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Charles Romes

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Posts posted by Charles Romes

  1. 49 minutes ago, The Wiz said:

    Correct.  Unless he's in the top 10 but extremely doubtful.

    Von falling out of the 100 would be pretty harsh, considering his play and objectively calculated impact before that awful detroit turf destroyed the season. 

  2. 1 hour ago, RobbRiddick said:

    Every time I see her she looks radically different from the last time. She's like the female Michael Jackson. Oh wait, that was Latoya wasn't it

    Closer parallel is former golf announcer Holly Sonders 

  3. 1 hour ago, Alphadawg7 said:


    I still think Shakir has upside to be a good player.  No guarantees, and he will have to earn it on the field, but I think its too early to write him off.  Not a surprise that all eyes and attention are on Kincaid coming in as a first round pick, but I think Shakir still can carve out a good role on this team.  

    all the podcasts and campniks last summer were touting shakir like he was the steal of the draft, already had a pro game, great instincts etc. - not unlike the Kincaid raves this year. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, GuardianAngel787 said:

    I really hope Shane Ray goes and balls out, for no real reason other than I just wanna see him succeed after fading in and out. Bonus for us if he does.

     I hope he quietly plays well so we can stash him somehow if he’s needed in an emergency, keeping the 53 mainly filled with younger players. 

  5. 11 hours ago, akcash said:

    Did you watch Bernard play last year?


    they were mostly ST reps because he was a third round pick. He played 2 games and didn't play very good on defense. Hes too small there is no way he is playing MLB. And Spector is bigger and more explosive and from watching the games has better instincts and shedding ability.


    He shedded Quinton Nelson last year (week 1 preseason game) in a head on collision at full speed. Bernard could never do that.

    Quinton Nelson regressed badly in 2022 and has admitted as such. 

  6. That substitute writer really got to the point.  I was reading reading and bam the report was over.  I like the emphasis on the short passing game. Allen could be the greatest dink and dunker in league history because he can destroy you long any play. 

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