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Everything posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. Really? I mean Western NY politicians are the most crooked in the country. Kiko could not do any worse!!! Seriously how long does it take to get anything done in Erie Co?! Haha
  2. No it is not a stretch. I do think the Bills could win 5 of the next 7 games for sure. But i also think the playoffs are going to be tough for them this season. 8-8 would feel good. The Bills are a few more pieces away from being a true competitive team for awhile. That is IF EJ continues to develope and stay healthy.
  3. The fact that he never went to his HC says something. Martin is a very intelligent guy. he knows he should go to his 'boss' if something is not right at work. The fact he did not says Martin has another agenda. what that is we shall see.
  4. Look. First Martin is not very good from what i have seen. Forget about all this stuff Second i could care less if Martin is gay or straight, but i am not one of his team mates. Third you are living in a fantasy world if you think being gay(if Martin is) is an easy thing to have for an NFL locker room. And yes i am glad the Bills picked Glenn for many reasons. No not because Martin may be gay, but if he is it will be a huge issue. Causing all kinds of distractions. Sorry it just will and you know it. Divisions will occur, they do when something like this enters into a locker room. Unfortunate yes, but reality none the less. In a perfect world anyone gay or straight could play football and not have to fear taunting or harrasment. Unfortunately this is not a perfect world. While players may say one thing during an interview because their agent tells them they better say it, how they really feel can not be disguised in the heat of the moment.
  5. The thing which was so frustratin gon Sunday to me was that the ref on top of the play called it a catch. Then you had some over tanned Charlton Heston looking old man running in and over ruling it. Just same old crap.
  6. talk about a poop storm about to hit South beach! Wow another reaosn i am gladd we took that OG Glenn!!!
  7. Nope. Robey is learning and cheap. Save the money and spend it in the off season on some FA's that fit what you need and want.
  8. Incognito is not a good guy that is for sure. But Martin also seems a little bit like he should be able to - A. Stand up for himself- Tell Incognito to back off. If Incognito does not and Martin really does feel threatened go to your coaches and GM. B. This smells of a lawsuit Martin was hoping he could get. Incognito is not a good guy and very very stupid too it seems. Text messages and voice mails are just dumb.
  9. I do not believe Dave wants to look as bad his the Jags do right now. But i also know Dave has a plan and is not going to let any pressure from anyone else make him change that plan. He will get his QB this draft and my thought is build a nice team moving forward. As far as the Bills and him for GM i di dwant him in Buffalo, but i can not argue with the last draft the Bills put together. and for 3-13, i am sorry but there is negative and then there is just being an a*s. Your being an a*s. no way this team goes 3-13. They have way to much fight and when EJ gets back they will win at least 3 more game. I really think 8-8 is possible.
  10. I agree about Goodwin needing to play more. The only troubling tendency right now is him leaving the field due to injuries. You got to hope his body can adjust to the rigors of the NFL game, because he has the speed and can catch the ball. The potential for these young WR's is great. Johnson, is solid. Wood sto me is going to be awesome once him and EJ get to play together consitently. Goodwin would be great as that Mike Wallace type receiver the Steelers used.
  11. If the Bills finish 8-8 it will be a major accomplishment. It would be even better if they beat the rest of their divisional opponents to accomplish that 8-8 record. Also in getting to 8-8 the Bills are able to figure out that EJ is the real deal and has what it takes. EJ also remains healthy. We as fans also witness young guys playing good and see the team is getting a lot better. To me this is reality. Playoffs would be great, but given the injuries and new coaches i think this was/is a growing year. I for one am very happy with the direction the Bills are headed talent wise and D coaching. The O has been spotty at times this year, play calling has been questionable. Lets hope these last 7 games the Bills finish strong and set the tempo for going into next season.
  12. I actually called it before the season started, Pitts is bad. The Bills should win this game. Considering how young this team is they do not know the Pitts team from three years ago that was very good. The Pitt team today is old, slow and very very beatable. BTW, the Bills where not scared of the Ravens, what makes all you guys so scared of Pitt??? Seriously, unless the Bills players hit a bar the night before and Big Ben is there they have nothing to fear!!
  13. The Chiefs will be exposed very soon for what they are. They will not win one playoff game. They are be far the most unimpressive 9-0 team in the history of the NFL. I think the D played great yesterday, but if the Bills had been playing against a good O the score would have been different. A. Smith is not bad or great, he is average. The Chiefs will lose to Denver once for sure, probably twice. I feel bad for the let down Chiefs fans are going to get soon. I am also jealous of them for having the false hope they are better then they are. We know that feeling all too well. Pettines D looked good yesterday. i do like where the entire team is headed. I think once the Bills put it all together they are going to be a good team for a long time.
