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Charles Romes

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Everything posted by Charles Romes

  1. Some of Whaleys best moves have been to let overpriced free agents walk. Byrd and Levitre have virtually single handedly destroyed the franchises they went to. I trust he will get it right with Jerry Hughes.
  2. Greatness does not shine though when Dan Snyder is involved.
  3. The success of our positional units varied inversely with St. Doug's level of involvement.
  4. For all EJs weaknesses he has some unusual strengths the prior regime never attempted to leverage. Man can push it down the field in an instant even when on the run or off balance.
  5. Could be the pegulas are using this opportunity to network and learn as much about the league as possible.
  6. Can't capture someone else's quote on I phone
  7. NFL degenerating to WWF before our eyes so the cowboys advance. Have to give Fox some credit for not letting the flag pickup die. They know the fans will tolerate only do much. Sickening.
  8. Omg. Did you see that late flag pickup. Word came in from NY that Dallas are advancing this game. Can't believe I keep watching.
  9. The idea of playing arena football indoors sickens me. On the other hand it would open the pool of potential savior QBs. We would just need a franchise QB not necessarily a strong armed franchise QB. On the other hand the idea of winning with a weak armed dome specialist QB sickens me. I'll take the outdoors.
  10. Maybe one of the networks will hire him. The smooth delivery, the upbeat personality and the glistening 9-7 ring would obviously work well in the booth.
  11. Correct. Poised to win a second title with a smoke and mirrors O featuring a bargain basement 3rd rd 5'11 QB and no deep threat.
  12. We did strike gold with Trent Edwards in the third.
  13. I just looked at the Syracuse paper and Fairburn has posted 15 articles about the Bills since Monday. 15!!! Its now Wednesday. It's the offseason. Maybe they told him his gig will end when the season is over. The kid will do well wherever he winds up with that level of productivity.
  14. I did not anticipate this level of dumpster diving this early in the offseason.
  15. Something better start happening because I'm bored to tears and it's only 71 hours since the final whistle. I want thrilling off seasons under Pegula.
  16. I remember that as a gift to the rest of the division dan Marino kept Tom Olivadotti employed for a decade. It will be quite an accomplishment for our DL to keep Hackett employed.
  17. The earliest you can cut a second rounder is training camp year two.
  18. I liked the way he immediately labeled the outcome yesterday as nothing more than an empty win. Shows he gets it at the end of the day. A Marrone-head would turn the pats game into a puff piece about first winning record in a decade. He may throw in extra Marrone copy because of his audience but at the same time he isn't afraid to slam Marrone for his failures.
  19. Sammy not getting his yards makes Whaley look bad not Marrone
  20. Mario Williams deserves any credit. Contract did not make sense but he made it work by playing great and staying healthy. Everything would have broken down to disrepair if he pulled even half a Haynesworth.
  21. Though the mad bomber did win two league MVPs after we traded him away for a song, he's not in the Hall of Fame like Lynch will be. That would make him the second worst trade in franchise history.
  22. Have to give the Seahawks credit for finding this superbowl formula. Load up on d and put in an low cost QB who is able to make yards consistently in unconventional ways.
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