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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. WTH was that all about!? Would like to know who that first (older guy) was who said, "What are you lookin' at?" Looks like he was saying that to Andre, but it was hard to tell because people don't know how to hold their phones when taking video. LOL
  2. Agree 100% with the posts above, as they are spot on. The great news is EJ's attitude, and the Bills getting the W. Hopefully, as EJ gains experience, he will get better & better. Only time will tell.
  3. LOL. Your post above seems to insinuate that the DB was just faked out by a clever route run by Stevie, instead of the actual FACT of the situation....that ONE of those TWO DBs (#20 most likely) was supposed to cover Stevie, but they had a miscommunication, and they BLEW the coverage. @BillnutinHouston: Re the play-action pass I suggested: Using YOUR own logic, sounds like the Bills should have just run it in, because "NOBODY would have bit on the fake dive." NOBODY bites on the run = easy TD for Fred Jackson, who was the lone setback on that play. You should be a coach! Whatever though, I'm done here. You can't get blood from a rock. I'm super happy the Bills finally got some breaks go their way at the end of a game.
  4. Umm.....yes, it actually does. Thanks for playing though! Yes, I know that a QB should know his receivers routes. As stated earlier though....watch the tape....when EJ threw the ball the blown coverage had NOT been revealed yet. I am looking at it again on my DVR right now. As the ball is just leaving EJ's fingertips, Stevie & the DB (#20) are side by side, both of them with their back to EJ, both of them facing the exact same way. Had that DB (#20) run with Stevie toward the corner, it would have been a fight/jump/tussle for the ball. Not sure why people feel the need to argue with clear-cut facts, and denigrate other posters. Seems childish, but whatever.
  5. Tell this to the Bears after today's opening kickoff.
  6. Totally agree. But WHEN THE BALL WAS THROWN, there was no way to know that the "miscommunication" was coming. Had there not been a "miscommunication", it would have been a toss up/fight for the ball, and since it wasn't thrown to the back of the end zone (was about 6 yards in), the defensive player would have certainly had a play on it. ETA: When you really think about it, virtually ALL of those types of TDs, where the offense is down inside the 10, and the QB just lofts it up toward the corner of the endzone, and HOPES that his guy comes down with it, can be called lucky. In this case, it was lucky that the Panthers DBs screwed the pooch, so that made it easy for the Bills. But in hindsight, that play call was very bad. A better call would have been a fake into the line, then EJ rolling out with the option to run or pass. Of course that's just my opinion, but there's no one in the world, who knows anything about football, would call the "throw it up to your receiver and hopes he comes down with it" a high percentage play with time running out. Only caveat would be if you had someone like Randy Moss as the WR and some short DB covering him. The bottom line is that the Bills got TWO big breaks on that final drive: the PI call, and the blown coverage. I think the latter is something we haven't seen in years, so maybe this is the turning point. Sure hope so.
  7. LOL. Thanks for the insults & personal attacks....talk about "classy." Yeah, been watching pro football for 40+ years, but I have no idea what I'm talking about. Gotta love this forum!
  8. Glad they won and am very happy about it.......BUT, that last TD throw was about as lucky as can be. The ball was just thrown up for grabs....watched, replayed, and analyzed the play, and when EJ let it go, he had NO idea that the two defensive players would TOTALLY blow the play.....luckily, SJ was the only one there to "fight" for the ball. LOL
  9. Panthers doing now what Bills should have been doing last week....RUNNING IT. Bills'coaching Sucks.
  10. LOL. Sounds like you didn't even read the article. Other teams are doing it too......and most all other teams will HAVE TO DO IT in the near future if they want to get fans to come to their stadiums and pay the outrageous prices for: tickets, parking, food, etc.
  11. From the linked article above: Wow. That sure doesn't sound like a "free market" system to me. And this is what the Democraps want here (in the US) for us too. Unreal.
  12. Just curious here....Can you actually drink the coffee as soon as it's ready (assuming you're not adding any cold creamer; obviously, that would cool it down a bit), or do you have to wait a little for it to cool down?
  13. LOL...Nope, and I never said that. Scroll up and read my earlier posts. Gov't should stay out of it. Actually, from the story, the drink WAS in a cupholder. Guess the lid flew off during a crash, and that's when the liquid spilled on her. An unusual situation for sure. Totally agree with you that the zoo lawsuit is ridiculous, and should be laughed out of court.
