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Posts posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. you are exactly right. And it is the reason i hope the Bills dont go after a TE. Evans and Owens will command a lot of attention, leaving Reed matched up with a safety or nickel back. And thus leave Fine to be covered by a LB. I think Reed is actually Edwards favorite reciever. If you look at how Trents play suffered last year, Reed was hurt a lot of those games in the middle of the season.

    Also going forward hopefully Johnson or Hardy will develope into the outside guy, that Owens is this year. Meaning you dont really need a dominant TE. Yes it is nice, but not when you got other areas of need.

    Bills need to focus on D front seven and interior Oline in this draft.

  2. Sure, why not? Of course I'm not saying he WOULD have, but here are his first three games, before suffering an injury: 148 yards (against the Vikings), 128 yards (Bills), 158 yards (Packers).


    The point I'm making is, he was the guy they thought he was when they drafted him. Going back and lamenting they didn't pick someone else is ridiculous. He was great...and he was overused and got hurt.

    overused? really? more like injury prone. Terrell Davis was a guy that might have been a great back, but once again injury prone. Emmitt Smiths two greatest feats were playing behind the Cowboy line for all those years, and staying mostly healthy for his career.

  3. I think the Bills should not draft a tackle in the first round either. Union, you hit the nail on the head. The Bills have guys already who can fill in these spots. For this next year rotate Walker and Chambers at LT. Draft best interior lineman with your 28th pick. Or second best one with your 42 pick.

    Put Bell on the Peters plan. In 2010 he is your starting LT( sign him to a 5 year deal halfway thru the season, once you see he can play and before he gets voted to the probowl).

  4. Nice job overall. I think everyone should expect the Parcells is going to have a big draft. He knows he has to reload on defense. Also i would expect an oline man like you pointed out.

    I definetly dont like Ayers. He seems like a nice enough kid, but he just scares me. If he did not have more then 3 sacks in college what makes us think he would be a force in the pros? I know he could develope, but first rounders should be spent on guys that have shown they can be a force in college and will just need to develope to the speed of the pro game. Ayers makes me question him. Too many times you see a name get hot, and he climbs the board. Then he turns into a dud.

    Personally i dotn think the Bills are going to take a tackle in the first. I really think they will try Bell and Chambers. With the hope that Bell is the longterm answer. I do see then going back in the second and taking an interior OL.

    Once again good work and thanks, cant wait till the weekend!

  5. Leonidas, I have got to give you props man you been a member for like 2+ mos, and you already have over 700 posts. And i am not saying that with any sarcasm. so please dont get pissy. You are one of the few guys on here i like to hear his opinions, because you back it with facts.

  6. I'm simply pointing out stupid comments when they are made.

    No it wasn't a stupid comment. I was taking for granted that we all knew why Peters play decreased last year. He held out for money. And he did not bother to keep himself in shape while he was holding out. Honestly you have made an abundance of stupid comments on this particular subject. But got to give you credit for 15k posts. Good for you.

  7. Is that a serious question? You honestly have NO IDEA? You are unaware than he missed all of the offseason activities?

    You keep making my arguement. Why did he miss all offseason? Cause he was holding out for money.

    Couple that with the fact that he had money on his mind while playing the games. Jeez Dean, are you on his payroll?

    Peters is all about the money. And thats fine. But what does a guy play for once he has the money??

  8. Hidden meaning? Read his quote, and then try to make sense of it.



    He'd think about his contract AFTER getting beat...not before. So, what would that mean? Let's try this: He was hoping to get a BIG contract this year. If he gets beat, he probably worried that it would impact what he would be able to negotiate.


    If he said, "I'd think about my contract and THEN I would get beat", you might have a point.

    Seriously? So if he got beat say the first serious of the game, he would say that to himself. Then would forget all about it? Then just repeat it the next time? So why was he so much worse in 2008 then in 2007? Come on man you are smarter then that. He is only motivated by money. And guys like that dont last very long after they get the payday.

    I dont wish him any ill will. Good for him he got paid, i am just very glad the Bills didn't do the paying.

  9. No...NO!!! He sucks, he is fat, lazy and was NEVER good...didn't you get the memo?? :ph34r:

    Did you read his statements or listen to them in his Eagles interview? He basically said the contract was on his mind last year while playing. Like if he gave up a sack or missed a block, he said oh well i am only making $3,000,000.00.

    Come on man. That guy is a turd. And he is stupid enough to admitt it.

