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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. I turn the sound down real low for just about ALL TV football games. Guess as I get older I just dislike noise and inane banter. LOL
  2. No, it's not true. Like I said last night, it's not brain surgery out there. LOL The absolute BEST situation would have been for the Bills to hold on to the ball with a long sustained drive TIL THE END OF THE GAME (and score no points) when they got it with 5:51 to go. There can be NO argument on this; hold the ball and walk away with a win. It doesn't matter if the offense was going like gangbusters and firing on all cylinders.....oh btw, IT WASN'T.....just hold the ball, kill the clock, AND WIN. Thinking along those same lines, hold the ball as long as possible before you kick a FG to ensure that the Pats need to counter with a TD. The latter would leave the Pats little time to come back & win. OK, so let's assume that the Bills offense was cookin' it, and the hurry up was working, and they could have walked down the field and scored a TD (I know, CRAZY assumption), WHY would they want to do that? All that would do is put'em by 8 (maybe 7 or 9 if they go for the 2-pt conversion), and then Brady & Co still would have the 4+ mins left to come back. The only reason to run the no huddle/hurry up offense is if it gives the offense an advantage, right? I mean I know this is basic stuff, but people in here are missing it. IF the defense is tiring out, or IF the defense is confused, or IF the play is moving so fast the defense can't make substitutions, or IF the offense is clicking like a well-oiled machine & moving down the field, then go with it TO GET MORE POINTS. Of course, NONE of the advantages I just listed were happening to the Bills and their hurry up offense in the 4th quarter on Sunday. And as already mentioned, THEY DID NOT NEED ANY MORE POINTS. Just kill the clock & win, period.
  3. Not really. I guess it's a glass half empty, glass half full type thing. One thought is if you're up comfortably, then there's no reason to worry about the other team getting the ball back, so why not keep pressing on (running hurry up & seeking more points)? Another thought is if you're only up by one, you damn well either better get more points OR just run out the clock. IN ANY CASE though, the most common situation is to run out the clock (if able).
  4. Eagles now "milking the clock" with 6 mins left in game and they're up by 13.....of course they are, it is basic, fundamental football tactics. And logically, if you have a smaller lead, you should really be milking it for every second. And in this case, the Eagles hurry up is WAY better than the Bills hurry up, so if they wanted, they could "afford" to keep pressing on. But they have a good....SMART.... coach though. LOL
  5. To actually see/read the report the guy did on this, YOU HAVE TO SHELL OUT $40 and buy it!!! GTF outta here!!! LOL
  6. RGIII is rusty & it shows...BIG time.
  7. Offensive linemen's hands should be taped up tight before every game so that there will never, ever be a chance of them being called for holding! I'm half serious. Maybe the people who created muzzles for animals' mouths can design something for linemen's hands. LOL Although I guess we'd still have some "Hands to the Face" penalties, but that's OK. At least we'd stop the cheaters from getting away with holding.
  8. Here's the thing that you and all the others saying that "it just didn't matter because they didn't execute and get the first downs": Yes, we all agree that they did need to get first downs, and keep the ball moving down the field.....BUT IF they did that using the hurry up, then stalled in the red zone. and had to kick a FG, it still would have left plenty of time for Brady to come back for a possible game-winning TD. OTOH, if they're milking the clock for every second, go down the field and stall in the red zone, and then kick the FG,...well, obviously in the course of picking up the 4-5 first downs to get into the red zone, there would be much less time left (if any) for the Pats (after the FG). The ONLY time, late in the game, that anyone should ever run the no huddle offense, is when they're behind.
  9. Thanks for chiming in, Doug Marrone's Uncle. LOL But what about his post game presser, where he acted like a 10 year-old who just came in second at the Pinewood Derby races?
  10. Is this your first day at TBD's Stadium Wall!? LOL
  11. There are some football "experts" in here who think that clock management was not an issue today, and that when you have a lead in the 4th quarter, you should just keep running the no huddle offense, even though your offense is NOT getting the job done / advancing the ball (the Bills last FIVE drives of the game yielded TWO 1st downs and ZERO points).
  12. Re the 4th qtr clock management: I totally agree with the astute posters above, although I mentioned this basic football coaching tactic in another thread and was soundly berated by some smarter football minds. LOL And yes, the penalties definitely were a factor in this game. The Bills need to clean it up or it will be very hard to win. OTOH, how any team in the NFL can go a whole game without getting an offensive holding penalty called on them is mind boggling.
  13. Fred Jackson averaged 5.1 yard per carry for the game; do the math. Should have ground & pounded it every play on that drive that started with 5:51 left. The key though is that the "No Huddle", hurry up offense worked for the opening drive of the 2nd half, then it died. Put another way, a rookie QB, in his first start, was not exactly tearing things up with the no huddle, so why keep going with it?
  14. The Bills got the ball on the 20 with 5:51 to go in the 4th, leading by 1. At that point, if they can keep it on the ground and keep making 1st downs, the game would be over. But instead they go no huddle, then: run for no gain on 1st down, try a long pass down the left sideline on 2nd down, which the rookie QB badly overthrows (ball was OofB & uncatchable, AND the clock stopped with the incomplete pass), then they go on 3rd down with a SHORT pass over the middle for FOUR yards, then punt on 4th down and give the ball to Brady with 4:31 left. Is there any sane football fan anywhere who thought that the Bills would win the game, at that point!? The play calling on that last drive was bad/idiotic, and the hurry-up offense at that point (and also on the drive that started with 10:48 left in the 4th) was doubly idiotic.
  15. LOL, part 2. Oh yeah, "keep going full force." The Bills picked up only TWO first downs in their final FIVE drives, and obviously, ZERO points.
  16. LOL. Watched the game in a bar WHERE I COULD NOT HEAR THE ANNOUNCERS. It's just common football sense, and has been so forever. When you have a lead late in the game, you run out the clock as best you can. The latter is especially crucial when you're playing against someone like Brady, who, as you saw, needs very little time to take it down the field.
  17. THIS x 1000! I was sitting there befuddled late in the 3rd, and in the 4th quarter, for when they had the lead, they should have been doing everything possible to run down the clock. The "hurry up" offense at that point in the game was idiotic.
  18. But on their first TD, the receiver made an unreal catch, as the ball was a frozen rope, and it was behind him too. They may have had a few drops, but overall, they were VERY good. As for Stevie, EVERY sports fan in the world would surely agree that he should just STFU and play. Hi is an embarrassment to himself, and the organization.
  19. Just read the linked story in the OP, and nowhere does it talk about a stadium possibly being built there. So this thread is posted in here because there are rumors of the possibility that a stadium may be built there!? Now that is pretty funny stuff.
  20. Keep the personal insults coming. I'm sure everyone here thinks you're so smart & so special. Some may even think you're a pathetic bum. LOL
  21. Hmmm.....at first you thought my comment above was a compliment to you, then later, you considered it a "personal attack." Now THAT is hilarious. I guess I was right on though. Reading all of your responses in this thread reveal that you MUST be a 10 year-old child who's been told by your Mom that you are never wrong, and that you are always a winner. Psst: this is another compliment to you. You are very special! lol
  22. Keep digging your hole of idiocy deeper. Very, very few sane & intelligent people would ever describe him as a "bum." And virtually no one "over-hyped" over him....certainly not Tebow himself.
  23. Tell us how you really feel. LOL. The "over-hyped bum" comment is childish & pathetic, and it reflects poorly on you. Very poorly.
  24. Middle-aged white guys "taking a stand" against imagined racism. Yawn.
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