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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. No, it's really not quite simple. I'm guessing you did not read the article in the link above, huh?
  2. +1. Very good, accurate post. Also, using the "Teblow" moniker is just childish and retarded.....unfortunately, some people never mature.
  3. Excellent post. The homers with rose-colored glasses AND blinders on, who refuse to accept the above facts, are living in a dream world. As they say, it is what it is.
  4. What an idiotic, nonsensical, "PC" move by ESPN. I'm not surprised though, not at all. They (ESPN/ABC), as well as all the other "old school" left-wing, liberal, mainstream broadcast networks worship & love Barry Obama, and they are going to do everything in their power to try and keep that failed, incompetent Empty Suit in the White House for another term.
  5. I am with the group that says the Bills lost this game because they played crappy, both on offense & defense......but, FWIW, even Tony Dungy, on the NBC pre-game show to tonight's game, said that it was a good catch, and the Bills got robbed.
  6. Their WR, Calvin Johnson, is playing out of this world...how about that TD catch with THREE Cowgirls right there!?
  7. Been watching football at all levels for 40+ years now, and I got to see a LOT of TT's games when he was down here at U of F, and I'd have to say that you're simply way off base here.
  8. Coming in late to this thread....watched the game while on a hydraulic cutter-suction dredge, working/floating in the Gulf of Mexico. It sure was nice to finally get in the face of some of the cocky NE fans I work with! lol
  9. What's scary there is how many times NE guys were wide open when we had 8 covering 5. Totally AGREE.
  10. Just a note: ALL of the hits I'm referring to, and saw with my own eyes, occurred when he was in the pocket, and AFTER he had released the ball. And I don't know if you've seen him play this year, but he definitely is "taking off" out of the pocket a lot less often than he used to. Again, I'm no fan, just an unbiased observer.
  11. I wore my Bills hardhat to work yesterday and today, and I haven't done that in about......hmmmm, 7 or 8 years. ;-)
  12. I'm far from a big MV fan, but after watching 2 of the Eagles' games this year, I have to agree with him. I've definitely seen MUCH weaker/easier hits on other QBs called in a heartbeat. I dunno, maybe there's a lot of dog owners in the ranks of the NFL zebras.
  13. Was over it by Monday afternoon. But I'm watching the game right now on the NFL network's "NFL Replay" (didn't see it on Sunday), and in the 4th qtr, on the Polomalu (sp?) interception, that was about as clear a case of pass interference (against Stevie) as I've ever seen. The guy was all over him, with the hand clearly on the back affecting SJ. Am I surprised it wasn't called? No, of course not. lol Holding & Interference calls in the NFL are a joke, and ALWAYS inconsistent.
  14. that's funny shiat right there! lol
  15. Nah, Bills will find a way to lose it....Jauron makes it a certainty.
  16. Totally agree...should have spiked it after the 2-yrd run loss in order to get another play....the coaching ineptitude is truly mind-boggling.
  17. Got lucky here...at home & they were showing Pats/Titans blowout....have now switched to Bills game....RF looks pretty good for a guy who's getting his first taste
  18. Here's another apology, from the left-wing looneys at MSNBC: During the 3:00PM ET hour of live coverage on MSNBC Friday, co-host David Shuster admitted that racially charged quotes he and other hosts attributed to Rush Limbaugh had not been verified: “MSNBC attributed that quote to a football player who was opposed to Limbaugh’s NFL bid. However, we have been unable to verify that quote independently. So, just to clarify.” Shuster did not formally retract the quote or apologize. On Monday, Shuster revealed the supposed source of the false quote: “Pittsburgh Steelers linebacker James Farrior says Limbaugh should be denied the privilege of owning an NFL franchise for comments like ‘slavery had its merits.’” Speaking with columnist Stephen A. Smith later that afternoon, Shuster’s co-host Tamron Hall wondered: “Should a person who says there are merits with slavery be able to have this privilege of owning a team?” As result of the ensuing controversy raised by the false quotes reported by MSNBC, CNN, and other media outlets, Limbaugh was removed from an investment group that was considering purchasing the St. Louis Rams football team. During Wednesday's Morning Joe program on MSNBC, host Joe Scarborough warned of false Limbaugh quotes being touted by his own network: "And a lot of those comments were actually not true. The quotes that we heard the most of, the people we interviewed on our shows came with articles, waving articles with quotes – completely made up. And Mike Barnicle, the dangerous thing is, that the media just flew right into it." On Tuesday, Media Research Center President and NewsBusters Publisher Brent Bozell called on CNN and MSNBC to “immediately and publicly source when Limbaugh uttered this phrase....They can prove their innocence by documenting this accusation. If they can’t, then they are 100% guilty of character assassination.” Shuster failed to provide any such documentation, instead waiting days to acknowledge his false reporting.
  19. Dumbest post I've read on here in a long while, and there's been a lot of dumb posts. It's NOT brain surgery....not even close. The proof of Marv's ineptitude (and the other current front office "brain trust") is right in front of your face. If YOU can't see it, then you probably should stop watching the Bills, and take up bowling on your Sunday afternoons.
  20. Totally disagree with this absurd take. Limbaugh's NOT some small-time hack trying to make a name for himself. He IS one of the most well-known, highest-paid media personalities in the world....including ALL media....and at this point, he needs no one for anything. He WAS involved, as he as stated, because he loves the NFL and has always been a fan, and has dreamed about being an owner. He sounds like many of "us", who if we had the resources, would probably want to do the same thing.
  21. Just went and looked at Snopes....your reading comprehension is seriously lacking; he admitted to nothing, and the source is an old Newsday article (not linked either)!? Keep waiting, drinking the Kool-Aid, and then hold your breath too! lol Also, how could anyone possibly know the ethnic make-up of a RADIO caller!? I wonder how many hours all these Rush attackers have actually listened to his show? I'd bet the farm it's not many.
  22. TOTALLY IGNORANT post above. This article may help you see the light, but I doubt it. http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/news/tobyharn...edia-lynch-mob/
  23. Chris Carter said the SAME thing earlier tonight on ESPN.
  24. Anyone else just totally sick of seeing Jerry Jones grill on their TV? I wish I never had to see him, or hear him, ever again. That is all.
  25. Look, I appreciate everyone sticking up for Buffalo and WNY, and giving their own personal opinion, and I understand it.....but in the last 10 years, there's NOT ONE "Best Places to Live" or "Best Cities Rated" that has Buffalo rated higher than Jax, or even Buffalo higher than ANYWHERE in Florida. Reality sucks sometimes, but as they say, "it is what it is."
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