This is a pretty good post. I love the idea of a stadium that stretches both sides; however that would be a architecture feat. Numerous teams have stadiums outside of their name sake markets. The Washington Redskins play in Landover, MD, NE renamed themselves after they moved out of Boston, and look at the NY Jets and Giants who play in NJ. They don't even play in the state that they are named after. (I do love to tell people I like the only team that plays in NY State!) You could build a stadium near the falls, next to the casino and all, call them the Buffalo Bills still, and make mad money. I don't like the dome idea, but If you think about it it would sell better and maybe even could be the center of a superbowl at one time. Buffalo is a great place to live and work, but wasting money on another stadium in Buffalo would be a failure to ensure the Bills remain in WNY and not become the LA somethings.