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Charles Romes

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Everything posted by Charles Romes

  1. Hate to say it the play could have been better...if he tackled a QB not an RB he would have been credited a sack.
  2. Bills can win this game. But must get to manning in first quarter. Having the best Dline in football makes it possible.
  3. Orton stinking it up 3 of the last 4 has really made the alternatives look good.
  4. Core lifetime pats fans often apologize for the teams' new age bandwagon fans.
  5. I agree with the poster that the refs stole important stats away from our D. Those stats do add up in terms of intimidation factor and are real. With the Manziel turnover counting we could have benched 4 QBs. Smith Vick Hoyer and Manziel. Manziel may get a start only because the turnover was taken away.
  6. Week 1 we had CJ, Goodwin, Williams to give defenses real speed matchups to worry about. No wonder we were 0/11 on third down.
  7. Very famous game among league insiders. Made Nate Clements the #1 free agent on the 07 offseason.
  8. Offense has been scary since hogan pushed Williams out of the lineup.
  9. Love the 30 yard pickup by the guy I didn't know was on the team. Hate the fact he didn't lower the shoulder for another 10.
  10. 6-6 is usually enough to stay relevant. This year there are are somehow 11 AFC teams over 500, 9 three games over - crazy.
  11. As Kirby pointed out he was fading away into the low 3s YPC. Rice story would be totally different of he was on the high 4s.
  12. With all his big plays watt seems to be the pick for defensive poy. But all the gambling is not paying off. Can you give the award to a D that ranks 29th. Mario has to be considered a front runner.
  13. Let's see if the the d stats hold up. 3 of last 5 games are against manning, Rodgers and Brady who have put up a combined 30 winning seasons in a row. That's right, 30 straight winning seasons.
  14. That wasn't even close. Good thing it wasn't 4th and an inch. Would have been more embarrassing.
  15. With Vincent Jackson on the other side. Sammy has a converted lacrosse player and another guy regressing right out of the league.
  16. Living up to his contract. A nearly impossible task in his case.
  17. With Andre finally getting in I can understand the frustration of not having any Bills to root for at least for next 15 to 20 years.
  18. Early put up nearly 1000 yards in 97 with Todd Collins throwing to him.
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