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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. Don't be a Hater! Sounded great to me. Country is good; try it sometime.
  2. Why would you think someone who liked to be called "The Assassin" was a dirty player? lol Also, what about Conrad Dobler and a myriad of other interior linemen who conducted their dirty work in the scrum of the pileups?
  3. At the time it happened, I was in the air, flying on a B-52 training mission out of Griffiss AFB (Rome, NY). We had left early in the am, on a long mission out to the "STRC" low level training area in the midwest. We didn't find out about it 'til we got home at around 6pm that night. Re the Blizzard of 77: went to the Sabres vs Flames game on Thurs night at the Aud with a few friends. We lived in the southtowns, so we came home on Rte. 5. Weather was very bad, so we stopped and spent the night in "Hoaks", right there on the lake in Hamburg, near Big Tree Rd. We made it home Fri morning before the main storm hit though. Good times.
  4. LMAO...but sadly, I think you're very close to the truth
  5. Add me to the list that says it should have at least been reviewed by IR upstairs. Also, yeah, Cundiff definitely seemed rushed, and Balt was stupid for not using that last TO.
  6. I've lived in a bunch of different cities, and my current job has me on the road about 2/3 of the time, and the "they think they're funny" mindset applies EVERYWHERE, to just about all radio AND TV "talent."
  7. ROTFLMAO! Thanks for that; I'm at work right now and I needed a laugh.
  8. Have been thinking this way for a few years now. The inconsistency and idiocy of holding and pass interference calls is what's ruined it for me.
  9. I was in the USAF when that game was played, stationed in Japan (near Tokyo) at the time, and I had to watch that game on Monday morning. As it happened, just like Marv, I was incredulous, and angry at all the missed PI calls. Btw, Ref Markbreit is an Idiot; never liked that guy.
  10. Hate to say I told you so.....but no long after the Bills' "brain trust" gave Fitz WAY more money than any sane NFL organization would have, I said in this forum that he was "average, at best." I guess I just don't have the rose-colored glasses AND blinders on, like so many folks around here do. lol
  11. Can't see the video...click on it and it says "This Video is Private" WTH!? I'd like to see it.
  12. I pretty much see that in ANY game I watch, particularly noting the inconsistency of the holding & interference calls. In fact, I just saw a TD catch by Donald Driver of the Pack, and it wasn't a "good catch." They even reviewed it, and still got it wrong. His right foot...right toe...was not down. The cameras clearly showed this, and the immutable laws of Physics backed up that there's no way that right toe was down, as he was leaping UP as the catch was made. The NFL and its officiating are a joke.
  13. Didn't get to see the game today, but just watched this play on NFL.com, and it really could have gone either way. He was completely wrapped up by FOUR Titans, so it appeared that his frwd progress was stopped. Sadly, as we all know, for whatever reason, it seems like the Bills don't catch many breaks from the Zebras.
  14. +1. I essentially said the same thing last week.
  15. Should be interesting, as TT gets better & better every week (throwing the ball AND reading defenses....just like ANY young QB would), to see if any of the haters come back here to eat some crow. lol
  16. Are you kidding me about Fitz!? At the very end of the game, he had a WIDE OPEN guy in the end zone, and threw it BEHIND HIM! A good HS QB could have made that throw. I'm not asking for "Manning", but IMO, Fitz is just average at best.
  17. I have to say that the total inconsistency of Holding & Pass Interference calls from game to game, and from week to week, is really pathetic, and it actually makes me want to just walk away from watching NFL games, because at times, the NFL is on the same par as "professional" wrestling.
  18. My job takes me away from home 2/3 of the time. I have been working in Alabama since the start of the season.....yeah, there were a LOT of unhappy campers 'round here today, but I digress.....for the Oakland, NE, Philly, & Wash games, I was here in AL, and I was able to get off early on Sunday, so I went to sports bars (either Hooters or Buffalo Wild Wings) to watch the games.....and saw Ws! Well, today, I noticed that the game was on the local over-the-air channel, so instead of going out to a bar....and NOT hearing the play-by-play, because this is Saints/Falcons country; lol.....I stayed at my rental house and watched it there from the comfort of the couch, and got to hear Nantz & Simms describe every painful minute. My bad...I should have gone out to Hooters....this one's on me, not Chan or Fitz. PS - for the Cincy game, I was at home in FL, but also stayed at home (didn't get to see the game; just followed it on my ipad's NFL 2011 app) instead of going to a sports bar, and you know how that one turned out! Sorry....
  19. +1. After viewing the photo, I immediately thought that the NFL/Patriots would have a problem with this, and I didn't have to listen to another egomaniac (Rome) to come to that conclusion. lol
  20. Excellent post. Thanks for putting in the time & effort here. Should be interesting (& comical) to hear the replies/excuses from the TT haters....
  21. Speaking of baseball, ESPN just ran about 8 minutes of commercials (out of 11 total minutes of show), since the start of their 11pm "Sportscenter", so that as soon as the WS game ended, they could go "live" to their crew outside of the ballpark in Arlington, TX. I've never seen them do something like that, ever. IMO, they have rrrreaaalllyyy gone downhill over the past couple of years. As someone who travel a LOT, I think that Steeler nation would have something to say about that.....and I would side with the Steelheads too.
  22. Agreed. Even if Manning had not been injured this year, they still should not have been scheduled for that many night games. It's (the scheduling of a certain handful of teams over & over) truly asinine.
  23. Speaking of that game-winning kick.....that thing looked like it would have been good from about 70 yards....did anyone else see how high up on the screen that 52-yarder went?
  24. It is only the crappy Dolfish, and TT has made a lot of crappy throws today, but still...the TT mojo appears to be alive & well. lol
  25. Oh, ok...so YOU'RE bringing politics into this thread? I suppose you think we should continue to follow the failed liberal, left-wing policies that have left us (the US) on the brink of bankruptcy, created a class of worthless moochers, and allowed an unqualified, incompetent hack to occupy the office at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave? No thanks, I'll pass.
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