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Posts posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. Maybe Coach Reid just saw video of the 2007 season.


    Seriously though, Peters could be the best LT in football, he has all the tools physically do be that. But mentally, and motivationally speaking i am not sold. But i guess we will all find out.


    Best case scenario, it works out for both teams. Bills use the extra picks to help build the team into a playoff one.

    Peters helps protect McNabb for his last few years. Then in 2010 the Bills play the Eagles in the Super Bowl and win by sacking McNabb on thie last play of the game going right over Peters. Ah one can dream. :D

  2. Henderson and Stroud up the middle would be a very nice combo. He has only missed three games the last two years. last year he missed two games with a sprained knee. The fact that Stroud and him played together in JVille is also a nice side note. They will know each others tendancies. At 30 he still has some good years left. And to use that extra fourth for him. Well then that would make the Peters trade look even better for Blo.Send the fourth and McCargo. Hey he is younger then Henderson, and if Del Rio wants youth here you go. See if Del Rio can motivate McCargo.

    Here are Hendersons career stats:


    Year Team G Solo Ast Total Sack


    2002 JAC 15 45 9 54 6.5


    2003 JAC 16 47 11 58 3.5


    2004 JAC 16 63 13 76 6.5


    2005 JAC 16 53 17 70 3


    2006 JAC 16 38 13 51 3.5


    2007 JAC 15 28 10 38 2


    2008 JAC 14 35 10 45 3

  3. Yes it could happen. If the two QBs go then the run on OT maybe up to 3 in the top 10, then 2WRs. Then probably a DT and a DE or two. It very well could happen. If it does, god the Bills better take him. Perfect for the Bills. Would be a day one impact guy. Come back later in round one and go Oline. Then in round two go Dline. In the third take another interior Oline guy.

  4. If you enjoy ignoring reality in order to remain optimistic, so be it. I happen to demand success, and in this case I'll take a playoff appearance. Unfortunately, the last time we had one of those something really bad happened. That was more than nine years ago.


    I gather there are several casual fans who don't really care if the team loses. To them, just having a team is enough. OTOH, a winning season every decade is also enough for them.

    Umm actually my family worked for the Bills in the 70s and 80s. I have been to three Super Bowls the Bills have been in. So the casual fan i am not. But i refuse to allow the offseason to bring me down. I understand that the Bills are trying to make moves. Now you can look at those moves with pessimism(your way) or optimism (my way) and hope things do turn around. And in the mean time cheer them on. Thats what a real fan does. Not look for every opportunity to tear down his team.

    Oh and you demand success? Really? You have nothing to do with it at all. You sure you are not a Philly fan? You sound exactly like those type of guys. Love you up till the minute you loose. Then boo the heck out of ya.

  5. I think the Bills signed McKinney to be that guy. If Simmons is still around after the draft, and the Bills need him the could sign him then. But i think at this point every team is going to wait till after the draft to sign any FA. You may see a trade or two between now and then. But FA are in a holding pattern.

  6. You're banking on a guy who's never taken part in an actual NFL game? That's not a comforting idea. Especially playing OT.




    Man, with that kind of front office running the show, you'd think Buffalo's made the playoffs in the past 9 seasons.


    The Bills are who we thought they were (that line never gets old) - a team without the management to exercise a vision toward improving. It's why they've gone 7-9 three seasons in a row.


    If there's one guy who should have been let go this offseason, it was the HC.

    I for one will stay optimistic. Its a much more fun way to go through life. You must enjoy being miserable. Good for you.

  7. Peters wasn't the Best LT in the NFL but he was top 5- as for all the people who thought the hardball was the way to go and that the Bills had all the leverage- you're just not very bright- this could have been handled to everyone's satisfaction last year if the Bills would have been pro-active- the Bills think it's all business and it is, it's show business - if the bills want to play hardball they better get out of the football business and open a steel plant or something because show business is all about keeping the talent happy.

    You really think he was one of the Top 5 LTs last year? What are you basing that on? And please dont say the Pro Bowl.

    The Bills did have all the leverage. They traded him. They decided he was not worth what he wanted to get paid. And they decided to get something for him this year instead of watching him hold out again, show up out of shape, play poorly, and then get injured. To me they made the right decision.

    Oh and in show business you can do some stupid things off the big screen, and end up costing your career, just ask Tom Cruise.

  8. This is not a trade you make. What Parrish is worth is not what you can get for him in a draft pick. he is the best punt returner in the league right now. I would not expect a fith rounder to have that kind of impact anytime soon. Maybe in a few years he could become a very solid starter, but keep Parish and pass on this one.

    And tell Beeker to go pick a fight with Sean Salisbury. God i miss those split screen fights on ESPN.

  9. I'm sure Ralph feels the same way about folks like you....

    I second that emotion. Some of you people here really make me laugh. If the Bills bother you that much then stop rooting for them or get another hobby. Because at the end of the day thats what this is a hobby. A way to distract yourself from everyday life.

