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  1. Coming to the same game from Atlanta. Sent you a pm Hammered.
  2. What the hell are handspun wings, Terry?
  3. Might have already been shared. http://www.footballasfootball.com/buffalo
  4. The defense is going to do their best to win this game despite the continued ineptness of the coaching today.
  5. I hate that people lost their jobs but ESPN is downright unwatchable and has been for a number of years. They seem to treat the sports themselves as a sideshow with their personalities being the main event. Them arguing who would beat who in a game of one on one between Jordan and James is silly. It is about as fruitful as trying to convince someone that Napoleon would make a good helicopter pilot. Report what happened across sports and move on. I find I don't even visit their site much either. If I want Bills news I come here or go to pro football talk. Pre game shows of 16 people on the set yelling over people is pointless. People can point to a number of reasons why espn might be needing to boost revenue but to me it is no longer quality news delivered professionally. It will only be so long before another company swoops in and does what Walmart did to Kmart.
  6. Gibran Hamdan laying sideways.
  7. I don't argue the logic or the statistics backing the importance of consistent touchbacks. The main problem I have with the whole kickoff specialist discussion is the underlying issue. I think Rian Lindell has been a done a good job but he is 35 years old and seems to be middle of the road in regards to field goal percentage. Other teams anticipate this and attempt to plug in a better option before it gets to this point. I could maybe see some reasoning for a kickoff specialist if your field goal kicker was extremely accurate and top five statistically each year but that is not Lindell at this point. I don't know if it is a loyalty thing or just simply that they could not find someone else that could handle both duties. The simple point is that teams are able to find kickers that can be successful in touchbacks and field goals.
  8. If you go to the Direct Tv website and type Playstation into the search bar it comes up with a few topics on the specifics about this.
  9. Lots of great ideas and suggestions. Thanks
  10. Sure, and let me also add that since the Sabres play on Sat afternoon I would like some suggestions of a good bar to watch the game. As for activities, not a 100 percent sure but I would imagine museums, historical landmarks, a good place for the ladies to shop and the guys to duck in somewhere to have a drink.
  11. I am heading up to Buffalo for the Eagles game in Oct. I am bringing a couple from Florida that has never been to the area. I typically head up and hang out with family so I am looking for a couple of suggestions for things to take them to during the days before Sunday. Already have the Falls and wing locations covered. BTW I apologize for posting yet another what to do....... I did a quick search and was not able to find anything.
  12. Adam Schefter twitter feed just mentioned that the Bills have 2 1st round picks in 2012. Is that correct? Figured someone here would know. AdamSchefter Also not to be overlooked: Chargers, Bills and Browns, who now have two first-round picks in 2012. #knowmoreintwoyears 12 minutes ago
  13. I thinks Jasper Brinkley is a great player at this spot.
  14. http://www.coveritlive.com/index.php?optio...0&width=610 For anyone to have a little fun.
  15. Buffalo has cornered the market on CBs from Waycross GA.
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