JJ Watt, unlike Donald, stole max contract money from his teams for about 6 seasons when he could not stay on the field and after he was no longer dominant.
I would not sign anyone with a meniscus surgery until after they prove they are 100 percent back with a workout. A meniscus surgery means you have less meniscus than normal.
He’s another half season injury away from his demands ringing resoundingly hollow. With their QB situation there is a significant risk of no one caring what he is doing in Minnesota.
Some of these older players can be quite valuable, but only on shortened seasons, after week 10. That’s when you bring them. Does not make sense to sign them for the whole year.
He’s more of a 1B than a 1A. Not sure what kind of trade value he has with that kind of tag. Maybe an ossweiller deal where cincy absorbs big cash for a second/third rounder.
Von realized the only chance he has to improve his post career public image and brand at this point is to produce something on the field. The renegotiation makes that at least theoretically possible.
Bernard does not make Milano expendable. Bernard is rising but is injury prone, just like Milano. We need both, just to assure we have at least one in crunch time, though neither was available when we needed them most last year.