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Everything posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. this. I can remember in HS and collge practicing in no pads. Every Dlineman looks like a stud in those practices. Oline is all about contact, last thing you want to do is hurt yourself or someone on your team while in your underpants!!
  2. Yeah, the new CBA took a lot of the negotiating out of the draft. EJ should be signed within the week i would think, unless someone is on vacation on either side.
  3. I wonder how much Parker would play in this part of things. At what if any point do the Bills say " go find a team that will give Byrd the contract you think he deserves and get the Bills a first and third round pick". Can Parker talk to other teams or is it only the Bills who can talk to other teams about a trade?
  4. This is exactly right. I believe the coaches know what is on the line for Da'Rick maybe even more so then he does. Due to Marrone being around the game for so long and most likely seeing first hand very talented guys not make it, he does not want to see that for Da'Rick. The only thing i believe standing in Da'Ricks way of being a very productive player in the NFL is himself. Marrone is setting the tone to try and help him and others realize the amazing opportunity thet have. Good for them!
  5. OR maybe the Bills knew exactly what Peters was/is. Since the trade he has been average. OR since he got paid he has been uninspired to play at a level worthy of his contract. Your argument was germane before the trade, now it looks just silly.
  6. As others have pointed out this draft broke the mold of Buddy's past drafts. To me that symbolizes that Whaley had a greater influence on this particular draft. It is the end of May this signing does not realy signify anything really substantial...
  7. He does not come across as a motivated player and he is a decent LT. Not the worst but not the best. Glad he is not a Bill because he is hard to root for!
  8. Wonder if this was the NFL putting some pressure on the Feds? I get the feeling the League does not like being made to look a fool. Maybe the Commissioner made a call?
  9. Joe Linta comes across as a huge Dbag from that story. What has he proven, that he got his QB the going rate for being a SB winning qb? ok, so what... Also the fact that he tries to compare himself to 'us' with the $100 remark is just arrogance. What did Joe make off the Flacco deal? Probably $5mil? maybe more? And who knows how many things the Ravens had conceeded on before the $1mil Joe is talking about? Maybe Joe had gone to them half a dozen times before this and said ' ok, if you agree to this i think we got a deal'? At some point you have to draw a line in the sand. Anyways i will take Newsome 10 out of 10 times as a GM over anything the Bills have had since Polians tenure. Even then i will probably take Newsome, he has two rings...
  10. another thing we have to remember is som eof the players saying these things are trying to get in the good graces of the new staff. Now i am not saying Mario or Stevie are guys that are in danger of getting cut, but they want to get along with the new staff. I agree we have heard the same song and dance for a long time, and have little production to show for it. I do believe this regime is different than Gailey's time here. I knew from watching him at GT what type of coach he was. he was never going to win a SB. I was hoping he would get the Bills back to maybe playoff ball...
  11. #9 for sure... It actually helps me now. i can sense when a team is about to blow it from years of being a Buffalo fan. last playoffs i was watching the Falcons Seehawks game. The Falcons where up big at half but my cousin(also a Buffalo fan) and i kept saying this game is not over. You could sense the Seehawks where going to make a run. Most of the Falcon fans where celebrating. When Seattle went up on the Falcons the place went nuts. We closed out our tab because it was turning into a sh*t show... Unlike recent Buffalo teams Atl came back to win obviously but i felt their pain for a second.
  12. No way. Urlacher was a far greater LB then Bennett ever was. Urlacher vs Bennett in each of their primes is not really that close. Urlacher could cover, stuff the run, and rush the passer all from MLB. To me Urlacher is a notch below Ray Lewis who i consider the greatest LB of all time...granted my opinion matters about as much as nothing! One tid bit i will throw in is if Urlacher had been on the Bills D back when Bennet was... the Bills win the second SB against Dallas...
  13. The Falcons have been a bad franchise for years. they did not have back to back winning seasons till just recently. Atlanta is also a huge transplant city, The Falcons became a franchise in 1965. Give the Falcons another 10 years or so and i think you will see a very loyal fan base just like some of the older teams.
  14. NCAA is so screwed up. You can see what college football is already trying to do. merge into 'super confrences' which eventually will kick the NCAA out. These confrences will be able to make TV deals and financial decisions and the day to day business operations just fine with out the NCAA.
  15. "woman"...you are a kind person!
  16. This is the play book in May, lets see what it looks like in September or December. It is very common to add plays through out the year. I would guess Hackett and Marrone simplified the play book for right now due to all three QB's being new to it. Another point might be that EJ did not get the greatest coaching while at FSU. Maybe he is picking up the play book easier and quicker due to the teaching and coaching he is getting now?
  17. Kinda reminds me of the scene from Bronx tale where"C" is chasing the kid that owes him $20...Sonny explains you just got rid of the guy for $20 instead of much more, forget about it...
  18. Well you can look at the teams they came from and deduct a couple of things. The Saints and Steelers both have won SB in the last 7 years. Both of these guys where part of those teams for the past 8+ years. Do i know either of those guys? Nope. Whaley does though and if you support Whaley you should support them. Personally i am 50/50 on Whaley so we shall see...
  19. I like these changes. If you like at the consistently good franchises around the league you draft well and then keep your guys. I point to the Giants and Steelers as being the two who have been relevant through out the past 25+ years. It is about a sytem, the system is passed down . Steelers been doing it since the 70's. Good for Whaley he is a very young guy, if succesful he should be able to make the Bills a winning franchise for years!
  20. YepAsk Detroit fans how having a good wide receiver core and sub par QB play turns out. I think between Kolb or Manuel the Bills will finally get CONSISTENT good QB play...
  21. Really? Garrard has been done for 3 years... The Jets showed how poorly run they are by thinking he was going to be an option for them. His body can not handle the game anymore...Sad because he seems like a descent guy. Like the saying goes 'we all are told we can not play the game anymore...'
  22. Listened to him this morning on local radio here in Atlanta. He just finished getting his MBA from Emory University. A very prestigious school. Dunn is a very good humble guy.
  23. SJF, you are about the most level headed person on here. Does it not seem odd how this was handled? How it is being handled? I use the word odd because why not just come out and say this was the plan all along? Or why not name Whaley GM as Nix is stepping down? Call a presser and do it all at once. This would make things more unified and give a better appearance to everyone, no? And i will go a step further and say why not do this back in January? I have no problem with Whaley as GM but the way it is being handled puts him in a bit of a strange spot. It appears almost as if Brandon or Ralph did not feel he was competent to run the draft yet.
  24. I like the Big Ben comparison and have been using it myself since i watched more of EJ's work. Lets just hope he can out it all together and become the QB we have been waiting for.
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