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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. You don't know that for sure. You may be right, but at this point, you're just spewing out negative nonsense. What good does that do? If Tuel does turn out to be the "next Warner", you will look like pretty ridiculous. But whatever, there's no law against being a fool.
  2. Do you really think there is anybody reading this thread....anybody in the whole world....that will cut and paste and watch an untitled, UNKNOWN YT link!? If the answer is "yes", then our society is doomed.
  3. Watching the game on the NFL network....they are taking the Redskins feed....just watched the opening segment....not ONE WORD was uttered about the Bills! The announcers are Theismann & some really short fat guy named Chick Hernandez....WTF? LOL
  4. LOL. I guess it's true what they say, "if you live long enough, you'll see (or hear) just about everything." You may have missed what was pointed out just a few posts above yours.....a MAJORITY of Indians don't even think it's offensive. Political correctness, and the feeling of "that's offensive to me", has made this country a much worse place than it used to be. ETA: Notwithstanding the linked article in this forum showing that Indians are OK with "Redskins", there have been many other polls showing the same thing too. OBVIOUSLY, if "Redskins" was anywhere near to as offensive as "the N word", the name would have been changed LONG ago.
  5. Be sure to read the comments at the bottom of the page...LOTS of unhappy campers. Personally, I'm no cellar dweller, and I love to get out and enjoy many different entertainment options, but unless someone puts a gun to my head or hands me free tickets, there's no way I pay the outrageous NFL prices, and put up with the extreme inconvenience of: traffic, parking issues, "security" measures, high concession costs, etc to see 3 hours of NFL action. At home on the couch or out to a sports bar, that's me, & happy as hell with that decision. LOL
  6. The Fishes' new logo is retarded! lol And yeah, so are the uniforms.
  7. It's not just football. Major pro sports have all become very, very expensive, as well as a PITA (traffic, parking, high prices for food/drink, unruly/dickhead fans, etc). Have you watched any NASCAR races lately and seen the LOADS of empty seats when they go to the blimp shot?
  8. Yeah, because no person with a functioning brain can FEEL/SQUEEZE a seat cushion (in about 5 secs) to see that it is indeed FULL of FOAM, and not filled with C4, wires, etc. What a$$es the NFL "brain trust" are. Also, I'm sure it's "for our own good", same story as the NSA reading your e-mails & listening to your phone calls & monitoring your social messages. LOL
  9. +1. Best post in this thread, by far.
  10. Not really a joke, but rather a shocking possibility here. Of course, NO ONE would ever want this to happen, but as the old saying goes, "the only guarantees in life are death & taxes." Personally, the older I get, the more I become acutely aware of the latter statement. Trust me, once you get past 50, you really start paying attention at how life is a fragile gift, and can be snuffed out in the blink of an eye.
  11. Hate to hear news of anyone getting cancer; it just plain sucks. Hope JK pulls through this, and lives on for many more moons, and is around when the Bills finally hoist up the Lombardi trophy. Not sure if y'all know about the national commercial running, touting Buffalo as a great place to do business, but JK has a prominent part in that spot. Have been seeing it a lot lately on the national cable news channels.
  12. LOL..."intellectual" Bills fans at their finest...have a "different" OPINION and get personally attacked & called names. And just for the record, in 50+ years on this earth, I have never needed "help" from the cops....never. But if I did, IT WOULD BE REACTIONARY, "AFTER THE FACT" help. Cops are rarely, RARELY, proactive in stopping crimes. Take this bombing incident in Beantown...there were LOADS of cops lurking all up & down Boylston St. when the bombs went off...did they STOP the bombers? No, of course not; pictures and video show they were standing around with their thumbs up their a$$es. lol
  13. 1) Friendly Fire in a war zone? Sure. On the streets of a major American city? Not so much. 2) These cops/feds were incompetent. Notwithstanding the Boston sheeples' cheering and "attaboys" for doing a "great job", and this after they caught the kid bomber ONLY BECAUSE A CIVILIAN FOUND HIM. 3) Cops lie. No surprise here, right? I mean a majority of all "guilty" folks' "confessions" are because of cops lying to them. 4) Cops are trigger happy, and not very good shots either. This matter surely reinforces those truths. 5) Cops will say ANYTHING to make themselves look good. Obviously.
