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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. I know they had a few key players out today due to injuries, but they were playing the Titans...you know, the team that sucks and has a rookie QB. It should not have even been close. They...the Bills....will be lucky if they win 8 games this year...lucky. Look at the schedule. MAYBE they beat the Jags, Dolphins, Texans, Redskins, and Jets one time. That would be 8-8. Maybe they keep playing like they have the last two weeks and go 4-12 or 3-13. You can't tell me that's not possible if you watched the last two games. Oh well, there's always next year! LOL
  2. Wonder how the players (union) is going to feel about this? Also, the notion that the NFL needs more money is about the most fallacious & ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
  3. I pretty much agree with you and think that it's been going on for years, The inconsistency and subjectivity of holding calls (both offensive and the dreaded defensive 5-yard automatic first down) and pass interference calls pretty much would require anybody with eyesight and a functioning brain to say that things are either outright "fixed" or just totally unfair. In any game, in that game, you can see a DB get called for PI or Holding, and then 20 mins. later see another player do the same thing and not get called. And I'm not talking about where an official misses it (doesn't see it), I mean where it's right there in front of his face, but it's not called. The latter happens virtually in every game, every week, with holding and PI calls, and because they are "subjective", they're not subject to video review. Here's an oldie but goodie: For the "Music City Miracle", a Titan blatantly used a hands to the face move/block against Steve Christie just before Dyson scored. It's right there out in the open for everyone to see, as Christie was the last man...you can Google it right now and see it again....it's very apparent as the Titan pushed upwards on Christie's facemask and his head tilts up & back. Titan should have been flagged, and game over, Bills win....but they somehow "missed it." Uh huh, right.
  4. Nah, no way LHO acted alone....2 precise head/neck shot hits with a bolt-action rifle at a moving target in just 7 seconds!? There definitely were shooters from more than one location too, and the kill shot came from the front...."back, and to the left." Trust me on this one. LOL Also, virtually everyone's attention was focused on the motorcade, not on the fenceline on the grassy knoll. The only people looking over there would have been gov't agents. And they just had to make that ONE fatal head, shot, pull down the rifle and stroll away..
  5. I've been to the Grassy Knoll. I stood behind the fence where the CIA hid to kill Kennedy. I stood on the pedestal where Abraham Zapruder filmed it all. I've been to the patsy's (Oswald) "nest" on the 6th floor. Please note that "Zapruder" has only ONE "p." Now, about the topic at hand. The Bills got Screwed again by the refs in this game, as it was NOWHERE close to being called "evenly." Same ole, same ole. And obviously, OB is a punk who I'm sure will be dealt with (by DBs & Safeties) as time goes on.
  6. On one hand, you make a good point. OTOH, the rules are there for a reason, and the Seahags CLEARLY violated them, and the incompetence of the NFL official should not have to be tolerated. That ref who blew the call should be fired ASAP.
  7. The officiating in the NFL is a joke, and has been for many years now. The two most inconsistent/unfair/fixed infractions are holding and pass interference. But as long as fans keep going to the games, and people keep watching on tv, and fans keep buying NFL gear, nothing will ever change. As Bills fans, we all know that it is very frustrating to watch, but it is also frustrating for every fan who just wants to see a sense of fairness and equality in the judging of a game.
  8. You made me LOL. Thanks for the uplifter on this down Monday.
  9. FWIW, Scobee was just about perfect when he played in Jacksonville, so not sure what happened went he got signed by the Stealers.
  10. To be fair, most of the people who came out against the idea said nothing about what the Bills would get in return IF they did it, but rather they mocked the OP, and said no how, no way was it happening, nor did it make any sense. So yeah, they were PWND by being so very adamant in their beliefs.
  11. I'm LMAO at all the "geniuses" who posted in this thread, and basically laughed at the OP, and insinuated that he's an idiot. Please go ahead and step up and eat some crow, because y'all were PWND.
  12. The ole "Woofing Theorum" has never worked out well for anyone. Lol
  13. As long as they have Fitz starting, they aren't going anywhere.
  14. This game is almost painful to watch. Who picks these matchups? LOL
  15. Yep, when you factor in Brady's INT and his fumble and his 59 pass attempts, and realize that the Bills had only 2 sacks, that means Brady went back to pass 61 times, and the Bills only got to him TWICE. That's NEVER gonna cut it.
  16. Well, looking at it though, it did look like he came down awkwardly on his right arm, but you are correct about being strapped to a board.
  17. OK, just went back and looked at it again. His head/chin never hit the ground, but his head does hit the back of Edelman as he goes flying at Edelman to try and tackle him in mid-air....I didn't see this earlier when I looked at it. But now that I took a 2nd look, his head does snap back a bit as it (his head) hits Edelman in the back butt area...hits right at the waistline.
  18. This is spot on. How Reid has been able to stay employed as a HC for so long is puzzling.
  19. OK, I guess I'm getting senile way earlier than I thought I would, but what is the meaning of having a sign with just an asterisk on it?
  20. Just saw it. He's a very humble guy, and that is good. He also looks like he's about 18 years old. Lol
  21. Wow, I literally have read THOUSANDS of threads in this forum that were WAY more "off topic" than this one. It seems like a legitimate concern.
  22. @vegas55: I'm with you on this one. Obviously, there were hundreds, maybe even thousands, of other fans who experienced the same delays as you did, so something should be done to fix the situation. And I find it laughable that there are so many in here willing to attack you for simply expecting good customer service (CS), after you have spent hundreds of dollars to go see a game, and after the taxpayers have spent millions of dollars on improvements at RWS. We all expect good, prompt CS when we go out to eat at a restaurant...and normally spend a LOT less $$$ there, I might add.....so why shouldn't we expect good CS from the Bills organization?
  23. So very true.
  24. IMO, I like the new logo/helmets better than the staid old Buffalo.
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