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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. Watching on TV here in Jax......Stadium looks about 1/3 full.....WTH?
  2. More BAD coaching....Bills should be running and doing everything possible to STAY INBOUNDS on EVERY play.
  3. Bills coaching is horrendous. I seriously think at least half the people who post in here can call better offensive plays, and certainly manage the clock better. I ask again, how the hell do Gailey & the Off Coord still have their jobs?
  4. I saw that too. That's why this team's coaching SUCKS. It's both frustrating & laughable to watch. How do these idiot coaches keep their jobs?
  5. Was out mcy riding today...beautiful day here...got home and the local CBS station had the Bills game on (wasn't scheduled; they switched to it I guess)...saw Fitz throw that horrible pick at the end; not surprised. I said that they should have cut Fitz early this year, and I stand by that. He's a nice guy but he STINKS. lol
  6. Fitz sucks. Bills' coaching sucks worse. Until both of the latter change, you're going to keep seeing the same results. Do what I did and stop watching. Had a real nice motorcycle ride this afternoon!
  7. Easterbrook has been writing for years (at ESPN) how so many teams should just be RUNNING at the end, when they're up...time will be eaten up.
  8. Listening on Verizon Mobile....did I just hear that right!? lol
  9. Sounds like it will be a great week to be in SF.....I was out there about a year ago and thoroughly enjoyed being a tourist....but I was happy to get back on the plane to Fla too! lol
  10. Are Herm Edwards & Tony Dungy the same guy? I don't think I've ever seen them together. lol
  11. Well, now you're just talking crazy. Comparing a McRib sandwich from McDonalds to ANY legitimate BBQ place that cooks their meat in a pit and/or oven is ridiculous. But otoh, Papa Johns, and virtually EVERY pizza joint in the world, makes some type of flour-based crust, adds a tomato-based sauce, adds meat and/or vegetable toppings, and puts it in a pizza oven to cook. Generally speaking, the most discernible variable is the taste of the sauce.
  12. Lived in many states, and have traveled to many more, and have eaten lots of food, and proclaiming who has "the best" pizza is about as subjective as proclaiming who has "the best" BBQ ribs. One man's "best" is another man's Alpo. lol
  13. There's no such thing as "karma", or the Bills & Browns would have won Super Bowls by now.
  14. Innocent until proven guilty. I don't know this kid from Adam, but I am surprised at how fellow Bills fans are laying into him. I hope someday one of you find yourselves wrongly accused & arrested....and it happens more often than you think.....we'll see if you're laughing then.
  15. Just saw the highlights on NBC....the Bucs did it again, to the Cowboys. Schiano's an Idiot.
  16. And today, even after the MILLIONS & MILLIONS of money they make (vs. the "old days"), they still want a pension from the NFLPA. Mind-numbing.
  17. I love'em. And when I do get out to the occasional Jags game, my binocs are trained on them very often! But.....they DO NOT speak (nor should they)! LOL
  18. LOL...good one. I guess she got hired because of her years of experience in the sports broadcasting field....oh, wait a minute. I'll never understand why networks feel they need to have "eye candy" for sports reporting, especially the "sideline" reporters. I don't give one rat's a$$ who reports the sports. Especially for live action, I couldn't care less who calls the game, or who's down on the sideline. If it's a good game...a good matchup and/or top teams, then I'll watch it. OTOH, if it's two crappy teams or a blowout early, I won't watch. Do they really think that men are so Neanderthal-like that they will watch simply to catch a few glimpses of a hot babe!?
  19. So it's wrong to have sex in a car while going down the highway now? Good to know. Oh btw, life in Fla. is gggrrrreeeeaaaattttt! lol
  20. I was gonna say, some radio guy in Buffalo could have done this rant after the Jets game, or really anytime in the 2nd half of last year's season. I sort of agree with what you're saying, but otoh HIS JOB is to be entertaining, and to garner as many listeners as possible, so his station's sales folks can sell more ad time at higher rates, and ultimately make more money for his station and himself. I think this "rant" will help them do all of the latter. Also, he sounded genuine, which is a "plus" for his station and their listeners.
  21. See post #30, right above yours.
  22. How about inside of 2 mins. (of either half), stop the clock after EVERY play?! lol. It'll sure take a lot of strategy out of time management, but hey, it will be more exciting!
  23. This. Also, "could care less" vs. "couldn't care less." Well, which is it?! LOL
  24. Just read the linked article....other than some inconsistency.....and that NEVER happened with regular refs on PI & Holding calls. LOL......most fans like the idea of "Let'em play".....me too.
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