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John in Jax

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Everything posted by John in Jax

  1. Wow. Bills getting the call? I'm flabbergasted Also, Nice Flop by Beaseley! LOL
  2. LOL. I was just watching AHouse on Starz yesterday!
  3. Why does the clock keep running after he went OOBounds!?
  4. McDermott = Dummy. LOL Or....a genius? LMAO
  5. I can't argue with you, because you are correct. Although even with the PI call, there's no guarantee for a Bills win.
  6. The truly sad thing is that had we had even a little bit of offense, we could have won this game. The defense has played great. The Refs definitely *helped out* the Ravens too.
  7. Bojo is like a Jekyll & Hyde....he needs to go.
  8. Just DVRd the Lineman down field penalty on the Bills.....he did get BACK behind the LOS before Allen threw it. So I guess the rule is once you go 2 yards past, and even if you get back, it's still a penalty?
  9. How in Holy H*ll are these offensive holds not being called?
  10. Bills receivers had a little get together before the game. They snacked on Movie Theatre Butter popcorn.
  11. Balt O-Line is getting away with plenty of holding...
  12. Late substitution...Balt has 12 guys in the huddle?
  13. Just DVR'd the play. Didn't see it. Quite possibly the worst penalty call I have ever seen, and I've seen a ton of bad ones. LOL
  14. Please just STOP running the ball out of the end zone on kicks...
  15. Reading the 2nd paragraph, with all the context, what he's saying makes sense.
  16. WTH!? Did the Vikings hire McDermott to do clock management tonight? LOL
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