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Everything posted by BuffaloSteph

  1. With the exception of this past week's game... my favorite Opening Day memory is 5 years ago against the Pats. A friend of mine from Boston drove up for the game. Everytime we scored I stood up and danced to Shout and pointed at him. He was smart though and wore a neutral yellow shirt.... I still told everyone around us that he was a Pats fan. He was so sad..... it made me so happy
  2. LOL! It was 6 years ago, VERY fun, but I will take the view from the stands anyday! You couldn't questions the refs or boo them or freak out like I do at a game. You had to have some decorum.
  3. I bought tickets for that section on eBay last year for the Pats game. I paid $40 per seat... 2 days later they moved the game to a night game (What a deal!!!) Anyway - look on eBay, alot of people DON'T want to sit there. I had a good time with my sister. There were alot of older (like late 50's and 60's) fans too. There were Pats fans in front of us, but they were respectful. However the guy behind me with his kid kept yelling that the Bills sucked, the cheerleaders sucked, etc. I politely turned around and said "Excuse me, this is the family section and you are being very disrespectful and teaching your son to act the same way. Don't frget, you are in OUR stadium and we all bought these tickets to enjoy the game". He was quiet after that and the nice people next to me gave me a little smile.
  4. Yep.... how many fights are caused by someone's wife or girlfriend??? I never got a guy I was with in a fight, but in my younger days I had a big mouth and it would irritate the guy I was with.
  5. I used to be a cheerleader and the women were the worst. Men are going to say stupid things, but they are (for the most part) harmless. The women were being MEAN and they MEANT what they said.
  6. On the way back to the car we saw two men, probably in their late 30's or early 40's fighting. One had his shirt off (and he should NOT have). I wonder what these guys do during the week... doctor? lawyer? accountant? Someone's boss? Just because there are 70,000+ people there, don't think someone is not going to see you or you won't get arrested! DUMB! I go to football games because their is a GAME going on. Why don't these drunken idiots just go to a bar and get wasted? Or would that make them feel like a loser getting drunk in a bar on a Sunday? Honestly, being wasted (to the point of stumbling and passing out in your seat) is no better than passing out on a bar stool or in a gutter somewhere.
  7. What's with the overexaggeration of everything? He said "the Packers have like 47 penalties" and "Adrian Peterson ran for like a zillion yards". I didn't know a sophomore in high school was announcing...
  8. I am with you on this one! Remember a few years ago when the Sabres were ranked DEAD LAST in the NHL? We came out of no where and suprised the league. I am perfectly content with the NFL overlooking the Bills and then getting RUN OVER by Stroud and Mitchell and everyone else! By the way, have we forgotten Madden's love affair with Brett Favre? Frank Caliendo once said in his stand up that he thinks there is some strange bet someone made with Madden that he couldn't mention Brett Favre in every sentence.
  9. This was my first game as a season ticket holder... I did my part to make the place loud and am paying for it today - hardly any voice!!! Our section was loud and as far as people standing - I think Section 219 does a pretty good job of standing when appropriate - I had an awesome time - despite the rain
  10. I agreee!! So why is Buffalo getting an AF2 team? UGH
  11. I'll be one of the first to say that I am not really happy about the games in Toronto, but if it increases season ticket sales, there is something good coming from it. Also, what about when Green Bay was playing half their season in Milwaukee? Granted, it was not another country BUT that helped the team survive, some GB fans will tell you it saved their team. When you are small market, you need to regionalize - even though it is scary because we have an owner that won't give a straight answer on the future... the only thing we can do is try to survive in the ever changing landscape of the NFL.
  12. Unfortunatly that is how that show is even during hockey season! I need to get satellite because I spend alot of time in my car. I don;t really "listen" top this show anyway, I like to stop on it for about 10 minutes while flipping through - and I always hear something innane like that. (Even in November when the Bills and Sabres are in full force).
  13. Reggie Bars..... REGGIE REGGIE
  14. The drive time programming on WGR is an abomination. It's like that Saturday Night Live sketch with the women on NPR (with the infamous Pete Schweaty)..... Schoop: I like chicken wings Bulldog: Yeah, great, good times, I think Duff's are the best Schoop: What are you Stupid? Buffalo Wild Wing's are CLEARLY the better choice here (NOTE: He doesn't know anything about anything!!) Bulldog: Hmm, well yeah, maybe.... Did you see 27 Dresses? I thought it was interesting Schoop: Let's have some callers chime in on that ... WORST SPORTS EVER!! My mother and I could host a better sports show than that!
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