On its release roger ebert gave it a thumbs down, called it formulaic. Then, years later on a special “I was wrong” show re-graded it as one of the great American comedies of all time.
This in my opinion why they can’t build a running attack. To run you have to accept punting at least 20 percent of the possessions. Punting is not acceptable to this team.
Maybe he survives with a major suspension and reeducation.
Last years victory at arrowhead meant everything and then meant nothing because we lost to the Jags. This years team seems committed to not letting something like that happen again.
Even if Minkah didn’t let go Bills would get the TD under the simultaneous possession rule. This came up 5-7 years ago in a Green Bay game I believe where the receiver kind of grabbed on to the ball after it was intercepted and was awarded the TD.
And this is for the 2000 boys…OJ running left…FIVE more!…maybe more…maybe SIX!!!
I love the “maybe SIX!!!” part of the call because it encapsulated how you watched Bills football in those days. Counting OJ’s yards, yard after yard every single yard.