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Everything posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. If that is th ecase the Bills will have a new HC AGAIN in after the 2015 season. Hackett is not a good QB coach or OC. And the special teams are soft and sad. Pettine will bail after next year and the Bills will be the worse team in the league in 2015. Hope i am wrong but if Marrone keeps his staff intact after this year he has started the clock on how long he has to be a HC in the NFL.
  2. It proabaly opened his eyes up when the Bills cut him. Hopefully he realizes how fortunate he is and has a great career that never costs the Bills too much!
  3. Thank you for a great laugh to start the day!!!!
  4. Big difference between Manziel and Farve or Manning is size. Manziel is a small guy who can not take those beating in the NFL. He gets banged up no win college. Not enough to be out of an entire game but nicked up. He also throws a lot of jump balls that his WR Evans bails him out on. My point is there is not one clear cut 'great qb' coming out this year like a LUCK. He was a once in about 15 years type of guy. Another P. Manning. I hope Hackett and Marrone open it up and use the next 6 games to evaluate EJ. See what he can and can not do. Whaley has to may this directive to his staff. Tell them we need to see if EJ can do it. I am not as concerned about winning games as i am about seeing what talent we have on the entire team. See where we are weak and what we need. It starts at QB. With EJ being out 5 weeks the FO needs to push the coaches to force EJ to make all the throws he can.
  5. very true post. You almost wonder how good this team could be if they all played a great game for th eentire 60 mins. I do not think we have seen that once this year. Cleveland game and Pats game was mayb ethe closest. In both those we found a way to lose. Cleveland was more about EJ's injury.
  6. My granfather worked for the Bills. he worked with Hojo and Woodie who is still on the sidelines. I grew up going in the locker room and hanging around bugging the players for autographs and such. This was back in the late 70's and 80's. The Bills where pretty much the only thing my father and i could talk about. Both my dad and grand dad are gone now. I keep thinking one day the Bills will win one Super Bowl. I will cry like a baby while smiling the biggest smile. I come back every year out of pride and i have no other team i care nearly as much about as the Bills. I love football and i live and die with the Bills every Sunday. I have learned to put it in perspective as i have gotten older. The sting of a lose only lasts about an hour afterwards. But that hour is the saddest of the week usually! ha
  7. Very good job of summing it up. WAY to conservative by everyone yesterday. The Bills are 3-7 with little to no chance at making the playoffs. Cut it lose for crying out loud. Let EJ throw 12 picks over the next 6 games. If it means he also throws 12 t.d's and avg 250-300 yds and 40 attempts. Lets see what EJ is. Also give the ball to Spiller 20+ times a game every week. See if he can handle it over the next 6 games. if can not you got your answer for how to approach his contract talk.
  8. The problem is right there . Hackett has yet to figure out what gameplan works with EJ. He seems to have done so with Thad to some degree and even Tuel. It is not absurd to expect a OC to be good. Marrone should not have brought a guy in with no NFL experience being an OC in the NFL. There are only 32 guys in the world who get to be an OC in the NFL, are you really going to tell me you think Hackett is one of the best 32 people in the world to have that job? No way no how. Marrone went with what felt comfortable for him and it is now biting him in the you know what. Marrone will show me in the offseason if he is our solution to HC be firing Hackett or not. By the way the excuse Marrone gave today about EJ foot work lies squarely on Hackett. EJ and Hackett are not working well together, Personally i will go with EJ over Hackett for next years team.
  9. This team is not mentally capable of running the table. Personally i believe it is better in th elong run if the Bills win 3, close defense dominated games. Marrone can not stand up and defend Hackett and he fires him after the season. The Bills bring in a proven OC with success working with a young talented QB. Right now this O staff looks like they belong calling HS football games.
  10. Just wanted to bump this topic back up now.
  11. exactly! Marrone is guilty of thinking Hackett could succeed at this level. Hackett is in over his head and it shows in play calling and EJ's developement. Some people will claim injuries and blah blah blah...fact is with a decent OC and QB coach this team is a lot better. IF Marrone keeps Hackett after this year, then we got the wrong HC too. Marrone must take the same approach with his coaches that he does players. If you are not cutting it, you are gone.
  12. I was hoping for 6-8 wins. But i fear with Hackett as OC and his playcalling every D the Bills face is going to look like the steel curtain!
  13. Hackett's play calling stinks. Why would we then believe he is some great QB coach? Personally i think Hackett is probably the single biggest issue with this team. If Geno can get coached up why can't EJ? EJ has all the talent and is bright and a hard worker. To me that points to the coach not knowing how to coach the young man.
