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Everything posted by 12Kachy

  1. You are probably getting beat up enough for this post; however, Cassel didnt do any better then Manuel did and Jackson is not being used as much as he would have been with Kar Williams and McCoy out. Jackson may have been fine, but at his age, he may have got hurt as well. They should have kept Brown. Releasing Fred hurt, hurt the heart but not the play on the field. It was the right move at the that time. The Bills are getting better with a new coach. They can only get better. Even if they do not get into the playoffs this year, they will be the talk next off season, because they will make the playoffs. They will be the Pats this week.
  2. Hey OP, How did that game go for you?
  3. Yeah. I posted this on one of the other threads. For the love of Buffalo, Do not lose this game to F$tzpatrick! M. Williams, Dareus and Hughes need to on their game tonight. Hughes showed up last week, lets hope the other two get going. The LBs have to play to.
  4. There are a couple of Bills Jets threads this week, so I'm unsure where to post this: For the love of Buffalo, Do not let the Jets, and Ryan F$tzmoney, beat you tonight! Yeah, I'm still upset about Fitz's and Nix's deal.
  5. Take the best available player that is a need. If it is a QB, then so be it. They need to get a QB though. Manuel can be dumped next year and will be in his last year of his contract. Unless the Bills think he is a good back up and try to keep him, i see them dumping him.
  6. I thought the Offense was great this weekend but the Defense is still suspect. I agree with some of you too; the LBs look horrible. Totally lost out there and M. Williams looks slow for some reason. Hughes finally got loose and made some plays and got hits on the QB. So maybe this is the turn around point for the Def. T.Taylor made history yesterday; I declare the curse of the Bills broken. I think the only team who plays in NY, will beat the team from NJ on Thursday.
  7. I agree with yall. The Defense still looks flat. Brown is playing pretty bad. He missed a couple of tackles and his instincts seem off this year. The DL is still not providing the pressure they did last year. Hughes is starting to come around but they need M. Williams to play better. He just seems flat. Maybe he thinks the Bills will cut him next year and wants to take it easy this year.
  8. horrible. just horrible. at least its different.
  9. Looks good, but I think the helmet and facemask should be different. They have to go with white helmets, but can change the decal and color of the facemask. Hopefully they are not like those fakes someone did a couple of years back. I would like to see a bigger Buffalo decal on the side. I'm excited for the second half of the year. Even if they stink it up, the Bills have a good foundation to build on for next season.
  10. They will be red uniforms, with a white helmet. Maybe they will do the big Buffalo on the side, huge.
  11. Yeah, a couple of years ago they put it out. The padding inside the helmet is fitted to the player after a while. Changing the helmet to another color changes the padding and fit thus somehow increasing the probability of head injuries. They want $$$
  12. Um, its been 15 years since the Bills saw a Playoff game. Hopefully not 16. We should be the drunkest
  13. This one time, in Tecmo Super Bowl. I think we also have to hand the ball off to McCoy and have him zig zag up and down the field until he scores.
  14. Damn, you have a point. I keep looking at all the negatives and try to keep in mind that the injuries (and whatever Harvin is doing) are making this team bad. Roman and Rex can right the team. I hope they do so. I also hope Taylor is ready to go, but Manuel is not bad, well he cant be an worse then the first half of the jags game. if he can do what he did in the 2nd half of that game in every game, the bills will be fine. They also have to find a way to get McCoy going.
  15. The Pats are the greatest franchise ever. Brady is the best QB in the league and maybe in history. For a 5th round pick, he has done very well. The win year in and year out. Watching that Fins game, their defense is getting over looked because the O is so good. When Brady retires, the Bills may have a chance to beat them, but until then, the Bills will be battling for second place every year. I hate the Pats.
  16. Red helmets would be cool, but would never happen. The helmets will be white because the NFL wont let teams switch players helmets during the season due to safety reasons. Thats why the Bucs and some other teams have to limit their throw backs.
  17. The problem here is Rex Ryan. He came in and changed the scheme for the best d in the league, he is very cocky, and just not a very good head coach. He is one hell of a D coordinator, but his head coaching skills are just weak. Who comes off a beat down by one of the worst teams in the league and gives the players a week off? Rex Fing Ryan. Who continues to get out coached week in and week out? Yup Rex Ryan. The only bully on this team is the secondary and I'm not convinced Whaley didnt just get lucky on Darby and it makes it look like Ryan's d is helping him. Rex Ryan is terrible. Fire him if you are going to get rid of anyone. Go out and hire Schwartz or a Special Teams coach like Bobby April to be head coach. Then you have to hire a O and D coordinator. If the Bills lose against the Dolphins, I don't know how Ryan doesn't quit and sell his truck. He will have lost face to Western NY.
  18. If it is part of the CBA, cool, but if not, this demonstrates Rex Ryan's inability as a coach leader. He is more of coach buddy. "Yeah we stunk it up, I'm rewarding you by giving you the week off." The Pats wouldn't do it, but it looks the Bills will once again end the season on the bottom of the AFC East pondering what to do next year. I was optimistic that the Bills could do good this season, but looking at the Pegula effect with the Sabres, I had a feeling this team was going to get a lot worse before it got better. Dump Johnson and pick up Mallet.
  19. Wow. As a EJ supporter, I normally would be all for putting him in. But my support has run a ground. He looked great in preseason, likely because there was little pressure to perform. If you lose a preseason game, who really cares? But in season games, the guy looks scared. He is always late with his throws or way off target. He needed to throw the ball away at times and not take a huge sack, fumble, or pick. But he held the ball, like a magically WR would come open. HE THREW THE BALL TO A PLAYER OUT OF BOUNDS. If Manuel hadn't thrown those two TDs right on target, I don't know how the Bills would have justified keeping him on the roster. The only way would have been the money, because everyone on the team would have had the same confidence we do in him; 0%. Taylor has more confidence and needs to get back in there immediately. Besides EJs inability to perform, the bigger issue, which has plagued the Bills since Kent Hull, is they need to build the O-Line. A QB can't be good without a good O-Line. This years starters are back ups on any other team. Even Wood is bad. Then throw in injuries on the line and key playmakers (WR/RB) add a death in the family and you have a huge mess. I don't even think T. Brady could do well behind those five guys and with the WRs we had out there on Sunday. Just for note: Cassel didn't fair any better in Dallas with a decent O-Line. Whaley made the right call on the trade.
  20. Being a Bills fan: Game too early to drink beer.
  21. So where we all meeting to commence the merchindise burning?
  22. Dump Manuel now. Fire Roman.
  23. Jags d plan: stop McCoy. What about Manuel? Who? Exactly.
  24. Ha. Manuel is so bad. Put McCoy in at QB
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