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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. LMAO. Just a few things: 1) I guess about 90% of the posters on twobillsdrive are bolbous wangheads, 2) Marauder24 SELF-identified himself as an illiterate troll, and 3) the childish name-calling is really getting old.
  2. Glad that there's at least one person on this forum who realizes that what happened last Friday in Boston was clearly a gross abuse of gov't power. The notion that no one else in here really cares is quite scary. OTOH, the cheap shot at he end was totally uncalled for, so I must say in reply, please go sodomize yourself with a broom handle. ;-)
  3. From the Urban Dictionary: "You mad bro": Phrase commonly used by internet trolls when the slightest bit of anger or rage is detected (Much like sharks catching the smell of blood). Is known to drive even the sanest person to boiling rage. From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: "Homonym": One of two or more words spelled and pronounced alike but different in meaning (as the noun quail and the verbquail) So what have we learned here today children? Marauder24 is an internet troll and somewhat illiterate (using "homynym" makes NO sense), both Marauder24 & Chef Jim have been pwnd, and JiJ is laughing at how easy it is to pwn misguided internet kids. This is fun!
  4. Wow, talk about a total lack of reading comprehension! Must be those gov't schools again! lol I am as happy as a lark.
  5. Good story about the 4th amendment being trashed. Click on the link below: http://www.dailymail...s-GUNPOINT.html FTA: "A startling home-made video now shows the terrifying moments where Watertown residents were forced out of their homes at gunpoint as SWAT teams performed door-to-door searches as they hunted the second marathon bomber. While millions of Bostonians waited in their houses on Friday during the city-wide lockdown, the people of Watertown were faced with SWAT officers yelling at them to get out of the buildings immediately. At the time, the Boston police department and federal agents were barely criticized, but now many are concerned about the dangerous precedent that could lead to more police searches using the rationale of ‘exigent circumstances’ as an excuse." Be sure to read the comments at the bottom of the story. Here's a sample: "Why are we calling the city 'Boston Brave' in the wake of this mess? A lone, 19-year-old kid brings the entire city infrastructure to its knees, whilst the citizens cower behind locked doors with no way of protecting themselves (it's an 'anti-gun' city, you see), and police swooping into homes with neither warning nor warrants. 'Boston Brave,' indeed. The bombing victims deserve better than that. CERTAINLY we can do better than that." Keep the name-calling coming. I promise you, it makes you look intelligent and mature. lol
  6. Is someone holding a gun to your head, forcing you to browse this forum and/or read my posts!? If so, reply to this post with "I am a Retard" and I will call 911 for you! And by all means, keep coming back....and keep reading my posts....someone gets .01 cent for every view! But sadly, this will be the last time I reply to you. G'bye!
  7. Question: Why was it necessary to check random innocent citizens' IDs when the cops knew exactly what the suspects they were looking for looked like?
  8. Listen, I'm NOT saying that these two bros weren't involved. It very much appears that they were. But I am saying that there is more to the story, and it's being hidden from us. Also, the police state enforced last Friday might have been some sort of test run. I mean seriously, look what they did for just ONE teenager! There have been far worse criminals on the loose in our country, and I don't think we had ever seen that kind of lockdown and show of force and 4th amendment abuse....ever.
  9. Yeah, and they laughed when smokers were told that there'd come a day when you'd have to go outside in the freezing temps to burn one. There are even some places in this country where you can't smoke outside! They laughed when property owners were told that there'd come a day when they would be restricted from developing their land because of some small, irrelevant "endangered" rat. They laughed when parents were told that there kid would be expelled from school for playing "cop and robbers" and simply pretending to shoot a gun with an empty hand. Keep laughing CJ.
  10. OMG, that's so clever, witty, & sharp, you must be a writer for SNL! I mean, that's a real zinger which I've never heard before! Please, give us more, oh quip genius!
  11. Here's just one: the bombers were "amateurs" who were easily able to make bombs with gunpowder. Ban, or severely restrict, or tax at a very high level, any future sales of gunpowder.
  12. Elvis has left the building...
  13. Unfortunately, it will never be over. The gov't has too much power to conceal things. For how many years did they even deny the existence of Area 51 in Nevada? They have unimaginable power to hide things, control events, and make vital witnesses disappear. The truth will only be known if the prophets of the Catholic church are right, and there is a heaven. Hopefully they will have the definitive answers up there for all the questionable/dubious important historical events. That's what I'm hoping for anyway. Also, I asked nicely for the unwarranted name-calling to cease, but that didn't work. Guess haters gonna hate, and small-minded bitter people will always feel the need to strike out at others who have a different view. I pity those bitter souls.
  14. Wow, do you get extra time on top to "come to the rescue" of your lover? LOL I said nothing about you, did NOT mention your name, and obviously, did NOT reply to one of your worthless, illiterate, nonsensical posts, yet here you are. Simply amazing.
