made some bonehead mistakes during games. His management of the clock was very poor last year. However he is a Yale grad and older then a few of us put together. He wants Peters to be back. He knows his team is better off with a motivated happy Peters. He does not have a lot of control over if/when Peters does show up. Or if a new deal gets put in place. Most coaches will say things exactly like this. Eventually push will come to shove. And if Peters doesn't show, then Jauron will say 'we are disappointed, but we have to move on, we got guys here that are going to have to step up. All I (Jauron ) can do is coach the guys that want to be here and are here.' Right now is not the time to get into a pissing contest. He knows that unless Peters gets a new deal, he isn't going to show up to any workouts. He knows that Peters will either be traded, or have a new deal in the next few weeks. I just don't see the Bills letting this linger on. Look at the way they delt with Crowell last year. Peters has tipped his hand at what he will do this year.The Bills FO isn't stupid. I just dont see them letting history repeat itself.
  2. no it wont effect the draft. Bills needed oline help no matter who was running the ball. The only thing that will probably happen now is, the Bills will wait till some cuts happen during preseason. This will let them get the best back available, that is most ready to play. And probably sign him to a one year deal for league min for his time in the league. He will provide good depth once Lynch gets back and will help carry the load in the first 2-3 games.
  3. June is gone. Signed with the Texans. LBs are like RB to me. Either you are great. Like Curry or are on the next level. Bills could pick up a very good LB in the third to fourth round. Also how is Bowlen doing? The kid from Iowa State that was drafted last year. Any news on his recovering/rehab?
  4. June is gone. Signed with the Texans. LBs are like RB to me. Eithe ryou are great. Like Curry or are on the next level.
  5. True was an exageration. But for what he gets paid and what he contributes is very important. Any coach will tell you that all three phases of the game matter. Heck its the only reason the Bills won some of those games during the past 7-9 seasons. April is awesome, but he needs talent too. Parish is one of the best punt returners if not the best in the game. Do you argue that?
  6. Guys you both have very valid points. Which is exactly why the Peters thing is so hard to get your hands around. I will say that technically the Bills got Peters, more so then he has them. By that i mean, Peters doesn't get one Penny if he sits out. Not one. Yes the Bills will probably see a loss of production at LT with who ever they put in there. But they will still play the games, and it is worth pointing out that Gandy just played LT for Zona last year. You could scheme around the fact that you have an average LT (Walker)or a rookie with a learning curve. Put a TE on that side as help. Or have RB stay in on obvious passing downs. I guess i agree somewhat we both of you. Except the Bills can play hard ball and Peters can stay home and not make a penny. Oh and yes he is getting underpaid, but in todays market place how many would not take a 4.5 million or 8.5 million dollar paycheck. If someone handed you millions of dollars, which is what Peters has recieved so far, i bet you could make it last the rest of your life and your kids life. A performance based contract is exactly what he needs wherever he ends up. A base of 8 million with bonuses of games played, off season attendence, offensive production, playoffs, probowls, and super bowls. The yearly value could get to 11 a year. Everyone would be happy then, even the Bills.
  7. But the GM questioned whether it would be a prudent investment to give Peters the money he seeks because of perceived dedication issues." Great the word is out. Joking. But seriously. Other GMs are watching this and wondering the same thing a lot of us are. If the Bills do just pay Peters, whats to think he will live up to the contract. I am right with the other poster who says any deal with Peters will have to contain very heavy fines for missing workouts and practice. Also comming in out of shape, or to heavy.
  8. A. I dont think you can trade Parish, for what he is worth. I would keep him. Great kick returner. Gets you easily another 10 yds over an average kick returner. B. The trade Peters philosophy, is not one based on talent. I wont argue he has awesome talent. But he has very questionable decision making. I would not want to trade Peters if he had not held out last year and had gone about his business like Stroud and Evans. As being discussed this is how some other GMs are looking at Peters as well. 11.5 million dollar talent with a 5 dollar head. And for you guys who say just pay him, that is not really looking into the whole situation. Are you 100% positive he will live up to his contract? He will produce over the period of said contract at a high level? I am not. He showed last year how he didn't stay in shape while he was holding out. He came in and was bad the first 3-4 games then was injured for the end of the season. If in any other business, management gave a raise to a guy like that we would be calling them crazy. Not to mention setting a very bad precedent.
  9. Astro you do great work. But i dont see the Bills taking a TE in round one or two. Right now the Bills have very little Olineman signed. I believe they will draft Robinson(og) in round two then come back in round four or five and take another interior guy. On the other hand the Bills will probably give Fine a full year to prove he can stay healthy and be productive. He definetly isn't a long yardage threat, but he seems to have good hands and can catch the ball underneath. Bills have Owens and Evans to stretch the field. Fine should be able to rack up some decent numbers against LBs who will be trying to cover him. While the safeties/nickle backs will be focusing on Reed or Jackson. But all the recieving power is useless if the Bills don't get some quality guys blocking up front, early in the draft.
  10. Kelsay is overpaid. I don't think anyone can argue that. I dont blame Kelsay. But this serves as a great leason in why you can not over pay for talent. It is prohibiting you from maybe makeing the Peters deal. But then again paying Peters 11.5 a year could stop you from paying another talented young guy in a few years. What does happen to te Bills if they were to cut Kelsay at some point? Is there a window where the hit is less or more?
  11. He could go either way. But i highly doubt the Bills dont draft an interior guy in the first three rounds. heck they might take one in the second if he is best player on board for a need position. Then McKinnie is a guy that can help in rotation with the rook and also provide depth for Butler.
