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Charles Romes

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Posts posted by Charles Romes

  1. 18 minutes ago, DrPJax said:

    Great question. I really don’t know.  Maybe they rush to get things out for clicks as it’s there JoB?  One sure thing , if someone’s paycheck depends on getting info out , they might not be able to be trusted?     It’s possible that’s all the Bills want to be leaked ?  Mcd likes keeping things close to his chest so I wouldn’t trust any info until the mri results are in. There is no real repercussion if Rap is wrong!  

    Gosh , I hope it’s best case and just a sprain. One thing about Drs is they are conditioned to always look at the worst case scenario. It’s like set expectations low and then If things are good , you look better delivering great news. Worst case for a dr is to say the Mcl  is just sprained and if it’s torn , you look incompetent and it’s a good way to get sued in real life. That’s why they tell you every  possible bad thing before even the most common surgery.  Then when things go good , the surgeon looks great .  Never give false hope!  A neurosurgeon never tells or promises full recovery because any result less and you will get sued.  So it’s Juarez Dr speak , but thet are trained sports medicine guys and they spend literally years studying mechanisms of injuries. And treating those injuries. So I think they have a level if insight way beyond Rap who is only reporting what he has been told. So , honestly , it looked suspicious fir more than a sprain. But no one knows ( the field Dr probably knows as you test the laxity between the two knees. If the acl  is torn, the tibia ( lower leg) slips forward when pulled moreso than the other knee with an intact acl. )   Other than that only an mri will be  100%. The guys are just offering educated opinions based on similar experiences but they can’t know until the MRI is read.  MAYBE RAP SPOKE TO THE TEAM  ORTHO WHO DID THE FIELD EXAM AND REASSURED RAP the acl was not torn!  Just hard to fathom Rap has that type of access to the team Dr.    That would be great news. It just LOOKED  suspicious for a tear, but only an MRI is  definitive. Hope that helps. 


    when you reach Rappaport’s level you build your reputation on never reporting inaccurate news. However, Ian’s the same guy who reported the AB signing.  

  2. Those refs were so annoying yesterday, on a mission to get involved. No more so when they whistled Hamlin for 55 free yards for a little hand check when he had his head totally turned and got all ball.  When the DB’s head is totally turned and he gets all ball the whistle needs to be swallowed.  

    • Agree 3
  3. 9 minutes ago, julian said:

    I feel completely comfortable with Bills playing at KC again even after losing there the last 2 years in the playoffs… that game I expect to come down to the wire regardless of where it’s played.


     I feel the home field against Miami would be much more meaningful IMO

    This is true.  Also, the one positive of the loss to Minnesota is that it proves that the team is perfectly capable of frittering away a sure win in an important game at home. Thus, proving that home field is not all that important.  We can play better down the stretch on the road than at home as we did in Baltimore and KC. 

  4. He’s the only guy making the plays he’s supposed to. He won the Chiefs game with a fourth quarter sack and interception forcing pressure. Then he won the Jets game with a red zone strip sack that stopped all the momentum of the young team.  Only we didn’t win. Then he won the Vikings game with a game sealing sack that forced a 4th and 18. Only we didn’t win. 

    • Like (+1) 3
  5. 8 minutes ago, Simon said:


    He has no business being out there in an NFL defensive backfield.

    I know he's become an excellent ST's player and that the DB room is decimated by injuries, but he has yet to show anything he belongs out there with that defense.

    I think what the DBs are told is that the best way to avoid PI called every other play now is to always go aggressively for the ball and by making it clear you are going for the catch all contact with the defender may be excused and the PI flag will not come down. Jefferson is just a vastly superior player. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    To date I've seen nothing from Keenum that gives me any confidence we're going to see the second coming of Frank Reich when he pulled off the biggest comeback in playoff history against Houston and then beat the Steelers with a big assist from the defense in Pittsburgh the week after. 

    That and Frank always has a great running game to lean on. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Beck Water said:


    At one time, I had the impression that Carucci was a bit of an insider and got a lot of stuff from someone inside OBD. 

    But I think a lot of that went away when Beane took a broom and swept the FO clean then only let people he vetted back in.


    But that's just my impression, I could be wrong.


    FWIW, here's Dr. Kyle Trimble PT take on the injury - it has a lot of diagrams explaining the elbow structure, where the ulnar collateral ligament is located, where the ulnar nerve is and what impact that would have etc.   He also gives his opinion on the time Allen might miss.  



    The only real insider these days is Mort. 

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