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Charles Romes

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Posts posted by Charles Romes

  1. For years before I had the NFL network people on this board were saying how great an analyst chavous is. The only talking head to say more than the obvious. Now I have the NFL network and chavous is almost never on. He's not at the main desk. He was on once in a predraft show. Did the NFL get sick of chavous using the exposure to pump up his website.

  2. To the extent the bills have no hope a part of me wouldn't mind seeing the old coot in Oakland doing it his own way under constant ridicule and sticking it to the rest of the league and all the media. They have a crazy talented team in many areas and can flat out blow people off the field when organized. As a plus, davis bleeds AFL.

  3. Buroughs was really coming on as a solid corner when he got injured but I don't recall our CBs hurting us in Super Bowl XXV?


    I would have like to have Don Bebee in the game.


    I think the Bills we just way too slow to adjust. For most of the game we ran the offense that they schemed for. We played it like they expected. All we had to do was hand the ball to Therman and that would have forced them to go back to their standard 3-4. Then we could throw. We could have racked up big points had we played the second quarter like we played the 4th. Once we established a two TD lead their 3 yards and a cloud of dust slow ball offense becomes a liability to them.


    If Burroughs doesn't get injured, Polian stacks the d line with the JD Williams pick, possibly via trade.

  4. I have watched Orton closely a few games and he seems to do well if not very well when the protection is perfect but crumbles like a deck of cards with the slightest bit of pressure. Denver has a dominant LT, Clady. Thats the main reason Orton is able to put up good numbers.

  5. Who cares. First 1000 is not a lot of yards. Second one could argue that having a 1000 yard rusher is a sign of mismanagement. The smart teams assemble 2 or more 1000 yard capable backs on their roster and split their carries. That way they never have to pay for a 1000 yard back or worry about losing a big stat guy to free agency.

  6. I saw about 15 plays and luck seemed to have great pocket presence but most if not all passes complete were less than 10 yards and many in the flat. Reminded me of another Stanford qb. Can someone confirm the guy can sling it downfield and I don't mean just an occasional rainbow over the top but the deep post and out as well. Mallet has lesser footwork and presence but is terrorizing the d with the deep ball every other play. I.want to get on the luck bandwagon but am concerned he is captain checksown v. 2.

  7. Russ Brandon drafted Maybin.


    Right before the 09 draft Brandon was at the peak of his power, having been formally given the GM title. Maybin was another step in the Russ Brandon regionalization plan. Look East: Training camp in Rochester. Look North: The Toronto series. Where else to market? Northern Pa. I'm sure everyone remembers how quickly that corny video of Poz hamming it up with Maybin went up after the draft. I'm sure a lot of other players were in the mix with Maybin, but his Penn State connection tipped the balance in his favor. There are over 100,000 fans that flock to every Penn State home game from Northern and Western PA, and the Southern tier, a fact not overlooked by the organization and Brandon in particular.

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