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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. This afternoon's presser at the White House brought some very grim news. DT said that this matter might go on til July or August. Guess that would mean that the NBA & NHL are done for the year, unless they just take the standings as they are, and have some sort of limited playoffs.
  2. Way down in the story it says this: "Perez — who also suffered from preexisting medical conditions — had worked at the department for over 10 years, sources said." Wish they could be more specific about that, but ya know, HIPPA laws and all that.
  3. Yes. South Korea tested 100,000 people and 96% were negative. ETA: We know who the high risk people are, so obviously the high risk people should be taking extreme measures to avoid it. But everybody else should be able to live their lives. Completely shutting down bars and restaurants is asinine. I can see limiting their capacities though....
  4. OK, when Vegas shuts down their casinos, it's about as close to the apocalypse as it can get. Not joking. Lived there for a bit in the 90s. The greed of the casino owners is unparalleled.
  5. Wow! Wonder if after they come back, they're going to keep schools open to mid/late July.
  6. West Virginia has ZERO cases! WTH!? Hillbillies are immune!? LOL J/K I'm a Redneck at heart myself!
  7. Dr said to self medicate, wait it out til tomorrow morning, and if I’m worse, go in for a visit. And yes, I’d like to be tested ASAP. I have not quarantined myself, but I have been extremely careful when I’ve been out so as to not cough/sneeze on my hands, and then touch a surface. To add, I am rarely sneezing, and only coughing about 2-3x an hour, some hours with no cough at all. I’m not severely fatigued either; went for a motorcycle ride yesterday, as well as cut the grass/did yard work (it’s 80 degrees down here).
  8. I saw a female 30 something on a cable news network last night who tested positive, and she had zero symptoms! She said she had recently gone to a party with a lot of people in attendance. I’m not quite sure why / how she was tested. I personally have had a slight sore throat, slight/intermittent dry cough, constant stuffy nose, and slight on/off headache since Thursday afternoon, but NO fever and no shortness of breath. I called my Dr, and I’ve been self medicating like crazy since then, and stayed home from work on Friday. Of course, I’ve scoured the internet for reliable info on symptoms of Covid-19 vs Flu vs Allergies vs a Cold. My conclusion is that I‘ve got a “regular” old cold, but I can’t be 100% sure of that. And to add: I haven’t been out of FL since November (was up in Buffalo), and I do not regularly come in contact with a lot of people, and my job has me driving around north/central FL 90% of the workday (about 1000 miles per week on my truck) doing inspections at various construction sites. And normally, I am always washing my hands and/or using hand sanitizer.
  9. It’s the same story here in north FL. I was out yesterday to Publix and Walmart, and I would say that those two stores had about the same, or even less customers, than for a normal Saturday. Of course, they were out (or almost out) of the things that most other stores were out of: Water, TP, alcohol wipes, canned soup, red meat (plenty of healthier meat available like turkey & ham...LOL). They had plenty of dairy products too. Restaurants I passed by had customers, but parking lots were not as full as normal.
  10. Huh, interesting. I had the day off and went to my local Publix at about 8am today, and the place was dead. Of course, they were out of toilet paper, but had pretty much everything else on hand.
  11. AFAIK, there’s no treatment, other than maybe giving O2 (through a mask) to a patient who has a severe case, and is having shortness of breath. I think that everybody else just has to wait it out, and hope that their body has enough germ/virus fighting power to get through it. Not sure what they can do for you in the hospital, other than give you the O2. Btw, the governor of my state just said that everybody who has been directed by a physician to get tested, has been able to get tested. Of course they’ll never have enough tests if they let the general public make the decision about getting tested.
  12. Like I said above though, for how long? You think if they shut em down for two months, and then reopen them, nobody with Covid-19 is gonna come through at that time?
  13. Thinking outside the box about this pandemic, until they come up with an effective vaccine, and have enough doses of that vaccine for millions & millions of people, our way of life is going to be severely harmed/different. So they’re shutting everything down NOW to “slow the spread.” But they are NOT going to completely eradicate it, so in a month or two, when they start having sports events, concerts, & large gatherings, when they start letting people from other countries come here, what’s to stop the virus from amping up again, and growing to as bad as it is right now?
  14. Wow, way to TOTALLY make up things and assign them to me. I'm done here.
  15. It's still low. And how many of those people would be in their 70s and 80s, people who have made it BEYOND their life expectancy!?
  16. Sitting here watching the Idiot box, and they just ran an ad for the TPC. LOL Guess they're not going to pull them, since they're paid for.
  17. Actually , I keep hearing people say that the death rate is 10x higher for the coronavirus, but have they actually looked closely at it? Flu death rate is .01%....10 x that = 0.1%, which is still VERY LOW!
  18. Wow. How about everybody just stay at home for the next month? Oh wait, I don’t have a months supply of toilet paper and food on hand! Please keep Wal-marts and other large retailers open! Oh wait, won’t I catch the virus there, since that will be the only places people will be going to!?
  19. I still think it’s an overreaction. But sadly, the way it looks now, virtually everything is shutting down. I won’t be surprised if we soon end up like Italy. It’s baffling to me, because everything I’m seeing says that MOST people, even if they catch the virus, will come through it just fine. Yes, I know that people 60+ with existing health conditions are in the greatest danger, but THEY should know that, and they should be taking the most caution re where they go and who they interact with. The silver lining is that gas is dirt cheap, and you’ll soon be able to get a load of blue chip stocks at bargain basement prices. My Ameritrade account is warmed up and standing by!
  20. I think that Ford, Chevy, Chrysler, Kia, Toyota, et al should stop selling vehicles in the interest of safety, because, ya know, you're WAY more likely to die in a car crash than you are from getting Covid-19. See what happens when we make safety the absolute #1 concern? The reality is that MOST people who will get Covid-19 will easily get over it, and they may not even have any symptoms at all.
  21. I don't agree with the move...at all. But hey, it's their millions of dollars that they will be losing!
  22. Very interesting thread, although 99.9% of everything in here is pure speculation, or a "WAG", as we used to call it. LOL My favorite part is one poster accusing another poster of being a "troll" or "super troll" for simply posting his honest opinions about the matter. There's seems to be a real lack of knowledge about the meaning of "trolling", "brigading", and "spamming" in this forum. Oh well, ignorance is bliss, I guess! You can put me down as someone who agrees with those that feel that taxpayer money spent for billionaires' new playgrounds should be kept at an absolute minimum, like zero, if possible.
  23. Just curious here, but why was this thread allowed to "stay alive" when virtually the same topic/thread was posted on Tuesday? Are all the moderators on vacation this weekend? LOL
  24. I agree that taxpayers normally get screwed when a new stadium is demanded & built, and that the cost of actually going to game is way out of control, but one thing I will strongly disagree with is the validity of any Twitter poll, since only about 20% of the country uses Twitter, and of those, it skews to a younger group.
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