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Charles Romes

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Everything posted by Charles Romes

  1. The team beat around the bush for 5 years trying one thing after to make a number one receiver appear. A first round pick trade up. A second rounder. Another second rounder. Free agent after free agent. A trade for a former one. Finally they went out and paid the appropriate value for the real thing.
  2. Most teams have abandoned off-site training camps and you are looking out of step to free agents if you go off site these days IMO. The traditional training camp was invented to get the guys in shape after a long off season where the players would work regular jobs. Now everyone in the league (except Dawkins) works out 365 days a year to stay in the league.
  3. I didn’t see him as the missing piece and the contract is burdensome
  4. Throughout the whole second half of the AFCCG I thought we were one monster play away from turning the game like this one.
  5. The TD to Brown to put away the 10 win top D dolphins before the half while sitting a bunch of players.
  6. Between ‘87-‘91 he caught 11 passes, 10 for touchdowns!
  7. I liked the way Mallett only looked 20 plus yards downfield and completely ignored the short passing game. He was kind of a poor man’s Josh Allen (Allen as a rookie).
  8. Yes, that. But better yet why not just get rid of the full screen ads altogether. I don’t even mind an ad that takes up 80 percent of my screen if I can easily scroll past it without clicking anything. The problem is that all the FULL SCREEN ads must be clicked out of, and the makers of these ads have a vested interest in the user clicking into rather than out of the ad. Any “less than full screen” ad can be scrolled past without risk of clicking anything that takes you deeper Into the ad.
  9. I generally stay logged in as a member. Whenever I log in now there seems to be a big banner ad taking up my whole cell phone screen that has to be circumvented to get through to the site. I think one of frustrations is that the method to click out of the ad seems to be inconsistent. Sometimes I click the top right X and that takes care of it. Often I click the wrong thing and get taken into the ad and not the site. If the same method for clicking out of the ad worked every time that would make it easier. I don’t know why these big full screens are necessary. Aren’t subtle side ads enough to sustain the site. The team is good now so the ads should be getting smaller and not larger.
  10. The Ads have continued to get worse. There has to be a better way.
  11. I remember regretting how much “even better” our great D of ‘88 would have been if we still had Eugene Marv. I could not figure out how we lost him to the Bucs and back then there was no way to figure that out. Maybe microfiche at the public library.
  12. Though chiefs fans would not like to acknowledge you have to factor in Mahomes’ concussion history.
  13. He really took a step back from year one. At least he’s giving himself a chance to redeem himself.
  14. Hopefully we will make a bunch of teams look dumb passing on the freak like Seattle did with Metcalf
  15. No. I see a good three years wasted by that organization before they finally throw in the towel on Mac Jones, who will do just enough to show promise but in the end is just a hair too slow to ever pose a challenge to our Josh.
  16. First of all it was only a third down play. I asked Snake about the call when he came to Buffalo for a Jack Daniels event in Buffalo in the early 90s. He was bit embarrassed about the call but commented that he believed it was the correct call per NFL rule. He said the league had a “chicken &@$@“ (his words) rule in effect at the time of the 1976 game that made it a penalty to hit the quarterback in the head. This was a really surprising to me when I heard it from Snake himself in the early 90s because there was no apparent rule against hitting someone in the head then. I’ve been thinking about Snake’s comments over the last 5 years with all the anti-spearing rules changes.
  17. Singletary looked outright dangerous his rookie year and there was a pronounced dropoff. Maybe it was a matter of conditioning or injury. Because of his rookie year I’m holding out hope that he will be significantly better in year 3 than in year 2.
  18. It’s funny because Al Davis, now gone for a decade, constantly did the same thing. Take players way over their projection and not give a $&@& about what anyone thinks about it. It’s almost as if Mayock and junior keep doing it so they can make themselves more Raidery.
  19. I loved the commitment to building up in trenches when we went OT Michael Williams #4 overall.
  20. This was the year that wannesdtadt proved that the game can totally pass a respected coach by. We gave up 1200 yards in a two game stretch maybe an nfl record. Pettine turned the same players into a top tier unit a year later.
  21. Beane loves to create massive competition within each positional group and when there are leftover players who are good he acquires draft stock for them. It’s what he does.
  22. Our receivers were getting beaten to a pulp every play in the postseason to the point we literally had no one left healthy in the AFCCG. Then, the Bucs win the Super Bowl because they suddenly decided to throw the flag for breathing on a receiver. Makes no sense.
  23. I’m glad he agonizes over the drop. That’s all I’ll remember about that game and Singletary 25 years from now. It’s a scar that will never heal.
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