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Charles Romes

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Everything posted by Charles Romes

  1. I did. The 99 team has the lowest yards/play in team history, 4.3. Better than the 85 bears and far better than the 64 or 65 bills. Tied with 00 ravens. All gone to waste because the little guy couldn't throw.
  2. Goodwin has made 1 play all year and it's questionable whether he even made the play. Plus, it was more of a great pass that a good catch. He only had an inch of separation with supposed 4.2 speed.
  3. Look it up. D gave up 249 yards/game in 99, #1 overall and had to bring it all day long every game because their starting QB was incapable of throwing a simple out pattern. Look it up. D gave up 249 yards/game in 99, #1 overall and had to bring it all day long every game because their starting QB was incapable of throwing a simple out pattern.
  4. Greatest D in team history gone to waste. Anyone who watched the games knows that NFL defenses had taken away all that he could do.
  5. lol. In 08 with the Bills 5-1 everyone was praising the entire organization for staying the course with Jauron.
  6. You can blame Cam for the Bills drafting EJ. Out of nowhere Cam was able to erase many supposed limits on his arm and defense reading ability as soon as he entered the league. The Bills banked on the same miracle happening with EJ.
  7. He DROPPED a sure first down just like he did in preseason with his career on the line. It was a beyond easily catchable ball. No different than a turnover. Why is everyone on such a mission to overlook his flaws.
  8. Well, if the sure handed Chandler has a drop in that situation I should give Hogan a pass.
  9. Did you see his drop of an easy first down conversion? Only a 4th down conversion saved it from being a drive stopper. No different than a turnover. The fact no one is calling out the drop or drops in preseason is a real problem. You do not win football games with drops like this.
  10. I think there is a humongous drop off in talent between #3 Williams and numbers 4 and 5. Goodwin is a frail one trick pony with no catch radius. Hogan cannot be counted on to catch the ball. It made no football sense to not have Williams out there. He was a huge part of opening up space for Watkins and more importantly the running game. I have no problem with Williams expressing his frustration.
  11. Depends on how the cowboys do. If cowboys and bengals are in playoffs lots of coaches will be showing patience through lean times.
  12. Hogan? His drop was beyond bad and he totally lucked out it was not a drive stopper. You cannot build anything with players that drop the ball like that.
  13. I was shocked the lions did not challenge for it not being a catch. If it was a catch the air jarred the ball loose. I have no trust in Goodwin after this play. It was a perfect throw and we were very lucky to have it ruled a catch.
  14. The fact that Mario is in year 3 of a FIFTY MILLION guaranteed deal and not one person on this complaint board complains about it speaks volumes. The poll should be recast as who is the second best player because it's not even close.
  15. Have to win this game first. Jauron and Fitz didn't get the money until after the 4th win.
  16. There is one journeyman who became league MVP, Gannon Morton was a journeyman who made the super bowl. Plunkett was a castoff backup who won two super bowls. Hostetler was a limited backup who won the Super Bowl Rypien was a journeyman player with one great season. Humphries and O'Donnell and Eason made the super bowl. Dilfer won a Super Bowl. Williams owns the best Super Bowl quarter of all time. Lots of QB of the ilk of Orton have done well.
  17. I'm giving the pegulas a 10 year free ride to do whatever the hell they want before I even complain about losing.
  18. How many times over the past 8 years have we had bad teams with absolutely nothing working on offense except that Fred was able to churn out a few stubborn yards on his own and make you feel proud to support the team in spite of it all. Sunday was extra special because Fred's few stubborn yards in the first half kept the game in range and actually lead to a win!
  19. When Jim kelly came to town he called out the Oline and said they had to play better. You watch the tapes and as he put it he could eat a sandwich back there. I have no problem Sammy calling out bad play.
  20. So the season is going down the tubes fast. Next years #1 pick has already been sold. The only thing to talk about is the next coach. But we don't have to talk about the C list menu, our owner is one of the richest individuals in America! But what big name is still out there? Shanny was a disaster avoided. Gruden Cowher are happy in the booth. Tuna is like 80. Who is out there to splurge on? We had a Saban the last time we won it all.
  21. Lost amid the gut wrenching loss was the spectacular play of the rushing D. 23 yards on 18 carries. Now # 3 overall and # 2 in YPC, a stifling 2.9! Well done, Shwartzy! http://www.nfl.com/stats/categorystats?tabSeq=2&offensiveStatisticCategory=RUSHING&defensiveStatisticCategory=RUSHING&conference=ALL&role=OPP&season=2014&seasonType=REG&d-447263-s=RUSHING_YARDS_PER_GAME_AVG&d-447263-o=1&d-447263-n=1
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