  10. Exactly. The guy saw how much we paid Dockery and others and wondered why he was not getting what he was worth. As others have mentioned, he did not want to leave Buffalo, he just wanted to get paid what he thought he was worth -- just like every other player in the NFL and every guy on this board.

    So you are saying he played poorly because he was worried about what other players were making?

    Yeah thats a guy i want on my team. He was still getting paid 3 million dollars. Yes he was underpaid, but that tells you something about a guys character. If he wont try hard because he thinks he isn't making enough money. How about work hard and you will get paid. Part of the reason the Bills let him walk was because of his attitude. Thanks for proveing that point with your statement.

  11. Oakland let Walker go because his lateral movement, for a RT, wasn't very good. Now you're throwing him on the left side and that's going to work? He'll need plenty of TE support, meaning one less guy to get the ball. Just so fans know, the LT generally handles the other team's best pass rusher. Mario Williams, Joey Porter, John Abraham, Peppers, Freeney, Vandenbosch, and others will feast on Walker.


    Demetrius Bell has played exactly 0 games in the NFL and didn't dress for many last year. He's far from a sure thing, and yet he's being talked of as the starter. Chambers got killed in the away NE game last season, Hangartner is a career backup, and Butler is injury prone.


    Heckuva starting OL. Of course, they'll blow a first on an OT to replace the guy traded today.


    Hangartner started last year for Carolina and was a numbers game for them.

    People are high up on Bell that actually know something about him ie the Bills coaches and FO.

    Butler has shown he can play RG well. Injuries are a part of football. they did just bring in a vetran to help back up the middle of the line in McKinney.

    Walker/Chambers did a very solid job last year filling for Peters. The guy who held out and was out of shape.

    And LG will need to be filled in the draft. I will remain optimistic. You can remain your way.

  12. I'm all for the best OT at 11th.


    If fits nicely with previous seasons plans: trade or let a player go to UFA and then draft their replacement with a high pick. Meanwhile hype the pick as though he'll be a top player their rookie season. Make marketing plan to match, shake and stir. Another cruddy season.






    Peters-another first rounder


    For those counting at home, Buffalo has used 3 firsts and a 2nd (whom they traded up for) to replace players they allowed out the door.


    Amateur front offices who are 0-9 in playoff appearances do this. Successful ones like build and use their picks to improve, not replace positions.

    Ok first of all i can make a point about everyone of those guys the Bills "let out the front door'.

    McGhee never really was that great and then there was the whole Toronto comment

    Clements was way over paid. San Fran loves over paying for Bills FA. Look up Jonas Jennings.

    Milloy was the six yard sherriff. He was done in his second year with the Bills. His talent did not match his name.

    Fletcher was old and did not do very much for Washington. They too like to overpay for talent.

    Bills are a very financially sound team. They will not over pay for talent. There is your explanation for Peters.

    You do replace ageing talent with younger talent. Or you replace players that you can not resign or are not team guys, this would be Peters again.

    Now Oher at 11 would not be a bad pick. But something tells me the Bills are going to go D with the first pick. Then pick up one of the interior Oline guys in the second. If they dont trade for Scheffler then I would not be surprised if they used the second first or second round pick on a TE.

  13. No. You got Walker on the right side who is probably gonna shift over to LT. He is the vetran you speak of. Then maybe Bell plays RT. Draft a LG in round 2. To me you have a very good young line. Bell could develope and replace Walker at LT in a year or two. Then you could or should have drafted a RT. Or if he is not excellent you use a first rounder on a LT after you have seen if Bell lives up to his potential.

  14. Hey Tim would you consider doing a write up on Bell? I mean it would be the perfect time to find out if he really is ready and a viable option to see a lot of time this season. Find out what the coaches/other players think about him. Be another way at looking how the Peters trade will maybe lead to the next unknown ProBowl LT. Either way keep up the great work.

  15. There's PLENTY to see: An unproven Center, removed dead weight? What Royal?...ok. A great WR that might not mean anything if the QB doesn't have time to throw the ball. Now toss in a few negative headlines from our younger players, and the Toronto debacle, AND the loss of Peters...yeah GREAT offseason so far.

    The glass is half empty to you i bet. Hangartner proved himself last year in the NFC South. A very physical confrence. Royal and Dockery both were overpaid and underperformed. Peters wasn't good but could not be avoided. Get over the Toronto thing. One more game you can watch on t.v. Or make the drive to Toronto if you really wanted to go.

  16. My thought was you then leave yourself the option of being able to go Oline with two picks and D front seven with 2 picks. Your fourths go to Denver. And come back rest of draft and take best guy available. Best case would be trade one of the fourths and a fith. I would rather trade two fourths though for a guy that has proven he can play, albeit he has been hurt a little too often. But the injuries is the reason you get him for the fourths and not a second rounder.

  17. his play sucked last year.......and he kept getting penalties as well.........he also doesn't want to be here.......


    and now he doesn't need to be here............

    I dont know about the does not want to be here. He wants to be anywhere they will show him the money. And good for him, we all would. He was good to average, and probably a lot of that had to do with him sitting out last year the entire preseason. Like i said better this then to see a repeat.

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