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Everything posted by atlbillsfan1975

  1. I need to see three seasons and two drafts before I can make this decision. This year may go poorly. Teams have lost 10 games in a row. That won't change my opinion. If in 2019 the Bills aren't in the playoffs I will say Beane and McDermott took a misstep someplace. I hope it will be one that can be corrected quickly.
  2. As someone who works with young people on a daily basis it is difficult. It is sad but I can see both sides of this. I say sad because 10 years ago when I was a younger man myself I would say the players are over reacting. It is just a phrase. words have started wars. Sounds like the owner needs to sit down with the team and talk it out. Ultimately people need to feel heard and respected. If that is done more times than not the situation can be resolved and the relationship moved forward. I hope things get better and the climate in this great country changes for the better. Unfortuntely I feel like there will need to be a huge event for everyone to come together and be unified. These events typically aren't good events. Can't we all just get along?
  3. keep winning at home.
  4. Too soon. I do like the fact that McDermott and Beane are in it together and on the same page. That is a change from anything we have seen in awhile. Two young intelligent guys sharing a common vision. Time and a little luck will prove them right...I hope.
  5. I wanted to believe Marcel was hurt and would get better. It appeared he was starting to make some plays in the Tampa Game. I was hoping winning would help him buy in. McDermott and Beane must of seen enough. Time will tell. I wish Marcel the best just not when he plays the Bills.
  6. It almost cost the Bills the Denver game. Thank you Mr Miller.
  7. Those stationary bikes in particular are hard as hell. Try burning 40 calories on one of those things as fast as you can. It ain't easy.I'd really like to see a healthy backend of the D against Carr and all his weapons. It looked like they started putting together the deep ball against the Chiefs last game. This one is going to be tough.
  8. sure is. IF everyone ignored him, he would go away.
  9. I don't have a good feeling about this one. I think the Pats D will play better without Gilmore. Hope I am wrong. Guess we are all Falcons fans tonight.
  10. all new coaches and a lot of new players. Progress every week. the Bills played a bad team against the pass today and it showed. Conversely the Bills played good defensive teams in Denver, Carolina, and Cincy. The competition has had something to do with the performance.
  11. Watch NE look great tonight on D. Belichik has always been a system guy. He thought Gilmore could learn his system. I am sure Gilmore said ' I will do anything you need, I just want to win'. Now Gilmore isn't 'buying' in and the secondary is hurting. If the secondary plays better tonight without him it will be interesting to see what Belichik does.
  12. This is how you see it. I am not saying you are totally wrong, however if the staff knows something we don't I will trust them.
  13. Vick wasn't a pocket passer.vick struggled being consistent from the pocket. Besides Daryl Green from Washington, no one was faster than Vick on the field. Vicks greatest attribute was his ability to get to top speed in very few steps. Also Vick was so fast he could get the corner on defenders who thought they had the right angle.Not sure what Vick could teach Taylor. Vick had a ton of talent. Later in his career did Vick learn how to read defenses , by that time his speed had diminished.
  14. When KC is the best team in the regular season it gives anyone who makes the playoffs a chance.
  15. UGA is about to send two studs into the NFL at RB. The rules do need to change back to make it less of a QB driven league. Allow more bumping and contact, this will also help slow down receivers and may help reduce some big collisions.
  16. this is unfortunate. It only brings more division and negativity to a sport I enjoy.
  17. It was exactly what the Bills can't do when they play the Dolphins. Cutler got interested in playing good and started making plays. The D line for Miami looks good. Those games against Miami are not going to be easy. Best thing to do with Cutler is hope to catch him on a day when he doesn't want to play. Ha
  18. That's on the TE. Hit him in the chest. Terrible. Falcons look bad.
  19. This sounds weird. For the reason of being out, is it headaches?
  20. He is going to be fine. So many of the greats take time to adjust to the pro game. I challenge you OP to go look up stats of the games best WR's over the last 15 years. Look up their rookie season game stats. I bet you will see some pretty pedestrian numbers. Just a hunch.
  21. I really want to believe he is hurt and once healthy we will see a return to the old Marcel. Getting a sack is one of the best feelings for a defender. I am hoping that one Marce had against Cincinnati woke up the desire for more.
  22. Hoping Atl puts a hurting on the Phins. That Steeler game could be telling for which way Pitt is going. I will be keeping an eye on the Tampa Game as well. I have always liked playing a team off a win. I'd like to see Tampa beat Arizona.
  23. Shame about the Knee, it looked like Clay and Taylor were developing some chemistry. Having said that, if we don't think Taylor is the long term answer at QB who cares about his chemistry with Clay?
  24. He stayed in the pocket to many times today. If Taylor can learn when to run vs stay and throw he will be dangerous.
  25. We have a talented oft injured wide receiver admitting to being a me first guy. Add in the fact that the player was coming up for free agency, the Bills did the right thing. I wonder if Watkins had to say these things, GM's talk.
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