  12. we have good but not great LBs. Plus LBs are mostly only as good as the line they play behind. They are just like runningbacks. If the guys are upfront arent eating up olineman, then Lbs are screwed. Just ask Ray Ray.
  13. If the Bills did somehow end up with another later first then i would go after him. From talking to a good friend of mine who is a big Bama fan. He said the only guy Andre Smith had trouble with all year was Ayers. But i am a little skeptical of a one year wonder guy. And the fact he had only 3 sacks.
  14. Looks like a very nice move for depth. Tips the hand more so to me that the Bills are not going to go after Simmons or Waters. Instead draft an interior guy pretty high up, that could start, and rotate some with McKinnie.
  15. Crowell was a decent player on a crappy defense in 2007. Guess what he was going to make a lot of tackles, because the Dline was a seive. He was a decent player, and will keep my eye on him when he plays the Falcons. But the timming of it all was pretty bad on his part. He knew he had this problem late in the 07 season and decided to wait till right before the season for the surgery. Is that really the kind of guy you want on your team??? I don't. Means your either stupid or careless. Not exactly the guys you want as leaders.
  16. Does anyone here feel Lynch should not get suspended? I thikn he most assuredly does. It is at three games now. Could be reduced. However i feel Lynch will most definetly be better off serveing the entire three game suspension. It will help him see there are real consequences for your actions. If he turns himself around, and has no more brushes with the law then he got the point. If he doesn't and is in the news for something else next offseason, as much as i would hate to say it he would start to look like another Odell Thurman or Adam Jones to me. A guy who just doesn't 'get it'.
  17. None of they guys left in FA are longterm solutions. I would much rather fill LB with a guy that has a lot of upside to him then an over the hill vet, that has one maybe two years left. And he didn't show very good production last year in the league. Got to agree with Magox here. Mathews seems to have everything the Bills would need in an OLB. Good in pass coverage. Very good athlete. Can rush the passer. And is strong enough to hold his own in the run game. Injuries happen to everyone. He seemed to play at a very high level this past year. But i don't really care who his dad or uncle were.
  18. Jackson is a very good change of pace back and a third down back. He reminds me of a Warrick Dunn. He has great hands and is a comeptent runner. No one knows how he would do being the everydown back. I do believe the Bills will wait till some rounds of cuts have been made during preseason, to pick up a trusted Vet to help Jackson. Omon has shown nothing to me but that he can fumble the ball on a regular basis. Three backs would not be a bad idea. Especially since Lynch has missed time for injuries the last two years and now this year a suspension.
  19. I think this is the best thing for Lynch longterm. He is probably the best guy in all of sports when it comes to apologies. And i want to give him the benefit of the doubt that he is sincere. But if this doesn't sevre as a wake up call to him, then nothing will. He should learn from this and understand how much he has let himself down, and his team. At some point everyone of us here has gotten a wake up call. Well most of us. And someone sat us down and told us this is life. We all have made mistakes, a man is judged ultimately on how he responds to the mistakes he has made. It will be tough going the first few games with out him, but ultimately this could be the best thing for Lynch and the Bills. I believe the Bills will wait till training camp cuts before they sign a vet. A guy that could come in and play during the first part of the season while Lynch is out, and while he gets back into game day shape. I like Jackson a lot, but he will need another competent back splitting time with him those first few games. And also will help Jackson have better legs later on in the season, while he is splitting time with Lynch. Lynch will be allowed to practice with the team during preseason correct?
  20. How can you tell i cant? You are wasteing your life on here bud. You should move to Vegas if you can read minds. I think he is going to do good. He had great feet comming out of college but was weak. He has gotten in good shape, stronger, while being able to keep his athleticism. Bills drafted him last year, probably with the foresight that Peters was going to be hard to resign.
  21. You have no idea how Bell is doing. When informed people who work with the guy say he has improved tremendously, i will listen to them over guys on here. None of us have seen squat from the kid since last preseason. And i think he did alright. He has had another year of lighting weights and working with the coaches under his belt. I love how if guys on here havent heard/seen him, he must suck. Always makes me laugh. And yes it is Edwards year to prove what he has. I hope he goes out throw for 4000 yds and 20 tds. The Bills win 10 games. Then all will be well in the world. If he doesn't then next year we will be saying ok which qb falls to us at 10.
  22. There is no chance in hell they trade Peters. Besides being the vocal leader of the team. He is not bad at all. The Bills are moving him to FS, where it sounds like his real skills will be utilized. Oh and the secondary would not look half as bad as they did in some games if the front four got a more consistant push.
  23. no never. that has bad karma written all over it. Stafford will become the next To Brady if the Bills do this. The FO would not take the chance of being the laughing stock of the league. Could you imagine the crap the would put up with for years.
  24. You need a hobby. You cant let the Bills or any team be your end all be all in life. I love the scene in A Bronx Tale when Sonny asks C why he is so upset. And it because the Yankees lost. Sonny asks him what those guys ever do for you? They help your old man pay his bills? It is so true when you think about it. I love the Bills and grew up around the team. When Smerlas and Jimmy Haslet where there. Hell Chuck Knox told my little cousin one time Santa Clause was dead, while we were playing in the snow on the field during practice. But at some point in my life i put things in perspective.
  25. Very cool. And thank you for that tip. Guys like you are the main reason i come to TBD. I like to get tips on players and different stats, that i am usually to lazy to look up.
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