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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. Actually, if you see my earlier post in this thread, it was the Steelers, up until today, as they have won 6 very close games this year.
  2. As much as I hate this.......the Steelers are going to the SB again this year. Note it. ALL YEAR LONG they have been able to pull out wins, just when you think someone has them beat. Here's some games they won, and by how much. Over Browns by 3, Chiefs by 6, Lions by 5, Colts by 3, Packers by 3, Bengals by 3, and last week, Ravens by 1. They ALWAYS seem to win the close ones, plus they are really good in so many different aspects. Even with injuries, they still come out on top. They're up by 8 in this game, with 8:30 left, and I think they'll pull this one out too.
  3. As I said in the Shoutbox earlier today, the reality is that MOST of these NFL players are as dumb as a box of rocks. Yes, most all are excellent athletes, but very, very few of them are going to be getting out of any "Escape" rooms....I would guess that the most likely to have a working brain would be the QBs. LOL
  4. I want what you're smoking. It certainly will give me the ability to escape from all reality, and quite frankly, I'd like to do that right now!
  5. Yes, I did. LOL Seattle is Scum.
  6. Agree 100%. At this point, I was hoping they'd lose out, and get a better position in the draft.....but someone said in here earlier this week, that the Bills are consistent at 7-9, or 8-8 or close to that, so they always are in the middle, which gets them no good picks, which continues the mediocrity. Ugh.
  7. It's really mind boggling, isn't it? These guys (the Bills) are grown men, supposedly strong & tough, the best athletes in the world and very competitive, yet their reaction to Tre getting drilled was one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen in 50+ years of watching sports. Hell, when we played youth hockey at the Nike rink in Hamburg back in the day, as 14-16 year olds, WE would have reacted in a much different way than the kitten-like Bills if somebody blind-sided a teammate like that. Personally, with the incompetent NFL refs, the wild inconsistency in refs' calls week in and week out, AND the corporate office's unequal handling of justice, I think I'm done with the NFL for a while. Looking at all the empty seats in stadiums, I think there are millions like me too. Cincy couldn't even fill their stadium for that game last night with a bitter rival, and their stadium isn't even that large.
  8. No, of course not. Although I'd bet $1000 that at least 10 other Patriots would go flying at Hughes like he just killed their child. Wouldn't even be surprised if Pats came flying off the bench to enact "justice" in a situation like that. Forgot to mention in my earlier post that I am also disgusted with the cowardly Bills, who just stood around whining to the refs, and didn't go after Gronk, and give him a beat down right then and there. As others have said last night and today, the inaction on the Bills' players to exact immediate retribution was very disappointing.....very pathetic.
  9. What a freakin' joke (the NFL is). Should have been a four game suspension without even thinking about it, then think about it, and maybe give him longer, like the rest of the year. Tonight on ESPN, HOFer Steve young said the same thing....should have been at least 4 games. He said that a mere one game won't stop anybody else from doing something like that. I don't think I could be any more disgusted with the NFL than I am right now.
  10. Removed by poster.
  11. Agree with this 100%. The facts are that the Bills showed who they really are in that horrendous 3-game losing streak. It wasn't just "a bad day"...for just one game. IMO, they got very lucky last week vs. the Chiefs. The rest of the season is going to be brutal. Again, just my opinion, but my eyes & brain tell me so.
  12. Pretty nice crib, but who doesn't put a screen enclosure on their pool!? Like I want to be sitting poolside, enjoying my Crown & Coke Cherry Zero, and be bothered by gnats, mosquitoes, and flies? No thanks. Lol
  13. LOL. It doesn't "bother me" at all. Like others in here, I'm just giving my opinion in a forum where that's what everybody does, 24/7. I would guess that the other folks who also think that these "celebrations" are lame & stupid, are also not "bothered" by them, they're just expressing their opinion on what they see. I can personally think that a lot of things in life are lame, but it doesn't "bother me"; I just think it and move on. I also believe that you should try to have "fun" in virtually everything you do in life, so if they're having fun, then that's great! But most of the celebrations are still lame. It is what it is.
  14. This happened yesterday in the Panthers/Jets game, but ironically, it wasn't during a lame group celebration. After Cam Newton scored a TD, he went into his annoying Superman chest reveal, and one of the Jets slapped at his hands. I don't even think they flagged the Jet, which was surprising. And I wholeheartedly agree with the OP here....99% of the group celebrations are totally lame. They MIGHT be admirable if when they did these things, they were well coordinated, and all participants are the same page, but usually they're not. It would take some "real" prep time to make these things look smooth & polished, which I'm sure they don't have the time or inclination to do. As it stands now, they MAY come up with a clever idea, but their execution and/or choreography is pathetic, so it comes off as half-a$$ed and clutzy. LOL I also agree that the league is allowing this as a marketing ploy to try and get more younger viewers' eyes on the NFL, although just like "hot" female sideline reporters or in-studio anchorettes, if you're going to watch the NFL just for the "sideshows", you really probably should be reassessing your life choices.
  15. I totally agree. What's surprising is that none of the other officials saw it, and overruled the call. Usually on something so blatantly incorrect, they have a little conference and get it right. That they didn't even huddle up to talk about it just fuels speculation that things are fixed.
  16. I agree with your 2nd sentence wholeheartedly, and not to beat a dead horse, but all these players "protesting" by kneeling are doing it at work...they're on "company time." Just like ALL of us (who work for someone else), there are rules to be followed, and you can't just do whatever you want while at work. IOW, your freedom of speech ENDS when you step onto company property. That being said, I'm surprised that Goodwin suited up and played.
  17. Thanks for the genius take. I said the exact same thing the morning after the Thursday night Jets loss. Anybody with half a brain who has watched pro football for a few years knows that the team just doesn't have the talent to be a playoff contender. They lucked out with some early season wins mainly because of their positive turnover ratio. I guess what has amazed me is the total ineptitude of the "professional" coaching staff. The play calling especially. It ain't rocket science out there, yet the guys (coaches) who are getting paid loads of money, continue to do things that even a good high school coach wouldn't do.
  18. Brees is No. 9. That's the kicker, Will Lutz. Just FYI.....
  19. You know what I hate about this? Whenever something like this happens, the directors running the show for the TV broadcasts NEVER show these people on air. We have mass murderers who get tons of air time, but let some brave soul do something wonderfully stupid, and they act as if he's chopping off somebody's head, and don't let the millions in the TV audience see what's going on. And oh yeah, I know the old excuse is "it'll just cause more people to do it to get their few minutes of fame." That's pure BS, and this pathetic theory has never been proven. Speaking of TV coverage....I did watch the first half today, and I noticed that when the Saints player who had to be ambulanced out got hurt, they did not show even a single replay (on the TV broadcast). What was up with that? Was it gruesome or something?
  20. Colts being the Colts...about to get beat by the Steelers...they hung tough though
  21. I guess the "cold" didn't bother Brees & the Saints? And the home crowd didn't help either? A bad team is a bad team, no matter what the weather.
  22. Like I said after the Jets games, they win 2 more games, maybe 3. Now, I am even rethinking that. LOL The Colts are up on the Steelers, 17-9, at the start of the 4th qtr.....the Colts were a team I thought the Bills would beat easily.
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