  14. Consider the source...."Think Progress" website.....Chock full of ignorant, low information Muricans.
  15. There's a certain temp (they show you those temps in the linked story) where ANYONE who "drinks" a "very hot" beverage will likely suffer burns on their tongue or in their mouth or in their throat. So the people who "prefer" it "very hot" is BS....or maybe you're saying these people like getting their tongue and/or mouth burned? LOL Put another way, I don't think anyone "prefers" to burn their tongue/mouth, but maybe they prefer to have it so hot so they can let it cool down, and then drink it a short time later.
  16. Well, first off, from the story, the lady says she's NOT suing, although of course that can change. Secondly, yes, I think 190 degrees (F) is too effin hot to actually DRINK a beverage. The tea preparation table that shows 100 Celsius is insane, although I'm certain that the "steeping" temp is not meant to be the drinking temp (you have to let it cool down...Duh). Thirdly, I am a libertarian at heart, and want as little interference from gov't as possible, so my preference would be that they stay out of it (yes, I know this is Canada we're talking about), and just let restaurants make their own decisions, and deal with the consequences if someone gets burned. Finally, since this happened in a car crash, it is a totally different situation. It's like me with the 5-gal jug of gas I carry in the back of my pick-up....If I get in a wreck, and the can explodes, and I get burned, should I go running to Shell because that is where I got the gas from!? LOL
  17. They condense the game down to fit in a 90-min time slot, and part of that 90 mins. is commercials. And they leave out some plays too. There's no switching to different views.
  18. Pretty much true. 100% True. This incident here sounds like a "he said, she said", which is pretty common in divorce situations. Also, knowing that there are tons of libtards out there who want to kill GZ, it is no surprise that he will be packing 24/7.
  19. Seriously!? I'm ROTFLMAO here. Add in "coach" & "front office" to "player", and your statement above pretty much describes 99% of all posts to any pro football message board, and certainly to TSW.
  20. Excellent points. Agree 1000%. Yep, the actual game evidence says differently. The hurry up offense only really yielded ONE TD (opening drive of the 3rd qtr). The TD just before the end of the half was a TWO PLAY drive.
  21. Nice! Hope he doesn't turn out to be some sadistic serial killer. ETA: Off topic, but I just realized I joined this forum on 9-9-2001. Interesting.
  22. If the pass to Chandler you're talking about is the one in the first half, I partially agree with you. I think it should have been caught because he got both hands on it, but the pass itself was a "wounded duck", and that may have contributed to the drop. I am in full agreement with your 2nd paragraph above though...hopefully, he will just get better & better. Agree 100%...the "touch" on the pass was absolutely perfect....dropped right in over the shoulder. and they had pretty good coverage too.
  23. Is today April 1? Is this thread some sort of attempt at "humor." Not seeing it. From what I've seen, as well as virtually every NFL observer on the planet, RG III very rarely flaps his gums, oh like say a certain #13 in Buffalo does, and his play on the field is truly outstanding. The only thing that might slow him down is his knee, or if he sustains some other type of injury. Of course he was rusty last night, but in true form, he made no excuses after the game, and took full responsibility.
  24. Huh? You must have missed what I have bolded above. So no, I am not unaware. As George Costanza would say, "I am Aware, I am Aware!" LOL
  25. Getting a kick out of some of the uninformed posts in here. Yes, the pictures were taken in the 4th quarter when it was 28-2. And yes, the game WAS a sellout, and was televised locally. The new owner (Khan) has vowed to keep the team in Jax, although anything is possible I suppose. Over the years we've all seen people in the sports world say one thing, then do another. The new owner has spent a LOT of jack upgrading facilities, and the organization is doing a whole lot of promotions & cool stuff to try and garner fan support, and get fans to the stadium for the game. Jacksonville, like Buffalo, is a rather small market. And between the Gator & Nole fan support, getting fans for the Jags is very competitive. Of course when you field a loser, it doesn't help. The new GM here is a graduate of St. Francis HS in Hamburg. The London deal is different for sure, but a good deal for the Jag's owner, and a nice opportunity for well-off fans to have a fall vacation. LOL We'll be in the club seats, west side, with access to the West Touchdown Club. Maybe I'll see you tailgating before the game. ;-)
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