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Charles Romes

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Everything posted by Charles Romes

  1. Arm strength is more important in Buffalo than in any other town. That makes it really hard to find a franchise QB here. Drew Brees would have a tough time building up a hall of fame career here even with the same supporting cast. There is an all pro strong armed QB who may be available. Does anyone remember how Mcnabb abused Eli at the wind game in Giants stadium in the 08 playoffs.
  2. I had the exact same reaction. Does anyone know if he is still hanging around the facility maybe trying to get a baseline offer for 2010?
  3. I forgot that Derrick Burroughs was drafted that year. He had an uneven start to his career, but man, he was really putting it all together before the career ending injury. Was headed for a potential pro bowl career, and who knows, maybe a third hall of famer from that class if a few rings were on his resume. Recall that after Burroughs injury the Bills had to waste a #1 on the overall bust JD Williams. If Burroughs stayed healthy, we could have drafted a real nose tackle and still had Burroughs as a veteran shut down corner for 1990-1994. Brad Butler's injury this year made me recall Burroughs, making a leap from mediocrity to great, then an injury.
  4. I was thinking 'WE'RE BAAAA-AAACK, DEAL WITH IT AMERICA" 93 AFC Championship
  5. I remember the cameras kept showing a sign a fan brought that said KELLY IS GOD. One of the two funniest signs ever brought to a bills game. Anyone remember what the other one was.
  6. In the early 90s I would often watch long periods of games focusing exclusively on the play of Bruce Smith. Here's how it went. Opposing QB starts his walk toward the center and immediately begins to check out where and how Bruce is lining up. Gets under center and starts the count. QB makes first look at Bruce while under center. Looks at Bruce again. And again. And again just before the snap. Snaps the ball. Bruce is at least double teamed. Whole left side of the line gets crashed in almost instantaneously by Bruce. The best they can do is hang on and hope the ball is gone soon enough. This went on play after play year after year. It was just ridiculous. I used think constantly "I can't believe this guy is playing for my team!" Even though the announcers would always commend Bruce's play, usually after he made an obvious big play, which was several times a game, I often wondered why no one seemed to see what I was seeing. That just about every play an offense ran was predicated first on how Bruce was going to be addressed. I used to watch Reggie White games very closely to try and identify evidence of this measure of domination in terms of the impact he had on an offensive game plan, and I'm sorry, it just wasn't there. Not even close. Teams used to try to take advantage of Bruce's first step and run draws to Bruce's side. Not too long into his career, Bruce was able to stop the rush on a dime, obscenely change direction mid-stride, and make a play on the ball carrier.
  7. For over a decade he consumed at least two blockers nearly every play and still dominated. He not only was the best Bill I ever saw. He was the best football player I ever saw. I continue to be amazed at how underrated Bruce continues to be.
  8. True story, when Jackson scored against the pats to go up 11 i received a congratulatory text. I texted back as follows: Text 1: this means we four chances to win the game Text 2: first chance gone, three to go Text 3: second chance gone, two to go Text 4: third chance gone, but we still have a chance!! Text 5: [edited] There were about 10 minutes in real time between the 5 texts
  9. One way the organization can save face is get lucky and hire a throw away journeyman assistant who magically turns out to be a brilliant head coach. There is a chance it could work out. Just like putting an Oline together with 4 rookies. Funny thing is once the hire is made I will be convincing myself there is Lombardi in the re-tread.
  10. I saw this solution mentioned in one line in a recent Sports Illustrated article. A fan of the Packers came up with it a while back. You simply bid on the yard line you want the ball at and the ball goes to the lowest bidder. The game proceeds as it does under the current system, first to score wins. If team A bids its own 19 and team B bids its own 18, it goes to team B at its own 18. If you really want the ball bad, fine, bid your own 1. Fair and square. Can you imagine the media talk show and message board discussions ensuing from a coach's decision on where to bid for the ball. It would be awesome.
  11. Since launching ill advised prayers all day long in the general direction evans and owens would be an improvement to the game plans we have seen recently, I do not see a lack of prep time with the offense as a negative.
  12. stroud over wright? anyone over JD Williams? anyone over Kelso?
  13. I could tell from the first preseason game that Gruden was a special talent in the booth, but was thinking to myself, "geez he's really crowding out Jaworski, he won't shut up." Then the next week he was giving Jaws all sorts of space and setting him up left and right. Thats when I began to think we may be seeing the best ever.
  14. Are the teams wearing the same uniform to make it more interesting
  15. I'd take a 6th or even a 7th for him -- Dallas might be interested. Need to develop Steve.
  16. Agreed. For all the moves Polian off, its still amazes me he filled the middle of a 3-4 with a journeyman linebacker.
  17. The Fergy hobbling around game against SD in 1980 playoffs
  18. Week 2 (Sunday September 28, 1975): Buffalo Bills 1 2 3 4 Total Bills 0 10 13 7 30 Steelers 0 0 7 14 21 at Three Rivers Stadium, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  19. This might be the case. Tucker talked about the Bills renting Rhodes for two weeks. Originally I thought Tucker's reference to two weeks was just because Tucker made a mistake about the time of Lynch's suspension. He may have been suggesting the Bills will re-sign Rhodes AFTER week 1.
  20. Ross Tucker opined this morning on NFL radio that the Rhodes is still part of the Bills' plans for weeks 1-3 but that was cut in view of a league rule which forces teams to pay veterans for a full year if they are on the original 53 man roster. He believes the Bills calculated that Rhodes will clear waivers and speculated that the Bills will re-sign him over the next few days. By cutting and re-signing Rhodes, rather than having him as part of the original 53 man team, the Bills will be obligated to pay Rhodes for only the weeks he is on the team rather than the full year.
  21. I think you need to take the kid to the ralph, and while gesturing to the giant leaping buffalo, say THIS is what your purpose in life is.
  22. I suppose many of the things you mention are within the realm of possibility. The one thing I can't fathom is "the defense actually PRESSURES the Quarterback." Where is this pressure supposed to come from? An old broken down Schobel? Is not the rookie a two year project. On your wish list you should put in "if Stroud stays healthy" (a big if at his age). Without at least that happening things could get very ugly pretty quick.
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