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Charles Romes

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Posts posted by Charles Romes

  1. The best arm I saw was Bledsoe's- he really has a nice throw. It is too bad his pocket presence deteriorated precipitously while in Buffalo.














    Reich stonger arm than RJ? RJ is in the top 3, and Reich is in the bottom 3 on this list. The thing about Fitz is that he CONSISTENTLY shows the deep ball. Not all that accurate but he's smart enough not to throw it up for grabs and Nix has given him physical receivers who will battle for the ball when it comes in off target.

  2. After lighting it up in another preseason joique bell has made the roster of the super bowl contending saints. Hits the holes quickly, breaks tackles, has a nose for the end zone. What does a guy have to show in preseason to not get cut by the bills. I have the same feeling about kamar Aiken this year that I had about bell last year. An obvious NFL talent let go.

  3. In 09 Parrish was squarely on the trading block as the league all time punt returner and no one wanted him. None of the top seven wide receivers on the roster can be cut but none is worth anything in trade either. Johnson a 5th maybe. Roosevelt is the one least likely to be picked up on waivers (no one values catching the football). Most teams around the league assume he is on the roster only as a hometown feel good story anyway. Since Roosevelt is most likely to be there for the Bills if they cut him and someone goes down he is the most likely to go.

  4. Last year everyone wanted to keep joique bell and he turned out to be available a few times after he was waived. Aiken is just leaping off the screen a little too much to be cut. Teams have spent high second round picks in trying land big receivers with speed and soft hands.

  5. I was listening to NFL Radio tonight and Modrak was a guest. Carucci was saying how great Modrak was, etc. At the end of the interview Modrak made a comment something to the effect that he doesn't know what the Eagles plans are regarding a backup QB now that Vick is "35 or 36". I thought maybe Modrak was casting a hypothical regarding the Eagles' 5 year plan. Then Modrak made the same comment again, saying Vick was in his "mid 30s". Are you kidding me? He doesn't know a basic piece of league player information every last place fantasy football team owner knows?

  6. Other than filling the cauffers with bodies like the Bills are doing, I am not sure why everyne is all excited about this free agency, (other than perhaps the need to talk living football after all this time). Seriously, the teams that "win" in free agency (according to the pundants at least) seldom win on the field. You need the key pieces in place for Free Agency to work its magic...and I am pretty happy with the direciton of Nix here - back up QB, resign a needed DB and pursue a Tackle...now lets see about that role playing TE we so desparately need here...



    2001-02 Detroit Red Wings

  7. Nobody is a bigger Fitz supporter on TBD than me. I was making the case for him to be the starter this time last year. However, Orton is a MUCH better passer and would prosper in the Coach Gailey offense. Last year he threw 20 TDs vs 9 picks. Carreer he's 71 TD/48 picks. I'd love to get him. The only thing that I don't like about a trade for a 4 or 5 for him is that he is on the last year of his contract. If we could get an extension as part of the trade, then yeah get him.


    We need more talent. Especially at QB. If we could bring him in, let him have a decent shot at the deal. That's what Coach Gailey and Buddy Nix say they plan to do. Competition is a good thing. Plus if one gets hurt, we'd have a real QB we could bring him who could give us a chance to win.


    I too like Levi, but he ain't ready for prime time.


    Orton needs a perfect pocket to throw and eats the ball under pressure. Fitz blows orton out of the water on pressure situations in terms of ball coming out and scrambling. It's easy to put up a good qb rating when you eat the ball all the time. See rob johnsons career stats.

  8. Nobody is a bigger Fitz supporter on TBD than me. I was making the case for him to be the starter this time last year. However, Orton is a MUCH better passer and would prosper in the Coach Gailey offense. Last year he threw 20 TDs vs 9 picks. Carreer he's 71 TD/48 picks. I'd love to get him. The only thing that I don't like about a trade for a 4 or 5 for him is that he is on the last year of his contract. If we could get an extension as part of the trade, then yeah get him.


    We need more talent. Especially at QB. If we could bring him in, let him have a decent shot at the deal. That's what Coach Gailey and Buddy Nix say they plan to do. Competition is a good thing. Plus if one gets hurt, we'd have a real QB we could bring him who could give us a chance to win.


    I too like Levi, but he ain't ready for prime time.

  9. I was at all of those home games and that 56-10 game really sticks out as being one of the most embarrassing games I've ever been to. I hate Boston now for what the Pats have done to us over the past decade or so. Thier chowder head bandwagon fans crowd Ralph Wilson Stadiu. And disrespect the City, the team, the people and make everyone hope that Boston is the first City to be sunk when the ice caps finally melt. I hate Boston and the people from the city even more. Everytime I hear the words; Caw, wataw, baw I want to punch a baby I'm so furious. Die Boston, DIE!!!!!

  10. Everyone says that when the figures diasgree with their opinions.


    Johnson caught 58% of the catches thrown his way. He dropped 1 in 20. If one of those was not in the end zone agaisnt the Steelers, we wouldn't be having this conversation.


    Johnson dropped a lot of passes that day because Polumalo had a monster game. He was all over the field, and Johnson was hearing footsteps. Polumalo broke up that play even though he was not in coverage. This was a period of play for Polumalo that took him (deservedly) to the league Defensive MVP even though he missed games, which is remarkable.

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