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Everything posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. Very good point, i didn't think of it that way. You may very well be right.
  2. He is considered by some to by the ONLY true LT in this years FA. Yes he will not get 'elite' LT money, but he isnt signing for less the $6-7mil a year. And some team could overpay if they feel he is the missing piece.
  3. You are one of the smarter posters on this board. Seem very objective, so you know Fitz is going to have a bad game or two. If Tebow is on the bench, that screams of disaster. I like Tebow, i do. Think he handles himself with class. And from what i know from talking with people who have spent time with him, he is what you see, no BS. But you could have a locker room divided if Fitz has a cold streak. We saw last year Fitz will play hurt(the rib injury from Skins game). Denver is already creating a sh*t show for themselves just by having Manning in for a visit...i can gaurantee that.
  4. Charles got DUI last night/early this morning in Athens. Maybe he slides a little? Third rounder, even though Chandler resigned?
  5. Really? Fitz and Tebow? Smells like a worse Flutie and Johnson debacle.
  6. With jacobs just being released, maybe not so far fetched?
  7. Do think then Morrison was brought back mostly for Depth? Start in 'base' D? Truely asking.
  8. Are we not already paying Kelsay? If they cut Edwards, is there not a void. This may also mean they could cut ties with Meriman(not sure timing of his contract kicking in, but if could pull of Abraham's signing, then to me Meriman goes). Not trying to arguee, but Kelsay is better at stuffing the run and playing contain then a pass rusher. Draft a young guy in 2nd round to bring along this year. Next year you have a very good rotation. Cut Abrams after 2years if the plan goes right. I know it wont happen, and do value your opinion NoSaint. But if Bills are serious about this being the year, and i think they are. Gailey knows he has to get into the playoffs.
  9. I have been calling out his name for about a month now. I bet you could get him for half Mario or Freeney. Situational pass rusher guy. Still has 2-3 years left. He is in great shape. What about 3 yr $20 mil for ole Honest Abe? Any takers? Big signing bonus and first year salary.
  10. I agree with the current price for Freeney is nuts. Ergo why he is being cut. And i think everyone, including Freeney and his agent, realize that number needs to get to around $10mil at most. Mario is going to start out at $14-16mil a season, right?(and i am asking). Point being, that extra $4-6mil is a quality/solid starters salary...something the Bills do have some holes at. Or even leaves them with the flexibilty of extending Levitre? IMHO.
  11. Isn't that like asking would you rather have a Mercedes 500 or Honda Accord? Price matters, no?
  12. Do many of these happen? Ever? I mean where a pro football player restructures his contract in order for a trade? When was the last time a starter of his caliber did it?
  13. Bills do have all the leverage with Freddie. The 'right' or 'nice' thing to do would be to sign him to an extension. But if Freddie has unrealistic expectations, then that may be difficult to do. He is over 30, if he sits out a year in protest, he is only that much older. Honestly, i can see it both ways. But on the heels of Peyton Manning getting realesed by the Colts, football is not a business where being nice usually comes into play?
  14. When i was in Buffalo in late August my Uncle and cousin were telling me the story. I am vague on it, but it started over a twitter battle with a National Media guy and my cousin. Everytime the media guy would take a shot at the Bills my cousinand his friends would come back at him, or point out a positive. Finally the National Media guy asked them if they were the Buffalo Mafia. My cousin and his friends ran with it. Website, T Shirts...etc. Barnett and Stevie picked up on it, thru twitter. It was kinda cool. There was even a story written in one of the local, Buffalo Newspapers.
  15. Bell is not coming back. Hairston looked ok, but he too was injuried some. WR is a luxury pick for a team in the first round. Unless he is a Cavin Johnson. Sorry, but remember Detroit taking Wr after Wr in the top ten, how did that work out for them?? Floyd only got on everyones radar after the combine. This alone scares me. He was seen as maybe a first rounder before the combine...but because how he ran and jumped in his underwear, he has vaulted up the board. No thanks.
  16. who is your LT for the Bills in 2012?
  17. If those guys stay healthy, The bills have a very good, young corp.
  18. I dont get it. At first i thought he migh tbe a good pick. But the more i read up on what he does well, its not what the Bills REALLY need. Pass rusher. Is he suppose to play DE or OLB? If DE why take a guy who isn't great at what you need the most?
  19. Bell is at the very least going to test the waters. He is maybe the best LT in a bad LT FA period. He will be the benificiary of being the tallest midget.
  20. I am sorry i just do not see Buddy taking a WR from ND in the first. It may happen, but he knows and loves the south. He will get his WR in the later rounds from a school below the Mason Dixon line.
  21. They will definetly make a push for him. You put him on Houston and they are hands down SB favorites. I mean they made it into the playoffs with their third string QB. That has to be what the FO is thinking too? If he is healthy, then Houston would be very very tough to beat.
  22. Yep, they were able to take the Medical Alert Necklace off him, he can actually get up on his own now.
  23. Both of those 'articles' were probably written by like minded 'haters' like yourself. Sorry, not buying it. And for the cheap 'great regular season qb' comment. He has a ring. Marino, no. And he will hold almost every QB record when he is done. If yo udo not like the guy for being a winner, then that means you are probably not one.
  24. And in the article he stated that he has equal mobility now in both ankles. I got to also believe there is a big difference between a tear and the procedure that was just performed. I of course am not a doctor. But the article was written to show he is making progress. But to negative people, and no you are not a realest, you will find the bad. Unless you are HIS doctor you have an opinion, thats all. I will choose to have a positive one till told something different!
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