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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. Last but not least, I would like someone to explain the "running into the kicker" penalty on Dixon and the non-penalty on what looked like a very similar, but later with less excuse, take-down of our punter by Indy. Use small words and speak slowly when you do try to explain. When the Bills' punter got hit, the Colt was blocked into him. When the Colts' punter got hit, the Bill was not blocked into him.
  2. LOL.....Sounds about right, I mean, as long as he was "in fear for his life", he'd be OK. Cops do it every day somewhere in this country.
  3. 50k? Try about 80k. I bought a new F150 FX4 at the end of last September, and the retail on that was 43k, and other than having 4wd, it was far from loaded. That looks like an F350....250 for sure. Personally, imho, Rex is really endearing himself to the fans and to WNY. But as others have said, we shall see what happens on the field....Just Win, Baby!
  4. Just looked at it closely. If you look at the feet of the interior linemen, and go by that, virtually ALL NINE guys are on the line of scrimmage! The guy in the slot may be about one foot further back, but everybody other than the center is on the same horizontal line. Bottom line is that it should have been flagged for sure.
  5. This post echoes my sentiments exactly. Nice job!
  6. Wait, turn the TV back on and put on the Sabres vs the Red Wings. Sabres had a 3-0 lead after 1, but now it's 3-2. Wonder how it'll end up? LOL
  7. Umm, yeah, Indy just had a fork put in them, so they're done.
  8. GB absolutely choked this one away. No way they should have lost. And btw, they need to hire someone to do clock management, and clock management only....they really screwed up on that last drive, re calling their timeouts at the right time.
  9. I don't get up to WNY very often for Bills home games, but your points above seem very astute. I'm sorta surprised at all the support in this thread...and on the board generally....for moving the stadium to a cramped place, and effectively eliminating the unique Buffalo tailgating experience.
  10. Anyone else wondering why the west coast game is being played before the east coast game? In my 40+ years of watching NFL playoff games, I don't think I've ever seen this....not even on Wild Card weekend or on the Divisional Match Up weekend....seems the west coast teams have always played the late/2nd game of the day. Someone tell me I'm all wet here? The noon start time in Seattle seems a bit ridiculous.
  11. Was watching Mike & Mike this morning and they had on a former NFL official and he said it was not PI, and even Chris Carter was saying no PI....kept hearing a bunch of inane excuses for the no PI. ARE YOU KIDDING ME! Defensive PI is called EVERY week during the regular season for FAR LESS contact than was made on that play. Surely, as Bills fans we know this all too well. Lol
  12. Have been saying for YEARS now that Holding calls and Pass Interference calls are VERY subjective, are enforced VERY inconsistently, and are MANY times called in favor of a NFL "favored" team....and are ruining the game. As the latter has continued for MANY years now, with no correction to it, one wonders what is the "real" reason why. Like many others here, I feel that the ineptitude cheapens the game, and gives it a WWF flavor. It also has caused me to take less interest in the NFL, for sure. Would love to be a fly on the wall in the Detroit Lions' football offices tonight. LOL
  13. Would love to see the Lions beat the snot out of the Cowgirls; virtually no one is taking them seriously. Hate Jerry Jones....naturally. LOL
  14. THIS x1000. Good riddance. THIS x1000. Good riddance.
  15. Huh!? How could ANYone possibly know that, unless he actually comes back to a HC gig? Get real. IMHO, I'd take Cowher over Marrone any day, at any time. Marrone is in way over his head; he proved that this year.
  16. Somewhat off topic, but some of the defensive PI calls against the Bengals in last night's Cinn/Pit game were horrid. Wasn't too much of a surprise though; the consistency of PI and Holding calls from game to game is pathetic. And as noted many times in this forum, they *seem* to go to league-favored teams more often than not.
  17. Well, if the Bills fire Marrone, and he gets hired by Atlanta.....you'd be spot on. LOL
  18. I hope to God this "rumor" is true. Pegula should spare no expense to bring in a real, qualified HC like Cowher.
  19. This thread has to be a joke, right? ALL year long people have been calling for Marrone's head, and rightly so. Now because they beat NE's scrubs, people think he's all that & more!? Get real. He's in way over his head and should never even have gotten the job. HE is ultimately responsible for the pathetic red zone offense this year. Dump him ASAP and get a real, QUALIFIED coach. The city and the team deserve way better than some unimaginative, unsuccessful college coach.
  20. Hopefully, Marrone will get the boot; he's in way over his head. Ultimately, the HC is responsible for offensive production, and we all know how that went this year. Yes, I know they won 9 games, but any halfway decent HC would have had this team in the playoffs. Time to find A REAL HC & A REAL OC, STAT.
  21. Sorry, but Marrone needs to go. He has no business even being there. A decent coach would have had this team in the playoffs, there's no doubt in my mind.
  22. Marone has no business being a head coach in the NFL. Hopefully, Pegula & his advisors will get rid of him sooner rather than later.
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