  15. Even though I'm quoting you, and replying directly to you, I'm NOT engaging you in discussion. LOL Your penchant for name calling others who have a different view than you is rather childish and annoying. Many people see your views as moronic, retarded, loony, boneheaded, idiotic, & featherbrained, but they don't put that in writing in this forum because they can have a discussion and still be civil.....they're adults. So unless you're a 12 year-old posting from your Mom's basement, Grow up and act like a man.
  16. Nice try, Opie. The actual truth is that PEOPLE IN THE COMMUNITY WHO KNEW THEM BEST.....THEIR CLOSEST FRIENDS.....weren't even sure it was them (on Thursday night). That's what these friends actually said in the aftermath of it all. And I have gone on "ride alongs" with LE personnel, and yes, I do realize that there was a heightened atmosphere going on, and I do realize that LE folks always have to be "cautious", even for a simple traffic stop, say as they approach the driver. But considering the "rubbernecking" propensity of your average Joe/Jane Bostonian, I'm quite sure that virtually everyone who was in a neighborhood swarming with LE personnel went to their window to take a look when the noisy Humvee rolled up their street. The point is that as a professional LE officer, they should NOT have been pointing their loaded AR-15s at "anything that moves" (in a window, on a porch, in an alleyway, etc). And it's silly to think that it was right.
  17. LOL. On the flip side, yeah, because IF you were the wanted bomber, being looked for by THOUSANDS of feds, and you heard a Humvee, Helicopter, & other street noise getting closer & closer to your hiding location, the first thing you'd want to do is go to the window and fully reveal yourself for all to see.
  18. More proof of insane LE power-tripping last Friday in Boston. Apparently they were yelling at anybody who even dared to go to their window and look out at their Police State, "Get away from the Windows!" If you dared not listen, you faced this. Wow!
  19. Captain Hindsight and meazza, he's talking about YOU. lol
  20. A + B = C Well, to be fair, the guy's pics DO NOT cover every second of action, do they? One pic does show a police SUV right in front of the house.....right out in front, near the window where the guy was holed up. Ssssooooo, A = police SUV was down the road on the right, B = police SUV had to travel down the road to get in front of house, and C = police SUV ends up in front of house. He took pics of A and C, but what happened during B??? Did they run over the perp as they went from point A to point C? Apparently, the lady on the phone thinks 'YES'! lol ETA: NEVERMIND on the above! lol Looks like the SUV is already in pics #2 & 4 as the bros are still fighting/firing. Heard somewhere that one of the cops just put the SUV in gear, jumped out, and let it go down the road toward the bros. These pics appear to jive with that narrative. To be fair, part 2: You cannot really ID the shooters from these dark, grainy, blurry pics. Sssssoooo, maybe the shooters are part of the same "Black Ops" forces that were seen running around the finish line on the day of the bombing, and the bros, ala Oswald, Sirhan, McVeigh, & Lanza, are just convenient patsies. Work with me here.
  21. Nice pics. Would have liked a little more focus, but whatever. Too bad he didn't have a video camera at the ready....maybe one of the many other folks living on that street has better footage, and is just dealing with the networks, trying to hold out for the highest bidder. It is sort of perplexing as to why they just stopped on a residential street instead of just keep running away (pics don't show anything down the left side of the road, and the guy taking the pics was pretty competent/thorough, so I'm guessing if there were cops down there, he would have taken at least one pic of that too). ETA: Oh yeah, that's some nice shootin' by the boys in blue....into a 2nd floor, about 20 degrees off target. Time to hit the range, boys. lol
  22. Wow, you are hilarious....you should be working for Letterman! I mean you're witty, clever.....wait a minute....NO, you're NOT. I know you're just trying to be funny, but you FAILED miserably. Government jack-booted thugs trampling on one of our most cherished rights is no joking matter. I seriously doubt that you'd be taking it so lightly if it was your lame a$$ facing the barrels of loaded AR-15s, and being screamed at to "keep your hands on your head", as you were run out of your house.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nrkcUV_7Qk
  24. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. There aren't ANY exceptions, I don't care who you're looking for.
  25. Heard enough witless middle school "zingers" for now, so back to the topic at hand.....I heard a clip last night from a Boston area radio show....a woman who was an eyewitness to the Friday night "shootout" says that she saw a Cop in an SUV run over suspect #1, NOT the brother doing the running over. And logically that makes sense too. Everybody and their Mother has been saying that the younger brother was "controlled" by the older brother, and he would do anything that he directed him to do. Considering the latter, it does not sound like the younger brother would be willing to mow down his idol. And yeah, HER EYEwitness account should be just as good as any of the other EYEwitness accounts y'all have been telling me to believe. And btw, I do think that the two brothers are most likely deeply involved in the bombings, but there is also much more to the story, and others are surely involved.
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