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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. So they "force him" to go to an OPEN receiver, then he overthrows and/or misses that receiver badly, and it's not Orton's fault!? Wow, this board is like the theatre of the absurd sometimes......often times. LOL
  2. But wait a minute....he's having his best year ever! LOL Btw, I agree with you 100%. Teams having tape, and figuring out the Bills' offensive "schemes", has NOTHING to do with KO's horrible accuracy/bad decision making. I will also agree with the chorus that says Hackett must go...and as I've said all year, he has no business even being there. He was a "buddy hire" by Maroon.
  3. Totally agree with the OP. It's a damn shame at how inept the offense has been all year. And of course there has been a boatload of idiotic coaching "game management" decisions by Maroon. Get Harbaugh. ...at any cost.
  4. So ya think Denver's game plan had any influence on Manning's numbers? Using your logic, the Bills should have won this game easily because they were better in every critical OFFENSIVE statistic....well, they had twice as many penalties/yards as Denver too. Is this y'all's first year watching NFL football? LOL
  5. Wait, WHAT!? Fleetwood Mac is still doing concerts? You gotta be sh***in me. Do ANY 60s or 70s bands ever retire? LOL As far as the Jills go, IMHO I say bring them back. Shapely, good looking women running around is NEVER a bad thing.
  6. It's been said in here before, but to reiterate: if this team had a top 10 QB, they'd be a SB contender. Orton was just awful again today, and they won in spite of him. They will be getting nowhere near the playoffs this year.
  7. The optimism in this thread is breathtaking. Lol Being a realist, it's likely the Bills will win only 2 more games this year, if that. Y'all have seen how they've been playing all year long, right? The real frustrating thing is that if they had a better QB, and a better Offensive Coordinator, they'd be serious contenders to win it all.
  8. Wait.....what!? There's only been 15 people who have played "well" as a QB in the NFL? I beg to differ.
  9. Did Peter King play Norm on Cheers?
  10. Bill Brasky = Chris Collinsworth, apparently. I'm watching the game with the sound down, so I'm not hearing any of Al & CC's blather. But after your post, I just ran my DVR back and watched it again, and I turned on the sound. So now I see where YOU got your opinion from. LOL Just because the DB "got his head around", that means NOTHING. He forcibly used his right arm to hold and/or impede the WR from getting to the ball. Defensive PI is called all day long for FAR LESS than what was done on this play. Personally, the inconsistency of PI and Holding calls have bothered me for years, and I think it does give the NFL a WWF similarity. And the favortism given certain teams/players is very obvious...and it stinks.
  11. Watching Colts vs Pats right now. Just saw a BLATANT PI by the Pats, in the end zone, and a ref was right there, looking right at it, and there was no call! The Pats DB actually used his right hand, stuck in the chest of the Colts WR, to impede him from going to make the catch. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but if you don't see that there's definitely different rules for different teams, you're either blind or dead.
  12. Virtually everything is fixed. What about yesterday in the Miss State vs. Alabama game? The critical fumble by Alabama at the goal line? Ruling on the field was a fumble. They went to replay, and ALTHOUGH THERE WAS NO CLEAR-CUT, DEFINITIVE, SIDE-ANGLE VIEW OF THE PLAY showing that the ball broke the plane, they still overturned the call on the field and gave the TD to Alabama! Just like politics though, if you keep saying & repeating it (that he was over the line, even though no clear-cut angle showed that)...I guess....most people will believe it. To wit: ESPN last night & tonight, repeatedley showing that high angle view, from a camera way above AND BEHIND the play, and stating that you can see the ball cross the plane.....Umm NO, YOU CAN'T from that camera angle. You can surmise that maybe it did, but to overturn a call on the field, I thought it had to be definitive. Of course unless "certain" teams get the calls over other teams....that would never happen, would it? LOL
  13. THIS. If it had not been batted down, there was a very good chance it would have been picked.
  14. To reiterate what I, as well as many others in here, have been saying since DM was hired: He is in way over his head, and he really has no business being an NFL coach.
  15. Indy has played 4 of their first 9 games in prime time. And after their bye this week, guess what? They return for another night game. It's really too much IMHO.
  16. I guess if you read between the lines of my original post, you'd conclude that people are NOT watching as soon as it becomes apparent that it's a blowout. LOL I like the idea above that they should not schedule these prime time games based solely on last year's records. There's too much parity in the league.
  17. For the last 6 weeks, of the 12 Sunday & Monday night games, 9 of those games have been blowouts. How about they stop scheduling the same old, same old "favorite" teams, and actually put some competitive match ups on? Just a thought.......
  18. Don't watch, or pay attention to the pre-game shows, or the "experts" picks at all, and I haven't for many, many years now. The reality is that there are millions of Americans who have been closely watching NFL football for years, and know way, way more about the game than the so-called experts. And of course since parity is alive and well, the on "Any given Sunday" paradigm is always in play.......to wit, Cleveland at Jacksonville last weekend.
  19. This x1000. As has been noted many times in this forum over the last couple of months, Marrone is in way over his head, and the team is winning in spite of him, not because of him. Does anyone really think that if the Bills had a top notch coach they'd still have the same record, or be having to pull out a miracle to beat patsies like the Vikings, or be getting destroyed by the Pats on that emotional high weekend!? If you do, you probably just started watching NFL football this year. LOL
  20. It reaffirms how bad the spot was after the play which brought them down to the 1, or maybe even inside the 1. I swear to God, half the officials are blind as bats. LOL
  21. Agree 100%. Been saying this about Maroon & crew since day one.
  22. At a sports bar watching many games....same exact situation just happened to the Titans QB.....of course it was flagged for Intentional Grounding.
  23. It's the THIRD prime-time night game for the Colts this year...already. Give me an effing break. Other than Luck, what warrants them so many night games. NOTE to ALL: I'm NOT saying that the Bills should be getting a bunch of night games! Instead, I'm just very sick of the same teams over & over. Also, WOW, there are TONS of empty seats there right now.
  24. What you see above is a text book definition of a "troll" post.
  25. Yippee-Ki-A, MFer. Lol
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