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Charles Romes

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Everything posted by Charles Romes

  1. It's kind of funny that all three of the great players - young, Leinert, bush - from the greatest college game ever passed through buffalo.
  2. A Rex/Whaley splash move for an expensive injury prone player on the decline.
  3. A better question is has anyone ever put a QB as good as Rivers on the block. Closest thing I can think of is the eagles with a fading mid thirties mcnabb. I think the Eagles got a second for mcnabb but Rivers is much better now than MCnabb then though their overall careers are comparble. think they would get at least a first and and a second for Rivers now, more likely two firsts plus.
  4. Chris Hairston. Serviceable moderate cost swing tackles don't grow on trees.
  5. Sorry just don't see it. This guy has showed me no potential to place pressure on NFL defenses. We have seen that RB success in the SEC and other name conferences does not translate to NFL success.
  6. McDermott looks like Dan Quinn of the NFC champion Falcons. I will latch on to anything at this point.
  7. This reeks of a new regime going overboard to make a statement. Could not even try to get a 7th for a servicable 2nd round Tackle?
  8. Moulds is the best player mentioned. A possible hall of famer with a top qb. Bills failed to retain their best 6 players from this era: peters(hof), lynch(hof), Winfield, fletcher, clements, and spikes. The others mentioned are in a group of good long term players which should also include McGee and schobel.
  9. There is a tendency to overvalue Peterman. Jones was a fifth rounder as well and has a higher ceiling if NFL ceiling has anything to do with arm strength. I caution against overvaluing Peterman and having another 3 year Trent Edwards like experiment.
  10. Yes, and then Fitz will play amazingly well, unseat the starter, get a giant contract, then post a sting of 6 interception games.
  11. This kind of thing has not happened to the Bills since the mid to late 80s when it happened like 5 times in 3 years.
  12. Overweight slow and lumbering, not expecting much.
  13. He will flash here and there but he will not stay healthy. I just answered my own question on whether we should keep Sammy.
  14. On one hand it's good to have the information. However I was getting pretty excited at the fact they were closing all of the leaks. Now it looks like the leaks are limited to Vic's main contacts who should be fairly easy to identify by the organization. Would not be surprised to see Vic's contacts (Russ?) as the next to go unless his sources are the Pegulas.
  15. It's very Pravda that the official site has expunged all record of him being the GM. Will never forgive him for the Maybin pick which was part of his regional marketing plan.
  16. No. TT has established himself as one of the top 30 QBs in the world. That makes him a bottom tier NFL starter. But it's still an incredibly high stature that should not be diminished.
  17. 2008. Not because of the late season collapse but because we had 2 future Hall of Famers early in their careers on the offensive side of the ball. And no one knew what we had.
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