  14. Great news for EJ and the offense. I do not believe it means a 7 game winning streak. I do hope it means that Hackett will now let EJ throw some deep balls to Goodwin and Graham. I also hope the line plays as well as yesterday too. The entire O looked so much better yesterday except for a hadful of glaring mistakes. Lets hope with EJ back in that at least one of those mistakes is gone.
  15. The entire team hopefully steps up. The Oline answers the call and opens lanes and gives the kid enough time to go 15-25 175 1 t.d. 1 int's. IF the line plays good and Hackett calls up some good plays and does not become predictable, Tuel has a chance. This is one where if the Bills are going to win they will have to decieve the Chiefs.
  16. I have no clue about this one. My hope is the Chiefs overlook the Bills and A Smith brings his management style down to the level of Tuel(even if Thad does start). The Bills Oline will have to win this game coupled with the Bills run D. If the Bills are going ot have a shot Hackett(God lets hope he draws up an amazing game plan) and Marrone are going to need to get the ball out quick. Heavy draws, screens, slants and quick hitters for whoever starts at QB. I am going to go with a 24-23 Bills win. Kiko has a late Int to seal the game.
  17. Not sure who starts and really not sure if it matters if the Oline does not do a better job pass protecting then they did last week in NO. KC has a very good pass rush, so honestly it is not like we need a drop back and scan the field approach. Hackett and Marrone need to run the ball mix in screens, slants, and maybe a bomb or two to Goodwinn/Graham. Work the middle of the field with Chandler for a couple plays. Biggest thing if Tuel or Flynn starts is not to get down early.
  18. Wow. Chalk another one up to Buddy! Sounds like a mental issue, which is no laughing matter, if so. Hope the guy is alright no matter what it is he is being treated for. never like to see another human suffer.
  19. The year is not done my friend. Might be wishful thinking on my part but the Bills are still right in the thick of things. A nice three game winning streak before the bye would really turn things up. The Bills match up nicely with KC in my opinion.
  20. I am not doubting what you are saying. And if Geno learned it i am sure EJ can. between the two EJ appears to have more between the ears then Geno does. Geno and Tannehill remind me of the same type of QB. Big strong guys who have good mechanics yet struggle to read D's and also make poor decisions at costly times.
  21. I know it is sad to me. i am 38 and single no kids. So like i said i dont really care about hearing F this or F that. However it is the dads with the kids that get upset. Next thing you know you got a fight breaking out. The funny thing is the guys yelling the loudest usually have littl eunderstanding of what is actually going on. One of the last games i was at i had some bills fan screaming F'ing challenge that about 20 times. This was while jauron was coaching. Finally my cousin said ' you really need to learn what you can and can not challenge, you are making yourself look ridiculious'. Luckily my cousin and i are both about 6'3 and 260lbs. The guy quited down after that.
  22. Yep. The Bills fans that sat behin dme and my Saints buddies where your classib a-holes. Shouting F you to Brees and then telling the other Saints fans to F off. Totally uncalled for crap. Cheer your team on and even tell the refs they stink. Save the four letter words. A game is a family experience. Stay in your house with your buddies and scream like morons if you want to swear. I have no kids and am single, so honestly it is more about how you reperesent the Bills you follow and yourself to me.
  23. A. Gilmore is good and will only get better. B. Brees knows this and went away from he for the majority of the day. Brees is smart. Why go after the one great CB the Bills have. Exploit the weakier areas. This is why Brees is so frustrating- he knows how to spread the ball around. It is like he used the first quarter plus to probe and figure out where the weak spots where. Then he went to work on them late in the second and in the third quarter. Peyton and Brees are so great together.
  24. So true and so sad.
  25. I agree. i actually made a comment while the Saints where pulling away in the game on Sunday. I called that the Bills would be down 21-10 at half because i just knew what was coming. The Saints fan next to me was like wow. I said 'you remember how it was for you guys pre Brees and Peyton'. He said yep. Honestly best game day experience ever was down there this past weekend. Awesome fans, clean stadium, and everyone is trying to have fun. I had 5 Bills fans sitting above me and my buddies(Saints Fans). The Bills fans where obnoxious and embaresing. They actually made the comment ' doesnt anyone get in fights here'? I told me buddy that is why i do not go to Bills games anymore in Buffalo. Too many guys get loaded up and then look for trouble. Anyways, great gameday, kudos to the City and Saints fans. Good people and good place. I echo the sentiment about th eonly bad thing was the hangover and the number the spicey food did to me! ha
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