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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. Stupid Charger DB whining to the ref instead of touching the guy down and the Chargers getting the ball because it was 4th down and he was short of the line to gain. Idiots.
  2. He's probably talking about a PLAYOFF game performance.....
  3. That's either a TD, or it has to be marked at about the 6-inch line. Just DVRd it....
  4. I notice that when the Ravens try a FG they leave a very generic, non-distracting image up on the large scoreboard, but when the Chargers try a FG they have an active, live shot or some other distracting image playing. I do not think the latter is fair. Fans being louder, or jumping around (like in basketball when a guy is at the FT line) is fine, but manipulating the background electronically for the home team? Uh, no, it shouldn't be allowed.
  5. The celebrations after making a defensive play is really annoying. LOL
  6. Score a TD here and put half the nails in the coffin!
  7. Umm, no. I just DVRd it and took a look. Ball landed about 2 yards deep into the endzone on the fat white out of bounds strip....so it landed about one yard OOB. Definitely was catchable.
  8. How is that not PI or Holding? Was way beyond the 5 yards...
  9. Geezus, that play-calling by the Bolts was horrible! WTF?
  10. CBS got Ray Lewis to do the intro to the game....very one sided if you ask me, but it was "sharp & edgy!" LOL
  11. He's like J. Allen though....his running is the best part of his game!
  12. I see that Jerry Jones' check to the refs has cleared! LOL
  13. Wow, once again I'm astonished by the refs. The ball rolled forward, OUT OF HIS HANDS, onto the ground! Should have been no catch, but KARMA is SWEET!!!
  14. They only went for 2 because their kicker is out/hurt. Very hard. Source: I used to punt a long time ago. LOL
  15. I will be quite happy if the Cowgirls lose tonight.
  16. I agree with you, although he had the distance but just pushed it right.
  17. Defensive struggle OR Offensive Ineptitude?
  18. My DVR is working just fine tonight! No seriously, I'm not a ghoul, but I can keep watching it if I want to.
  19. Just want to note that the Texans had a very weak schedule this year.
  20. Logged in and came to the forum to state this very same thing. OMG, they're terrible. It doesn't help that the TWO analysts NEVER stop talking. That being said....GO COLTS! Don't think that the Texans have the offense to come back and win this thing.
  21. Would love to see the Browns somehow pull this off and beat the Ravens!
  22. Am watching the Ravens/Browns game......the NFL must really want the Ravens in the playoffs, which is surprising, because usually the Steelers are always favored. In any case, on both of Jackson's TD runs, the Ravens' O-line had blatant holding going on....and I mean blatant; on the first TD, one of their offensive linemen had his arm around the Browns' neck....and of course, it was not called. And then the roughing the passer call just referenced....it was ridiculous; Brown BARELY even made contact.
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