  14. Y'all remember the shootout on Thursday night where the brothers had only ONE gun, and the "professional" cops had enough firepower to fight the Vietnam War? Well, it looks like the one cop that was badly wounded that night was shot by "friendly forces." Keystone Kops indeed! Full article here: http://www.theatlant...cop-shot/64953/
  15. Now that the smoke has settled, come to find out that the Boston cops and their legions of state & federal helpers were more like the Keystone Kops, rather than the smart heroes everyone thought they were. And let's remember, had it not been for a civilian finding the bomber in his backyard, the cops might still be looking. Look here for the whole story: http://www.bloomberg...kip-street.html
  16. 1) Yes, most folks think the Jags will pick up a QB...maybe with their next pic....the first pick as the draft starts back up tonight.....maybe not. But Gabbard will definitely be in the competition for the starting job. With their RG #1, the line will be better, and as anyone knows, QBs need a good line to have any success at all. 2) Nothing to be suspicious about. The point was that they've seen the guy play, week after week (well, whenever he has played). Diehard FSU fans have been calling in all morning laughing at the Bills for picking him...THEY know, THEY have watched his every play. 3) Umm, the Jax area media did indeed laugh at Tebow. Sure they like the guy as a person and what he stands for (who doesn't?), but they're smart enough to realize "he is what he is."
  17. FWIW, sports talk radio hosts down here.....folks who are intimately familiar with Manuel's play......this morning are saying the Bills blew it, big time. They think Manuel would have been available in 2nd, maybe even 3rd round. Bottom line is that they don't think it was a good pick at all.
  18. Some very interesting details are just now coming out. In addition to the FBI dropping the ball on the older brother's budding muslim extremeism, apparently the local cops also showed some buffoonery last week. And yes, I do think the brothers "did it", but I still think there is much more of the story to be told. FTA: "But new details that surfaced on Wednesday night reveal some key details that stand to change the timeline of the final 24 hours of the manhunt dramatically. Among other revelations, police are now saying that they don't believe Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the younger of the two brothers suspected of carrying out the attack, was armed when they opened fire on him Friday evening. In fact, authorities admit that the two brothers didn't quite have the small arsenal of weapons they thought they did — just one gun, a gun that wasn't anywhere near Dzhokhar when he was found in the boat after a shootout." Link: http://www.theatlant...-emerges/64564/ Another story in the NY Times with even more info. You know that HUGE shootout on Laurel St? The brothers had only ONE gun. That's some mighty fine shooting by the armed-to-the-teeth cops there! lol FTA: "Police officials initially announced that officers had “exchanged gunfire” Friday evening with the surviving suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, as he hid in a boat in the backyard of a house in Watertown, Mass. Now several law enforcement officials say no gun was found in the boat, and officials say they are exploring what prompted officers to fire at Mr. Tsarnaev, who some feared was armed with explosives. Law enforcement officials now say they have recovered only one gun elsewhere, which they believe was used by Mr. Tsarnaev’s older brother, Tamerlan — not the three previously reported." Link: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/25/us/officers-killing-spurred-pursuit-in-boston-attack.html?smid=tw-share&pagewanted=all&_r=0
  19. You mean, "Hello Mr. Nassib!"
  20. Just reviewed this thread from the start. Ok, just to set the record straight here. In what I initially posted in this thread, and for several posts after that, there was NO condescension (by me) to anyone, NO personal attacks or name calling (by me) to other members, and NO "wild, aliens came down and did it" theories. Rather, I just had some normal concerns about this matter; the same concerns that millions of other people also had. In fact, in my second post in this thread (#9), I said, "Again, I'm not saying they're innocent or that there's some big conspiracy….." Shortly thereafter, the unprovoked insults and attacks started: Post #27 - "Okay, so there is no real proof as of yet, but you're "alleged" to be a nut." Post #36 - "Wow you really are an idiot aren't you…" Post #44 - "You really are an idiot." Post #45 - "Idiot and clown seem somewhat valid here....you have to agree your take of pro Tsaernaevs is a little out there." If I cared one whit what internet know-it-alls thought about me, I'd ask for apologies. I don't and I won't. It is pretty sad though, that a good number of you have to get all bitter, and start flinging the insults when someone simply has a different viewpoint than you. Actually, it's sad, pathetic, and quite immature.
  21. So much bitterness, so much hate....why? I pity you, man. Get some professional help, asap.
  22. Nice try at coming to the rescue for......wait for it.......another of your lovers? But in the context he used "Mad", and where he used it....HERE ON THE INTERNET....the ONLY possible definition is "angry." Now you are pwnd also.
  23. Sorry, J, but you're way off on this one. My most recent posts in these forums, starting last week in the aftermath of the Boston bombings NEVER attacked, denigrated, or were condescending to any other posters in ANY way shape of matter. OTOH, I WAS attacked, name-called, and made fun of simply for having a divergent point of view. So finally after a few days, when I kept getting maligned & abused for no other reason than having a different view, I pushed back ever so slightly. If pwning someone, who btw, made fools of themselves, comes across as condescending, then I can live with that. l'm still happy & having fun!
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