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  1. Living here in New York I can only laugh and hope Mccain win and what you say happens. Not many people people understand that the states were there own countrys when the constitution was made. USA is not a country. Only ignorant people think that. ever here of a confederacay?
  2. he will probaly get hurt he is so out of shape. Let him sit for a year
  3. she would get the government in line. Real quick
  4. How many houses will be lost when Mccain is president. Hes got the Bush economic plan ready to keep going. I hope he wins because he is just giving his people what they want which is funny. I believe the guy. Mccain went through hell in Vianam and never ever broke. He;s telling the truth about what he is going to do. He will throw government workers onto the streets to balance the budget.
  5. out of shape don't know the offense and is unhappy he might as well report real soon or just stay home for rest of year He is an idiot
  6. I don't think this is a joke issue. We will see very far extreme Republican supreme court with Scalia leading it if McCain get to pick the next few legalists. Not that I care if abortion is outlawed
  7. Not if you are a fetus
  8. Will McCain finally put the court over the number to overturn roe v wade? He has promised to. What a change that will be.
  9. Rosco will never be good at that play. he just too small. he can run but not in traffic
  10. yes that china which is doing more about other sources of energy than we are. you talk in circles and not in serious way. Why do you even bother
  11. getting on front of the new technologies to power the world would be huge economic benefit for United States. its sad that china and germany are ahead of us in this race. How much have we spent for the Iraqi people. Lots of money to them and I don't see them as a good investment.
  12. this is just terrible. Peters needs to be playing. I know he doesn't want to be thrid highest paid linemen when he the best, I hope they get this fixed soon
  13. how can you ask such a question? my answer would be that we can turn fighting global warming into an economic benefit for ourselves like al gore is saying. The iraq war, what benefit has that been.
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