  10. He is definetly worth a seventh rounder. He has all the tools to be great. Hopefully he matures and realizes he has one shot left. If your a late round of FA signing you are not aloted as many do overs as a first or secound rounder. Heck take him to visit Maurice Clarret, if he doesn't think it could happen to him. I would be surprised if some team doesn't pick him up in sixth or seventh round.

  11. The highly regarded McNally (who is soon to be demonized by those for the trade) believed Peters was a superior talent. Sure, he's partial, but I think he knows OL when he sees them.


    I'll take the experts take before message board posters who don't study film. But again, only time will tell if this move benefits one side or the other more. I think we'll know by Week 6 of this upcoming season.

    You can't possibly know how this trade will benefit one team or the other six weeks into this upcomming year. It will take 2-3 years to truly understand it. If Peters has injuries along the way, who the Bills draft with the picks and how they develope etc....

  12. When did you hear me say those guys were a loss in any way? I hated Losman, Fowler, and Royal. Where in the world did you get that from? I merely listed all of Buffalo's additions and subtractions to the roster and you took that as me missing all of those players? Come on man, you can't be that dumb!


    The point I was trying to make is what a crock of bull the whole "continuity" excuse was. I do, however, would have liked to see the Bills re-sign Crowell to the same deal he got from Tampa and I can't say really say I like the release of Dockery. Replacing 60% of the offensive line isn't the wisest thing to do.

    Replacing 60% of the oline is not the best thing. However you have to look at it position by positon or player by player.

    Fowler- Bad

    Dockery- Was not very good. Getting paid way to much for what he was doing. So what close your eyes and hope he plays better this year?

    Peters- Wanted to be paid like best LT, when the Bills just saw him have a very average at best season.

    Royal- had stone hands and was way way overpaid.

    Sorry but the other thing not many people mention is maybe the Bills like some of the young guys that are already on the team.

    McKelvin replaces Greer, not Florence

    Ellis steps up and plays good this year rotating in on De

    Bell steps up and plays good on Oline.

    Fine continues to progress this year. He is a move the changes type of TE. But the Bills really dont need more then that with Evans and Owens stretching the field.

    Now for FA

    Owens is another target for Trent and a true number 2 wide out for Evans to get open more. Take away the T.O name and look at his numbers we would all be very happy to have gotten him.

    Florence will be very good in a nickle package. Zone cover 2 is what he excelled at while in SD. More so then playing a press man coverage like he was asked to do in JVille.

    Hangarnter was technically a back up. But started 8 games last year at center while Khalil went down. Carolina had a great rushing attack and a many of his Oline teammates thought highly of him.

    McKinney is a very solid depth guy on Oline,that will also help spell any rookie interior guys that are drafted.

    Rhodes will help carry the load during Marshawns suspension. And also help if either Freddie or Marshawn goes down. He can catch and run the ball effectively.

    Fitz is a nice back up. God knows he cant do worse then JP did last year.

    Thomas will be a ST and depth at LB.


    Then you have the draft

    Right now you need two players for the defensive front 7 and i would say an Oline man. These should get addressed with the first three picks. All three of those picks should be guys that could step right in and start. Yes they will have some growing pains, but i would not go into full on rebuild mode for Buffalo.

    The offseason is not even halfway over yet. The draft will help us see what type of season we can expect.

    But who ever said the Bills need to hit on their first four picks is exactly right.

  13. The Bills kept the two guys worth keeping. Walker and Butler played very solid. Butler hopefully can get past the injuries.

    Fowler Preston and Dockery were down right terrible.

    Peters looked very out of shape his first 4-5 games. He had no continuity with Dockery, because he missed all of the off season work. His timming was very bad. And personally i think in his mind he felt like if you are going to pay me 3 million a year i will block like a 3 million a year LT.

    Now the Bills have quietly made two signings on the Oline.

    Hangartner played on a very good Carolina Oline. Had to watch them play a few Sundays down here. He was more or less a victim of numbers. Too much good talent in one area. His contract was up and the Panthers could not resign him for starter money. They already had paid starter money to the rest of the line.

    McKinney seems like a very quality depth guy, that could also help spell the rookie(the Bills take in the draft) at gaurd.

    Going into last year the Oline was suppose to be our strength. With the center spot being the chink in the armour.

    Every broadcast the announcer would bring up the fact that the Bills starting line was the biggest in football. Yet they consitently got pushed around. And usually it seemed like the heat came from center over to LT.

    So i am optimistic this year the changes will lead to something better. And hopefully everyone is signed up early and in camp on time so they can work together and form a consistent unit.

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