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Charles Romes

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Posts posted by Charles Romes

  1. Dawkins could be replaced in the off-season but if he went down now it would be over.  There is a big difference between and an average oline, and bad one. With a QB elite at evading the rush the team is set up to have an average oline investment level.  No one should be surprised when there is difficulty facing a top dline. 

  2. 4 hours ago, Aussie Joe said:

    They must be reading my comments in the game thread… because I have been saying this for a while…


    Unfortunately it’s not 100 percent true… Mahomes can beat them on his day…  I still maintain that when the Bills played them in the playoffs last year,that was his best game of the season…  


    afc championship 2020 was Mahomes best game that season as well

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  3. 2 hours ago, st pete gogolak said:

    There's a time and place for everything.  For example, after the Cook catch and then the Cook run, we had a second and goal from the three yard line with a little over ten minutes left in the game and a 27 - 10 lead.  I'm sorry but the call there should have been to run on second down.  If you don't get in, run on third down and if you still aren't in, either kick the field goal or go for it on fourth down. You are either up 34 - 10, 30 - 10 or 27 - 10 and GB has the ball around the one yard line with about 8 minutes left.  I'd really like to see if this team is capable of bull rushing the ball into the end zone from inside the five.

    Mahomes would certainly try the short touchdown throw in that situation to pad his stats. I sensed Josh was trying to keep pace. 

  4. Going back to last year he’s had some bad games at home against lesser opponents.  Falcons last year 3 picks, took him out of the MVP race and even the pro bowl.  Good news he usually plays better when it matters the most. 1000 yards 10-0 TD ratio, 125+ rating last 3 games at KC.  He’s the anti-Kirk cousins. 

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  5. 9 minutes ago, Chicken Boo said:


    You serious?  Possible career ending neck injury where he experiences nerve damage to the point that he struggles to grip a football, followed by 3 years of the best football in his entire career -breakijg the single season passing yardage and TD record at age 37.  


    2015 the report drops in February about his alleged PED use and he falls off a cliff, having the worst statistical season of his career.  



    I never put 2 and 2 together about Peyton’s falling off the cliff following immediately after the quickly stifled Peyton PED reports. That’s how complete and quick the history washing was. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, st pete gogolak said:

    Looked at his Super Bowl stats.  Not only did he win the majority of his SB's after age 37 (which in and of itself is insane) but his stats while he was in his "prime" were pretty pedestrian.  After 37?  Pretty awesome.  If he's clean, it's the biggest anomaly in sport history.

    this side of Barry Bonds…late in Peyton’s career there was a big report about him juicing, they found drugs shipped to him.  His PR did not know how to handle, so Peyton totally fumbled it and blamed it on his wife or something.  Then, radio silence. The press shut down the story never to be raised again. When you are a cash cow you are a cash cow.  

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  7. Given the circumstances you can guarantee he’s coming back at age 46. He does not want to go out like this. And there is the fallback excuse of personal issues ruining this year. Someone will give him a shot next year no matter how bad this becomes. His arm does not look completely shot like Big Bens or Matt Ryan’s imo, another reason he’s back at 46. 

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