  14. I been saying Hackett is not cutting it for about 8 weeks now. His play calling is brutal. Hackett is the single biggest thing wrong with this team right now. IF the Bills had an OC on the same level as the DC this team would have a chance in every game. The D gives the Bills a chance in every game. It is the uninspiring play calling of the O that is killing drives. I also pointed out that around this time Hacketts tendencies would begin becoming more and more appearent to opponents DC. lebeau is a master and he crushed the young Hackett. Hackett is not a young prodigy. He is a guy in over his head. Marrone needs to get a proven NFL level OC this offseason. That game yesterday was right there for 2 quarters to take. The Bills have the second worse redzone team in the league. They only hurt that stat yesterday. Sorry guys, but i been saying all these things since the very early on. It is getting worse because teams now know what the O is going to do. This season is about to get really bad i think. Bad enough for hackett to lose his job i hope. And Marrone just looks clueless and in over his head on the sideline. I am sure he is bright and knows football but he looks like Dickie J out there.
  15. Yeah, I got to think he is overrated honestly at this point in his career. I think he could still be a HC IF he hired the right staff. Unfortunately Shanahan does not appear able to do that. Also factor in the Cap issues and you got a team that is going to take 2-3 years to sort it out.
  16. The other similarity is the Falcons also traded up with the chargers to grab Vick. Chargers grabbed Tomlinson and i believe Brees in the second due to the Falcons trade IIRC.
  17. Watching the way RGIII and Shanahan have been together reminds me of the Dan Reeves Vick era in Atl. A once great HC with a very talented QB. Both teams lacked D's and both QB's came into the league and set it on fire, but then progressed slowly.
  18. But they drafted Decastro and from the talk in here last year he alone should of made their line the greatest line ever! ha Just goes to prove the value of OG. There are a luxury not something you build your team around. Ask Tenn in a year or two how they like Andy's contract.
  19. Yep. I get the sense this young Bills team does not care about what is painted on the side of a helmet. The fact the Steelers where good now means nothing to them. Proper play calling and execution should result in a win finally. Man to man the Bills are a better team. They just need to cut down on mistakes and untimely turn overs.
  20. Agree to disagree. Time will tell. Martin comes from a very financially stable home. he also has money to hold him over during a lawsuit. It will be interesting to see ho wit all plays out. Personally i think RI is probably not as bad as we think he is and Martin is not as weak as we think he is. Interesting how people who where around both men seem to be taking RI side. Everyone else just has an opinion of what is going on. The voice mail and texts are bad, but what was the relationship like? Did these two speak to each other that way?? Guys are now saying yes they did.
  21. More like Martin maybe set this entire thing up. it will be interesting to see how it plays out. I bet you martin sues everyone he can and walks away a very rich man. He will claim he can not play football anymore due to this situation and sue for potential earnings etc...
  22. From the interviews i have seen the Phins players are pointing out that Martin never appeared to have an issue with what RI was doing. The players are also pointing out that Martin never attempted to fit in with the team. He also did not partake in the accustomed rookie paying for a dinner. I guess guys on the Phins are upset that Martin did everything he could to make himself an outsider and now he really is one. Martin is causing a huge issue over something that to the other players was not one. More needs to come out for sure. Until Martin releases everything he has on the Dolphins and what they knew we can only speculate. the fact that is appears Martin was collecting evidence smells a little bad to me. Like maybe his two attorney parents coached him?
  23. Great article. Appears very balanced and very insightful to the entire situation. It also appears more and more like Martin snapped. Martin appears that he was ok with RI and that they where friends. Suddenly Martin decided he did not like the way he and RI interacted. Time will tell the true story. I still stand by that i think Martin has an agenda, or he may have some mental issues. If it is mental issues i feel very bad for him. It could be that Martin does not want to play football. Maybe the guy was good at it and built for it, but does not love it. Maybe it was a dream for others but not him? Who really knows right now what is going on inside Martin's head. The article is also correct in the fact that both Martin and Incognito's careers will never be the same.
  24. Good call E. I forgot about that stretch of 6 wins. Unfortunately i remember playing the Steelers and losing. Remind me, did the other things happen that if the Bills had won they would have made it in? I thought the Bills needed a win and a lose by another team?
  25. I get what you guys are saying. But he did not even try or approach his HC. Philbin(sp) does not seem like the type of guy to do nothing. Philbin seems like a guy who would be sympathetic to someone in trouble after losing his own son. Time will tell. But Martin not even trying to go to his coach about it is off putting to me. If your coach does nothing, fine, then leave the team and do what Martin is doing. he skipped a very important step in the process. He also could have gone to his HC very early on when things really started to bother him and had it taken care of, or not. He also coul dhave said me or Richie has to go, trade me or him. There are many things Martin could have done besides collect evidence and then walk away.
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