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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. Sounds like some smart purchases. /s
  2. Well, hold on now, our stadium is on the river, AND we have swimming pools INSIDE the stadium, AND you can be swimming in those pools as the game is going on!!!
  3. I don't think that this would be called even once out of a thousand times, but after analyzing it like the OP did, he's absolutely correct. The guy definitely did willingly come off the DB and go straight back toward Edmunds to block him. And the hold on the DE/DT happens on about 90% of edge runs. They call it when they feel like it, I guess. It's the same old problem I've been bitchin about for 30+ years.....that NFL refs have no consistency from one game to the next, or one crew to the next, or sometimes, even in the same game from one half to the next half. LOL
  4. I did not know that. That's really interesting too, because both the Bills and Steelers seem to have a rabid, national fan base (the Steelers is bigger, of course....bigger city and six rings will do that). Lol
  5. The easy schedule definitely had a big impact on their success this year (making the playoffs). Like some other posters have noted, next year will be a good tell as to whether this year was a "fluke."
  6. And two of those were intentional delay of game calls, as they wanted to back up a little to give their punter more room. I agree that it's absolutely mind numbing that Hou had no holding calls called on them all day...offensive or defensive.....considering that most NFL watchers agree that holding occurs on every single NFL play, somewhere on the field.
  7. Yay Bills! What a totally meaningless stat. Just WIN, baby! The latter is ALL that ever matters, especially in playoff games.
  8. I also missed it "live" and just viewed it.....ARE YOU KIDDING ME THAT THERE WAS NO PENALTY?! Looks absolutely like a willful use of the helmet to spear, and take out the QB. We all know that Defensive linemens' not so secret ultimate goal has always been to "Kill the QB", and it looks like that's exactly what Clowney was doing here.
  9. I wonder if head coaches ever watch other (tv broadcast) games and learn from them? Put another way, I wish McDummy would watch other teams' broadcast games and see how good use of TOs/time management is done, see how calling "unexpected " plays can be good, etc.
  10. Gee, look what happens when you don't playcall like a Conservative Connie! LOL
  11. There is a reason I call the guy "McDummy!" LOL
  12. Iggles probably now have about a 1% chance of winning this game. LOL
  13. Umm, listen, I hope & pray that JA comes around next year and turns into the 2nd coming of Jim Kelly......but from what I've seen to date, most people around the nation do NOT think highly of JA. (As seen in a Chiefs forum linked by someone else earlier in this thread)
  14. I have NEVER told any other poster in here to "get lost" or "go away" or "stop posting" or "stop being a Bills fan" or anything similar. I have never put anyone on "ignore." I would never personally attack someone simply for their football opinions, because they vary from mine. YET, I have seen members of the "trust the process" brigade do ALL of the above simply because somebody doesn't "tow the company line" and/or agree with their takes....like was done to me in this thread by TH3.
  15. LMAO. Says who? You? Unless McDummy does a complete 180 from his abysmal time management skills, and idiotic offensive play-calling in crucial gametime situations, he will be gone, because they will NOT keep winning games with those mistakes. This year, for all intents & purposes, they only made the playoffs because of their weak-a$$ schedule. I'm always amazed...and amused....that some Bills fans think that if other Bills fans don't drink the Kool-Aid, and "trust the process", they should just go away and/or be banned from the rainbows & butterflies brigade in here. LOL The actual reality is that usually, those of us who are NOT drinking the Kool-Aid, are correct about things.
  16. No more Dome games this year unless Hou & Tenn both pull upsets next week. I'm good with that.
  17. I have a feeling, based on 50+ years of watching NFL football, that the Seahags will win this game. But hey, who knows? That's why they play the games! LOL
  18. I'm sure that they did review it. In OT, in the playoffs, ALL reviews will be initiated by the booth. So, IOW, they are closely watching EVERY play, and if they see something that needs further review, and/or see something that they think they may want to change, they'll radio down to the field to hold up things. In THIS case, they obviously were "good" with the TD.
  19. Yep, just like on about 90% of every pass play in the league, every Thursday, Sunday, & Monday! And if the Off guy's not pushing off, the Def guy is "hand checking"/pushing and/or grabbing!
  20. I agree with the OP here, but for many different reasons. A piece written for the Sporting News, and posted in a different thread in here, illuminates McDummie's issues very well. Here's a link: https://www.sportingnews.com/us/nfl/news/nfl-playoffs-2020-bills-sean-mcdermott-coach-bad-calls/1hmflvozh6wsi1vbwi4iax3o7v
  21. Yep. I really thought that this year was going to be different, but sadly, AS OF RIGHT NOW, they are the "same old Bills" we have seen for the past 25 years. They could have, and SHOULD HAVE won that game yesterday, but they didn't.
  22. I agree. I've seen video from a few of these "welcome home" rallies, and it's ludicrous (to me) how they keep the fans behind a barbed wire fence, so unless the player(s) ventures over to the fence, the fans are ignored, and get zero "feelies."
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