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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. Yep. Tiki is smart, and has the same opinion as a lot of smart Bills fans......as opposed to those homers who wear rose-colored glasses 24/7. Now, I do agree that optimism is good, but IMO realism is better.
  2. The writer's opinion is right on the mark, as many in this forum have also expressed very similar thoughts over the past week (including me). The Pegulas are in over their heads, and it's rather obvious. Sad but true. Yeah, they kept the team in Buffalo, and that's great, but other than that, it's a dumpster fire.
  3. Where I live, it's on the NFL Network, not on any of the Fox channels.
  4. I thought that Buck & Aikman worked at Fox Sports? You mean to tell me that the NFL Network has no one who could have done this game!?
  5. Most people out in the "real world" don't get anywhere close to 3 or 4 years to "prove themselves." It's more like 3 or 4 months, if that. Since professional sports is such a unique career field, I'd allow for more than the standard "3 to 4 months." But 3 to 4 years!? Nah, no way.
  6. That's comedy gold right there! More accurate would be that they backed in to the playoffs in a most improbable way, AND they likely were one of the weakest teams ever to make the NFL playoffs.
  7. Speaking of the Pegulas, do THEY bear any responsibility for this franchise's utter incompetence? Lol My answer would be YES.
  8. So now with the "new" rules, it gives the incompetent refs another area (besides Pass Interference & Holding calls) to be totally inconsistent! You are absolutely correct that, according to the new rules, that should have been a PF for leading with the crown of the helmet. Watching the Redzone yesterday, I saw a BUNCH of Roughing the Passer calls that were WAY more mild than this play against Stafford.
  9. I thought that the Jets fan who wears the fireman's helmet "retired?" Did he retire to the Detroit area; housing IS cheap there. Lol
  10. Was/am watching something else tonight, and I just flipped to ESPN between commercials to watch a few plays of this game. Question: Did ESPN have a contest for their viewers where the winning prize was you get to be the play-by-play person, or the color person for the opening MNF game? Sure sounds like it.
  11. Dolt Collinsworth said he had nobody open...just rewound my DVR, guy down the right sideline was WIDE open, but he didn't see him.
  12. Here come the penalties against the Bears....
  13. Somebody had Movie Theatre butter during the commercial break.... Well, plenty of time for Trubisky to strike back....Lol
  14. Guess NOW it's time for Mack to really earn his paycheck, huh?
  15. They miss a LOT of holding calls...every...single...play...of every single game.
  16. Did he just say that Chicago took the TO!? Why?
  17. Collinsworth is annoying. Lol
  18. This about Rogers really makes me question his judgment.
  19. Offensive PI? Pushing off? Seemed pretty obvious. Have seen lesser called.
  20. I agree that Mack is a very good player, but honestly, on the pick-6, he was in the right place at the right time....it was thrown....lobbed.... right to him.
  21. On another note, did Dan Patrick get fired from SNF, and now we have to put up with the Fisher-Price look-alike loser from Syracuse every Sunday night? LOL
  22. Am watching the game live. Actually, on the series before, the Jags got away with a blatant defensive PI, as I noted above.
  23. Tuhrod just threw two passes in a row to tie the game with the Steelers (if they make XP)
  24. Browns at the 35 and need a TD to tie. They have forced two turnovers in two successive Steelers drives. Refs just let go a blatant PI on the Jags. Wasn't even close either....blatant PI. Was 4th down too.
  25. Sure, anyone thinking logically might say this, but the brain trust of this org also traded away AJ McCarron, and kept NP as the starter! LOL
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